I expect loyalty from my employees. Its what any normal person would expect.
Why are liberals so fucking delusional?
I expect loyalty from my employees. Its what any normal person would expect.
Why are liberals so fucking delusional?
Other urls found in this thread:
You just answered your own question mate
>I expect loyalty from my employees.
You don't understand what a public servant is, do you? He is our employee.
You picked a poor picture for your statement.... you don't ask for loyalty from someone meant to be impartial and defend the law and constitution. This fantasy about "employees" in the federal gov being relatable to private enterprise is childish.
>comparing a government with a company
Literally a libtard tier argument.
>Director of the FBI
>An 'employee' of the President
President does not mean king. Separation of powers is a thing. If the President breaks the law, he needs to be held accountable.
I'm assuming as a Britbong you're too underage to remember Blair being investigated by the police.
case closed
Comey was Trump's employee. Trump is our employee.
>If the President breaks the law
Then find some evidence that he did, fuckwit.
This is entirely what this whole process is about. Don't get angry at others because your personality cult hero isn't infaliable.
You are incorrect. Show me a law, or document, or statement of any kind that says that the Head of the FBI is the President's employee.
The director of the FBI is absolutely an employee of the president
Are you retarded
Loyalty 101 to you left wing lunatics:
If you hire someone, you expect them to do what they are told to the best of their ability
NOT stab in you in the back and sell out your businesses secrets to competitors
>Don't get angry at others because your personality cult hero isn't infaliable.
Well he must be, because there was no evidence of wrongdoing discovered today, or prior.
They don't think that Trump was Comey's boss. They also think that we're the boss of Trump after he became the boss.
756% delusionals. That's not how it works.
Compared to most presidents, Trump is positively squeaky clean.
His biggest scandal is two scoops.
The FBI director should be loyal to the law, not the president. For reference see Watergate!
>If the President breaks the law
But that didn't happen, comey went out of his way to make sure Trump can't do his job and he got caught on it.
Loyalty doesn't entail being somebody's personal slave, he just wants comey to stop being a cunt and trying to sabotage his administration at every turn and corner for no reason.
Sorry I pay zero attention to politics but didn't this all start because of the DNC hack?
Who inspected the servers for clues? Did the FBI or CIA find anything to lock in this was Russia?
president appoints him deemed fit, comey un/fit/
>Loyalty doesn't entail being somebody's personal slave, he just wants comey to stop being a cunt and trying to sabotage his administration at every turn and corner for no reason.
This explains it better than I said it. Thanks
>NOT stab in you in the back and sell out your businesses secrets to competitors
What the fuck are you talking about? Trump is looking for yes men, Comey said fuck off, and Trump flipped his shit over it. What secrets were being sold?
appointees of the executive are loyal to the COUNTRY and CONSTITUTION, not the President.
They literally cannot accept that "the crazy Hitler orange clown" is completely wiping the floor with them. They're literally seeing collusion, puppetry, treason, etc.,where there isn't any.
This is what happens when you are blue-pilled... you're left pretty much retarded when your understanding of reality comes into question.
asking for 'loyalty' is morally questionable
Trump is an idiot for asking that directly to Comey
Even a mob boss would have used a middle man to do such a thing
Trump was clearly putting pressure on Comey
Calling Comey personally to invite him for dinner was the most clumsy thing to do, Trump was trying to groom Comey, be kind with him, that to obtain 'loyalty'
Trump thinks that kind of method is suitable to Politics, it is not, it shouldn't even be suitable for business
Trump is not fit for Presidency
Why are republicans so fucking delusional?
Don't they see why it's important that the president not interfere with ongoing russian collusion investigations?
>Why are liberals so fucking delusional?
Because delusion is all they have left
>Trump is positively squeaky clean.
>implying a russian whore's urine would be sterile
Obama corrupted and politicized every department of the US government. It's vital that no one loyal to Trump gets in, otherwise they will all go to jail.
Loyalty to Trump is not the same thing as loyalty to the Government. They are almost complete opposites, lately.
Appoints =/= hires. Even a moron like you should be able to understand this. He absolutely had the right to deem him unfit, but that's not what we're talking about.
