Daily reminder the AltRight is not real White Nationalism and Jewish controlled.
Only NS paganism can save us
AltKike is
>pro homo
>anti woman
>worships Trump
>has Jews in it such as weave and manlets like Anglin
Daily reminder the AltRight is not real White Nationalism and Jewish controlled.
Only NS paganism can save us
AltKike is
>pro homo
>anti woman
>worships Trump
>has Jews in it such as weave and manlets like Anglin
Other urls found in this thread:
True. I also am awaiting the reawakening of National Socialism.
Trump is a neo-liberal Zionist demagogue.
>pro homo
>anti woman
>worships Trump
We have Christians and Europagans.
>has Jews in it such as weave and manlets like Anglin
Name me a jew
Man you are salty, what for I wonder?
Mad a sissyboy like Dick Spencer beat you to the punch?
Oh look it's this fag again.
Weev is an unquestionable hero
>pro homo
Yeah like Hitler never had homos in his party. Not a massive issue compared to to other shit we face
>anti woman
All I see on here are posts against woman voting because they've been brainwashed into supporting globalism. Not an issue since I want to be rid of democracy anyway so nobody will be voting really
>worships trump
Ok yeah too many people suck his dick on here but he has done a pretty good job pissing off our enemies
That's a big divide on here and about 3/4 of the christcucks seem to be fucking LARPing because crusades
>has Jews in it
I agree the Jews need to gonfromnyje movement however it's going to be a long time before anyone can actually name the Jew and not instantly lose almost all support
A lot of the original NSDAP media people were manlets. As long as they're white and they're doing the job of propaganda bringing people to our cause.
How can anyone read this and doubt weev. Op, write something superior to this and I'll follow you into battle. Until then weev has my sword.
Everyone please read this. Remind yourself what we're fighting for. WE ARE ON THE SIDE OF GOD. JEWS ARE LITERALLY SATAN.
That flag
I dont think it means what you think it means