Pol my daughter just got raped by a s**tskin. several of the policemen investigating this are fathers of her friends...

pol my daughter just got raped by a s**tskin. several of the policemen investigating this are fathers of her friends. I am afraid word will spread and no self respecting man will want to touch her. what the fuck do i do? Fucking help me, im on the verge of crying. is she ruined forever?


>raising a daughter
You're a cuck and nothing could have saved you

Are you and your wife both white?
>inb4 """"white"""" heespanic

>implying she didn't beg for that BBC

It's over, she's used goods. Might as well make her marry the rapist now as according to Islamic law, she's never gonna get anything better.

Now you have to rape her to get her back.

She fucked him and regretted it
Every man who wants to marry your daughter will be marrying a girl who racemixed

Find out where the nigger lives. Kill him and his entire family.

Enjoy the little niglet she's gonna push out of ruined cunt, it's your fault she was around them to begin with. You should have laid down the law but you didnt, now go buy some diapers for your grandson Tyrone.

>I am afraid word will spread and no self respecting man will want to touch her.

Guess you gotta honor kill her


Yea shes ruined prolly has the AIDS

Why the family?

>having children
That was your first mistake.

Um because they are NIGGERS

why stop at one?
They only tack on an additional year for each extra body

Send her to a nunnery

stop being racist and give your daughter to him

You can only redeem her if you personally kill the shit.

Um so what? They have the same rights as you?
You shouldn't kill people for existing
Maybe if you weren't angry all the time you would have freinds

stone her

Post pics of daughters ravaged pussy

yo dog if i could get a rape victim gf that would be fucking amazing


Hate to break it to you OP she wasn't raped she wanted that BBC she was begging for it. You're a horrible parent you should probably off yourself.

Cool story bro


I'm not non white I race mix with whites and vote against white interests and this is socially acceptable
Unlike you, your an outcast and the only people you can hang out with are other antisocial losers

Congratulations, edgy 12-year-old dad.

>my daughter just got raped
>better hit tha 4chins XD

l2type LOLOL xD

>random girl gets raped in Europe
>Sup Forums goes apeshit and mourns the los
>Sup Forumsack's daughter gets raped in América
>Sup Forums laughs and blames the girl and her dad


Proof or fuck off
Stop replying to shit threads
If mods had any balls they would ban everyone ITT

You have to kill her to restore both her honor and that of your family. Check the Quran for guidance.

That's because it's abnormal in Europe, while the US is at 56% white, no shit you're going to get cucked by a nigger at least once on your lifetime as a burger

Kill the shitskin and put his head on a stake in the village square.

>Proof or fuck off
This, timestap daughter and post

>Daughter gets raped
>Father wants to cry and post a whiny complain on Sup Forums like a little bitch


if this is real(probably not)

i'm very sorry to hear.
have DNA testing done immediately and pursue all legal possibilities.
get her into therapy soon.
all is not lost.

>What is sage?
Kill yourself I'll reply all I want

Odd topic to larp about. Do you have rape fantasies user? What are you a fucking female or something? You are an absolute flaming cock pocket. To be succinct I dislike your kind.

Sentence 3 was where this larp fell apart - it's self-evident all you'd have to do here is move to a new town. 2/10.

Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

>Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

>Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

>Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

>Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

>Hurr shitposting is so fun durr

What is sages are disabled on Sup Forums you dumbass?

Implying that I'm shitposting.
Guess what, I'm not. Fucking american bitches...