It's especially amazing when you consider that Obama and the alphabet soup have been monitoring him for the last two years. They cannot get ANYTHING.
Trump is a god amongst men in that regard.
Don't bother, you're talking to someone who gets a hard on for an all-powerful leader.
>>Calling Comey personally to invite him for dinner was the most clumsy thing to do, Trump was trying to groom Comey, be kind with him, that to obtain 'loyalty'
>>Trump thinks that kind of method is suitable to Politics, it is not, it shouldn't even be suitable for business
>>Trump is not fit for Presidency
This is truth. Anybody here who can't see this is a true idiot.
>Separation of powers
The FBI is part of the executive branch. The president is the executive.
You are literally retarded.
>MFW Comey openly admitted that he was the one leaking shit to the press
>MFW Not-So-Little Rubio tore him a new asshole
I'd suck Rubio's dick after that. No homo.
uh police officers are supposed to be loyal to the law, not to politicians.
>putting pressure on someone to actually do their job is bad
What's wrong with your brain? Separation of powers is not the same thing as checks and balances.
The FBI had NO PHYSICAL ACCESS to the DNC hardware and was only given specific data dumps gathered by a third party.
Are you satisfied with Trump's work so far?
Please vote here
Trump fired Comey because Comey wouldn't drop the investigation into Trump
That's obstruction of justice and grounds for impeachment
You're not even trying, shill. Holy shit dude. Get better at your job. Stop being shit at it.
>splitting hairs
fuck off
Because they have no meaning of loyalty. They don't do things that authentically bond them with other humans.
They don't work dangerous trades.
They don't join the infantry or tryout for special operations units.
Their romantic relationships are not based on love, compassion, and the desire to start a family; but are outlets for their own codependent, unhinged nerouses, and degenerate sexual fetishes.
They're not involved with their community and see no reason to work for it's betterment.
They eat each other alive at every available opportunity.
Because in the USA we don't have to be loyal to a Queen, we have to be loyal to our great country. That's why the FBI have to be independent and they shouldn't give a single fuck about what the POTUS wants.
But you would probably never understand that because you are a retarded Britbong. Enjoy your CCTVs, faggot.
Comey literally testified that Trump was never under investigation, and that he was fired because he wouldn't release that information to the public.
We used to lobotomize you chimps.
Thanks reagan.
Trump: "Are you a bro? Would you fuck Melania if I weren't looking?"
Comey: "I don't know. I'll be friendly."
Trump: "So, you're not a bro?"
Comey: "I'll be friendly like a distant cousin."
Trump: "You're fired."
Trump wanted a bro. Comey hung out with beta male libcucks too long.
if he wasn't his employee why could he fire him?
Trump asked Comey to stop doing his Job when he tried to have Comey spare Mochael Flynn
8/8 g8 b8 m8.
I know this is a foreign concept for your Trump-riddled mind, but words actually have dedicated meanings. Shocking, I know.
What branch of government does the FBI fall under?
>inb4 IC
Wrong. Read something other than HuffPo you hopelessly underinformed ikea nigger
Why didn't you answer my questions? Because you can't?
Your right, it's a corporation a little more complicated
the sheer lengths trumpsters are going to defend this shit is fucking ridiculous. you're a fucking embarrassment.
Alright, I'll admit it. I voted for Trump. There. I said it.
But now? Now? After watching Comey's testimony? Wow. I'm horrified. I'm literally shaking.
I can't in good conscience support someone who PRESSURED the FBI director to drop the Russia investigation.
That's the last straw for me. I'm voting for Hillary and the democratic party next time. I can't believe i said it, but there it is. The level of corruption is just horrifying.
Impeach Trump now
>words have meaning
>President is in charge of the EXECUTIVE branch
Glad you agree, shill
FBI is part of the executive branch. President appoints FBI director. FBI director serves at the leisure of the president.
you have to go back
>he didn't check the ID
Oh, so new.
The loyalty test was important.
If Trump asked him to hunt down illegals, would Comey do it?
Would he go libcuck and claim he wasn't going after sanctuary cities or libcuck mayors?
Trump needs an FBI director who would enforce the law on Democrat mayors who don't enforce federal immigration laws.
It would be the FBI who would be in charge of investigating and arresting these politicians.
