ISIS threatens Serbs and Croats with terror

>Sandniggers think it is a good idea to hit the hornets nest

Pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

>ISIS mistakes Slavs for western Europeans
>Gets their shit pushed in


Time to get dust off the accordeons ...

So the kebab removal revival is near?

Also Balkan classics thread

>Even ISIS doesn't like the Albanians


Bosnia partitioned between Croatia and Serbia when?

Šta si upravo rekao o meni,ti mala kucko?Ima da znaš da sam završio ka najbolji u mom razredu u Najvi Selsova i bio sam ukljucen u mnogim tajnim napadima na Al-Qaidu i imam preko 300 potvrdenih ubistava.Treniran sam u gorila ratovanju i najbolji snajper u celoj SAD vojsci.Ti si ništa za mene sem još jedne mete.Izbrisacu te jebeno sa preciznošcu koji nikada nije bila videna na Zemlji,zapamti moje jebene reci.Misliš da se možeš izvuci sa tim sranjem preko interneta?Misli opet,jebacu.Dok pricamo,kontaktiram svoju tajnu mrežu špijuna preko celog SAD i tvoja Ip adresa locira,tako da se bolji pripremi za oluju,crve.Oluja koja briše ono što ti zoveš svojim jadnim malim životom.Jebeno si mrtav,klinac.Mogu biti bilo gde,bilo kada i mogu te ubiti na stotine nacina i to samo sa mojim golim šakama.Ne samo što sam ekstenzivno treniran u nenauružanoj borbi,nego imam ceo arsenal SAD marinaca i iskoristicu ga u punom kapacitetu da izbrišem tvoje jadno dupe sa kontinenta,sranje malo.Da si samo znao kakvu nesvetu osveti ce tvoj mali "pametan" komentar sruši na tebe,možda bi držao svooj jebeni jezik za zubima.Ali nisi mogao,i nisi i sada ceš platiti cenu,prokleti idiote.Isracu bes po tebi i ti ceš se udaviti u njemu.Jebeno su mrtav,klinjo.

That's a good way to get your local muslims killed, down to the last man

This time we fight together.

So susjedi, how does this threat make you feel? Do you think it has any legitimacy behind it or is it more empty threats? Imho, a terror attack would fuck our economy pretty hard

I love that language. I have about 20 Serb spoken songs on my mp3 and I have no fucking clue what they are saying.

Who the fuck cares about balkans?

It would fuck up your economy, but I can't see how the rest of the region could get worse.
I do understand most of it, they have a great sense of humor.

Pogrom time?

[muffled accordion music feat. 2Pac]

Pres S to spit on mass grave of ISIS members.

they're getting really uppity, aren't they, they must really think that all "kuffar" are the same.

we could easily wipe out the kosovo albanians in a month and the bosnians. If niggers in rawanda could slaughter 800,000 in that time period, im sure we could do much better with our superior weapons.

the real problem is nato who would come in to bomb us just like in the late 90s

Now, now. Just because we're admiring the balkans tits doesn't mean yours are any less special to us.

Nato will be radically different next year when all of those parasites will pay their fair share.

It's about time for the white race to unite. western europe is pretty much lost at this point. Eastern Europe and Balkan might be our only hope of saving our white race and countries.