I don't have the attention span to watch the Comey testimony.
Anything happening? Seems like nothing so far -- maybe he's saving the good stuff for the classified hearing.
Basically, all the Libshits were so sure this would reveal Russian collusion, when in reality it's revealed there was none. Comey's testimony helped Trump instead of hurt him.
Nah. Impeachment looks less likely now.
shitload of nothingburgers
just like the last 6 months.
It was very boring
Even CBS admitting it already.
"No corrupt intend, no pressure to stop investigation. But frustrated pres. with a bad character prone to lying."
"On the legal front Trump got help today, but not on the character front"
Hot steamy nothingburger
This guy is spinning it. Sorry, you're wrong. Not impeachable but he is far from being in the clear for criminal activity and frankly to conclude that it was nothing at all without being part of the classified session just goes to show your own and your movements ignorance.
Nope, this backfired hard on the libs.
No, in fact he's less likely than ever
r/politics pls go.
they are still going to spin it as obstruction of justice, because retards
Germancuck at least be intellectually honest.
you're wrong. Comey admitted to leaking classified info, perjury, obstruction of justice.
the democrats got a turd jammed in their throats today
him, along with lynch should be going to jail based on his testimony today but i doubt anything will happen
It is nothing. We still have his back and he's not going anywhere.
There's also this but I'm sure since the media are the only people who matter it will be forgotten.
i'm sorry i have to explain this to an american, but trump can tell comey to do whatever he wants to do and it's fully within his powers to exercise his will here however he wants.
only congress can remove/impeach a president, and as per the testimony today, trump has actually been very, very reserved and careful in his use of his powers
Negative, negative. It didn't go in.
It just impacted on the surface.
This guys really spinning it
It's literally nothing
Anyone who says anything remotely different to that is a paid shill
Support a mobster who was elected with the help of a foreign government (THOUGH NOT DIRECTLY) still makes you an unpatriotic cuck but it's not going to get much further.
Trump lied to Muricans several times.
Trump downplays Russia.
Russia election involvement is a 100% fact.
Trump indeed "hoped" Comey would stop investigation.
Comey risks everything by leaking it.
Don't listen to damage control dwebs.
It was a nothing burger, dumbo.
Comey exonerated Trump more than anything on the legal front and even confirmed Fake news regarding reports with alleged insider sources, classified material etc. by cnn, nyt et al.
He actually put Lynch into the hotseat more than Trump
And it wasn't nothing we found NYTIMES published A FAKE ARTICLE that is nothing. There has been a lot of wrong doing on both sides.
He can't comment on the specifics of on going investigations, which is the big shit.
all this testimony was about was Comeys relationship with Trump.
Comey said under oath Trump is a liar, that was funny
Whatever you want to believe. Don't you ever get tired of listening to Bill Mitchell?
>this autismo is already here calling everyone else unpatriotic
I didn't realize you would be enacting damage control so soon
*Never listen to spanish communists
that he thinks he is a liar* He specifed that he didnt know him well enough
Exact same thing can be said about you. Dweeb.
Kiss my ass faggot. I care about this country and the people who are from it. I want to defend my country from globalist pieces of shit who want to flood our nation with foreigners who hate us and take away all of our rights in favor of stupid bullshit like faggot rights and putting niggers on pedestals.
You don't give a single fuck about your countrymen and you side with the same pieces of shit who burn our flag, spit on our soldiers' graves, and can never shut up about how much they hate our country.
Go fuck yourself you worthless communist nigger.
>hur dur no YOU
Glad that's what your argument boils down to cunt, go start of a dossier thread seeing as your continual shilling for this hearing lead to nothing.
>Not impeachable but he is far from being in the clear for criminal activity
kind of like your mom when I paid her to cum in her hair last night?
I don't follow, i am afraid.
But nice "attack" on character instead of the matter. Really mature.
The basic Gestalt
>Trump was never under investigation
>Trump never interfered in any investigations
>Comey was the one leaking shit to the Press
>There is absolutely nothing to suggest that Votes were interfered with by Russians
>Lynch colluded with the Clinton campaign and influenced Comey not to recommend charges against Clinton
>Trump keeps winning
>New York Times called out by name as Fake News
>CNN called out as fake news
>Democrats mad as hell
It was amazing.
Friendly reminder it's the same autismo that always devolves into posting that. He posts multiple impeachment threads a day and used to post dossier threads all the time.
>your movements
smack talk isn't a movement
what I did in your mom's mouth last night is a movement
>New York Times called out by name as Fake News
>CNN called out as fake news
By who?