Yeah I'm not sure why I'm bothering to address any troll here.
No its you liberals who are so delusional comparing Trump as the "next Hitler" and shit. He's doing everything he can to make America great again and you subhumans just won't cut him some slack.
Because they wouldn't know loyalty if it emptied an AK-47 into their chests. All liberals care about is themselves.
Sup Forums always has and always will be a teflon don board ypu play by the rules of this thing of ours or you are not welcome here
True, Trump wasn't directly under investigation. It was the Flynn investigation Trump wanted to force Comey to drop. That's also obstruction of justice.
shut the fuck up you stupid fat niggermutt.
americans really are all fat retards. go back to walmart you shitstain.
>try to troll
>fail horribly
>aha I didn't want to play anyway!~
>The FBI should be loyal to the president instead of the American people
Fuck all the way off Trump shill
Not only that. The FBI, CIA, NSA etc all serve at the pleasure of the executive branch. They are not "independent" and were never intended to be. They are the enforcement arm of the executive, the President.
Trump could literally fire all agents tomorrow, and that would be legal.
you seem upset.
"I hope" != force
Comey could have told Trump to fuck off right then and there, but as he testified, he's a coward.
>immediately raise taxes on the middle class and then tries to pass massive tax cuts for the rich.
>making america great again
pick one
>>the sheer lengths trumpsters are going to defend this shit is fucking ridiculous. you're a fucking embarrassment.
Yup, trumpsters are mentally ill.
This. It's obvious he needs to be impeached for acting like Hitler. "Demand loyalty" WTF? What's next, Auschwitz?
That's not what happened you retard. Comey refused to say Trump wasn't under investigation publicly even though he had privately.
>Trump using a legal private server as all passed presidents did
>biliary using a hackable unknown private server off the grid is the same.
Dumbasses everywhere
Are you retarded? The president is the head of the executive branch, which the FBI operates under. He's literally an employee of the executive branch. The FBI isn't its own branch, it doesn't get to be independent. That's not how the US government works.
british cockneys are literally dumber than American niggers, and that says alot.
dont forget that trump asked for some retarded loyalty pledge like he was the fucking pope or a king.
you seem like youve got a large black phallus stuck in your throat
I thought people working for the government were loyal only to the law and constitution. Because you know pledging loyalty to a man is something dictators do.
He basically was testing him to see if he was loyal to America. As in would he go after Trump, Coney went all bitch mode and said no. So Trump fired him. Not that hard to understand what happened
Aren't you banned from the internet yet?
In a sense he did tell Trump to fuck off, as he didn't drop the investigation. Because of this, Trump fired Comey. And now Comey is indirectly telling Trump to fuck off yet again by testifying before congress.
asking for loyalty, specifically asking to stop an investigation and then firing the guy not granting you that, that is literally obstruction of justice and the two facts are connected, by the president's own words
no. thats not what he said at all. he was asking for a pledge of personal loyalty. thats not the fbi directors job. the fbi shouldnt be shelving investigations for political favor.
Trump didnt hire Comey
Trump isnt ceo of the company works at
Trump doesnt pay comey's salary
the fbi director has a 10yr term specifically to avoid possible conflicts of interests of feeling bound to a given administration
you're embarassing yourself
Wow, when you put it that way Trump clearly did nothing wrong. I'm convinced!
Loyalty to office and not the person, you degenerate
>Wah rich people make money it's not fair!
>trump raises taxes on middle class
>lying on the internet
Are you dense? Coney even testified that the president asked would you go after me and he said no. He asked he could come out and tell everyone what he told Congress and Trump, which was that he wasn't under investigation. He said no.
He basically showed he was bought and paid for, and the fact he was leaking news to the press that happened to be misinterpreted seems fishy as fuck. Coney was intimidated by Trump and Trump fired him. Isn't that a good thing, do you want the head of the fbi to be initiated by the president? Stop reading news headlines and watch what he said
Pledge allegiance to the constitution basically involved you as the executive acknowledging that you're Trumps bitch.
this, my jacked user, is why america is different than GB.
an oath of office to the constitution precludes personal loyalty pledges. it's kind of what defines the democracy, mate.