>Diane Abbott conveniently diagnosed with "crippling incompetentitis" and temporarily stands down as Shadow Home Secretary bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-40184826
Reminder that both main parties love uncontrolled migration. The Tories want to fuck us over with immigration for business interests youtube.com/watch?v=sdZp5iw-UEo Labour want to fuck everyone over because of "muh immigrants" youtube.com/watch?v=vSTeXX8fMIY Reminder that both main parties will give us a shit deal with europe. Reminder that both main parties will ensure that immigration stays at least in the high 200k range for years to come. Reminder that both main parties are dedicated to Orwellian levels of spying on this countries citizens. Reminder that both main parties will keep us part of the European Arrest Warrant, meaning out citizens can be dragged before foreign courts. Reminder that both of the main party leaders campaigned to keep us in the EU. Reminder that both main parties support abortion.
Reminder that the status quo wont change if you keep fucking voting for it.