When both parties agree there was russian interference how do you conclude
>There is absolutely noting to suggest that votes were interfered with by Russians
Seriously, Comey's entire testimony amounted to him being uncomfortable and not liking how the President was communicating with him, and how he felt was was improper conduct. He flat out says as clear as can be that Trump did nothing illegal.
Comey himself. Comey was asked several questions about stories reported by News outlets, NYT by name, and one CNN article in particular. He said unequivocally that they were entirely false.
>a mobster
mob wants nothing to do with the guy
they tried to kill him in the 80s
he's never gonna be impeached. he's the great white hope.
:) sticks and stones
Oh shit. This is huge!
Risch: "Boy you nailed this down on page 5 paragraph 3, you put this in quotes, words matter, you wrote down the words so we could all have the words in front of us now. There are 28 words there that are in quotes and it says, 'I hope', this is the President speaking, 'I hope you can see your way claer to letting this go, to letting Flynn go...I hope you can let this go.'"
"Now those are his exact words, is that correct"
Comey: "Correct."
Risch: "And you wrote them here and you put them in quotes?"
Comey: "Correct."
Risch: "Thank you for that. He did not direct you to let it go."
Comey: "Not in his words, no."
Risch: "He did not order you to let it go."
Comey: "Again, those words are not an order."
Risch: "He said 'I hope'. Now, like me you probably did 100's of cases, maybe 1,000s of cases charging people with criminal offenses. And, of course, you have knowlege of the 1,000s of cases out there where people have been charged. Do you know of any case where a person has been charged for obstruction of justice, for that matter of any other criminal offense, where they said or thought they hoped for an outcome?"
Comey: "I don't know well enough to answer. And the reason I keep saying 'his words' is I took it as a direction..."
Risch: "You may have taken it as a direction but that is not what he said. He said, 'I hope.' You don't know of anyone who has ever been charged for hoping something, is that a fair statement?"
Comey: "I don't as I sit here."
No. In fact, Democrats probably hate Comey even more now.
"Interference" does not mean vote rigging. Vote rigging is the most base form of election interference.
Putin putting up the Strong Man front and saber rattling was interference for example. He was playing on the perception by the American public that a Clinton presidency meant War with Russia.
But hes right. Read the official reports the intelligence have released and dont just rely on the media. There is absolutely nothing there so far.
By comey himself.
Comey was asked "is this report from x on date y correct?" Answer: no.
He also said that reports from the media with alleged insider sources and classified leaked info are very often very wrong and fake .
don't make me launch the F16s
He said he wrote down their conversations because he knew Trump would lie about it. The White House also lied about the reason he was let go saying "He lost the confidence of the agency".
What this established was the Trump attempted to influence an independent investigation, and when Comey refused to do what he wanted, he was fired
This is a men only board, head over to /soc/
he also said unequivocally that trump lied (ad verbatim).
How does know what Hillary and the DNC did make anyone a cuck for voting Trump? Hillary received money from multiple foreign governments and her campaign manager was directly receiving money from Russia.
If anything every Democrat who voted is a cuck. Bernie voters because they sat and watched their candidate get fucked by another and did nothing. Hillary voters because of your definition of cuck being a mobster receiving help from foreign governments.
even better comey admitted being the leaker
Because if you watched the testimony, Comey flat out said the votes were not compromised.
No it was never going to happen.
Libtards have such a hard on to get him out they will grasp at any straw they can.
which only makes his presidency more enjoyable.
I don't even support the guy but watching the Cucks go into a full melt down when he does any thing gives me many lulz.
That's a quote I've not heard in a long time.
Eventually impeachment is inevitable, yes
Ignore the Drumpf shills ITT, when he's finally gone they'll FINALLY fuck off from Sup Forums and we'll be back to dealing with the usual swarmfront shills
> he can't comment on on going investigations
Because he knows nothing about them, because he spends his days in the unemployment lines after he burned both political parties
The only new thing we learned is that Comey himself leaked his memos to the press.
Everything else was just rehashing stuff we already knew.
Nobody asked Comey about Seth Rich. The FBI has his computer-they know he was the Wikileaks source and Comey met with Kim DotCom in New Zealand. Since he still was pretending it was Russia believe only one thing-Comey is a corrupted liar who works for the criminal cabal of the deep State. Everything else he says is suspect.
I didn't even need to wait for the Comey hearing to know that Trump wasn't getting impeached. Even if he was found guilty of interfering he'd carry on past the 2018 midterms at very least. The GOP can't afford for Trump to be impeached or resign before the midterms as it would make it more difficult to hold their majority in the Senate and House especially with anti-gerrymandering laws popping up all over the states.
No. He'll remain president until the midterms, after that the GOP was probably boot him out and have Pence take over.
>Ignore them and politically incorrect will go back to being politically correct
>nothing burger
at one point in your life you had never heard this word. then you decided that you liked the way it sounded and figured you'd try it on for size. you spoke it or more likely typed it for the very first time and a wave a self-satisfaction washed over you. "this is me, now" you thought. I talk like this now. I'm one of them too. We are all us now.
Clinton said she would shoot down russian planes. By your logic everything a politician ever said interfered with the election
This is literally all you need to take away from this /thread
Keep grasping at those straws.
Man, Based McCain's psychotic senile nonsense completely took the wind out of reddit's sails:
They completely ignore what propaganda is.
Propaganda is bias information designed to influence your decisions, and Comey said it was absolutely certain the Russians actively worked to influence American society.
If you decided in the past few months "Putin is an excellent leader" you are exhibit A.
Russia is a shit place to live and the Russian government is just a mafia racket. Go shoot some krokadil
Did you miss the entire Comey testimony? He made it 100x worse for impeachment. I bet you were a remain voter. Haha.
Came here to post this.
Totally true, but they were his own unclassified memos right? So it's not like he wasn't allowed to.
Fuck off Shartblue
It's a meme from the election coverage, you literal autist. Every pundit and their mother on every news channel used it regarding a multitude of topics: Clinton's health, her E-Mails, pussygate etc .
Why Trump hire Flynn? It seems like Flynn is the main thorn in his side? Why hire a guy when you were told by EVERYBODY (including Obama no less) that Flynn has bad Russian connections?
He left them unclassified on purpose. Very slick - clearly he remembers a lot from his days as an attorney
You're right, Comey didn't do what he wanted. Trump wanted him to go out and say what should have been said and out in public that he was not personally under investigation.
>By your logic everything a politician ever said interfered with the election
And I'd be right. That's literally what Foreign Relations is. That's how you influence foreign elections, by way of threats, words and actions. Not by vote rigging. Well, you vote rigg shitty third world mudfarmers but not advanced nations.
That fine because they are Americans NOT paid Russians.
That's not "his logic" at all, we are upset because it's about the sovereignty of our democratic system
You are right man, but you are also wrong. I voted for Trump BECAUSE Hillary said she wanted to go to war with Russia.
I want the US to get out of War.
>inb4 Trump is going to thrust us into war
Hillary campaigned on the idea she was going to start a war. Trump didn't.
I laughed when they called the New York Times fake. The fact that it's now out in open records and will be forever archived, is nothing short of a win in itself for today.
Nigger this was the public hearing. The classified hearing is a 1 PM. TRUMPTARDS BTFO. It's about time someone extinguish this Trumpster Fire. Kill yourself faggot.
this leaf gets it, eat shit dems, msm and cucks
>I can't wait until the unmasking charges start dropping, the left is about to get a graduate education in laws>>feels
Probably not for at least two more years. The Dem can make a lot of hay with a loose cannon like Trump racking up the criminal charges and indictments. He's single-handedly destroying the Republican Party from within
Which apperently is not connected to Trump.
It's a general problem.
not to mention the SCOTUS backing Trump's authority on the travel ban
Abu Ivanka is toast. He needs to be gone. Mike Pence will be much less embarrassing president.
That would be a completely irresponsible decision for the following reason: Its an on going investigation.
Why shouldn't he go out and clear Trumps name?
Because he doesn't know for a fact in the future the investigation wouldn't put Trump under direct scrutiny.
He would be going back and forth, the FBI would be putting out conflicting information, and all you guys would of called it fake.
Honestly, probably not based on this.
Comey is too much of a good boy (TM) to shit on Trump publicly. I respect it but it's annoying.This hearing made it clear to me that pretty much everything Comey has gotten shit for he did so purely out a sense of duty. He is basically a real-life version of Hank Hill.
Trump called Comey a nut job. I have to admit, he was a lot more sensible and reasonable than I thought he'd be.
It was nothing. Liberals are retarded and allowed the mainstream media to convince them that a public hearing on firing an executive official would be some kind of exciting game of thrones scene.
It was kinda refreshing in this day and age
No, he did it because he's a pussy who was too intimidated by Trump to tell him when he thought Trump was doing something inappropriate. If he'd just had some balls the entire thing would have been avoided.