Tell me, Sup Forums, which one looks like the bad guy

Tell me, Sup Forums, which one looks like the bad guy...
Which one looks like the bad one
This shouldn't be difficult

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Left obviously, but they also look more /fa/

Brits look like they're going to summercamp

The left only looks like the bad guys because nearly all bad guys in media have been based off them.

You are comparing the SS (not part of the german army) with common soldiers. Idiot

These are german sodiers.

The British look like children. Did their mummies pack a sack lunch for them in case they get hungry on the battlefield?

Right side looks like the bad guy.
>weak uniforms
>country doesn't care about them
>probably controlled by capitalists
>probably academically Marxist
>undignified despite being English

>OP thinks Prussian Militarism is bad
Everything but Germany can most easily be defined as Africa

now show pictures of german SOLDIERS in north africa.

I can tell who are the best dressers.

T H I S .

Shit argument considering we killed hundreds of millions of subhumans dressed like this

That Security Service Chief is actually Putin on a deep undercover KGB sting to hack the Nazi election. Super bad guy.




The one that's not a fellow countryman to the writer/illustrator.

doesnt look like a bad guy to me, just another young schmuck caught up in a crazy world.

>anti terror units have to look life pacifists
Taiwan disagrees with you

Leather face and his merry men.


nobody. everyone served their countries interest on bulletpoint.


Only the high ranking Nazi officers wore such uniforms and with good reason too. If you were a normal German infantryman, French citizen or jew; which uniform would be more likely to command your respect and strike fear into your heart?
Say what you want about Nazi Germany but they had mad style

I'd kill for an authentic SS officer outfit. Too bad they cost over 100k.

The fucking brits, who wears shorts to a war? You're not a god damned mailman.

I used to look at books like these all the time as a kid. What are they called? "Military uniforms encyclopedia". I want to add a few to my personal collection.

What i was going to say

Those on the right
>shorts with long socks
>those teeth
>this fucking jumpsuit
>that comical looking helmet
First they kill the fashion, then they kill everyone you love.


>calling someone else subhuman

oh the ironing

We've had almost 100 years of propaganda in the form of the media to make us form our opinions of what good and evil look like.
You are a fool who falls for programming.

African and Pacific campaigns, go read a youtube video.


Finnish WWII gear is exact same as the German gear.

There is no "bad guy" dumbass
We aren't kids for this "good guy vs bad guy" crap
In any case,they where all equally bad

tfw the average Sup Forums user is much more racist than the Wehrmacht ever was

Oy vey keep sticking to the "good guys" and "bad guys" WW2 narrative when it was simply killing off white people and anyone who didn't like commies.

Good goy and enjoy multiculturalism.

they never had to live with niggers, ahmed.

They would be too if they lived in our time.

>empty emotional marxist arguments typical of anyone who isnt concerned with white genocide
>the thread


the ones with tiny little skulls on their uniform

Racist is a marxist terminogy constructed post war by social scientists, no one called Hitler a racist.


How do you "look like the bad guy"? Isn't judging people by their appearance a little racist?

>constructed post war by social scientists
Post first world war*
Trotsky played a role in it.

The Angelo obviously.

It looks like the Empire vs the Rebel Alliance.

It was created in the 1970s or something.

Its not difficult.

Really? Why'd I think it was coined in late 1910s to mid 1920s?

I thought it was a post commie revolution word.


>nazi's look like badguys because badguys are made to look like nazi's

FUCKING Hell the nazis are so stylish

The guys on the right fought to annihilate their own nation eighty years down the line.

It was a word used in politics in the 1970s.

Just remember that the Brits were ready for a big hard Hitler cock in the ass until Americans saved you little twats. We never should have saved shit! And FUCK the queen too.

I know that. I was just making the point that just because Soros imports all this trash to Europe it doesn't mean that every non-white all over the world is our enemy. In fact most of our real enemies are white or at least they pretend they are.

Clearly the right side

The faggot in the shorts

Looks like we're both wrong.

Don't those limit eyesight in a way that makes them more dangerous to wear than not?

The man in the grey coat, I wouldn't speak ill of the gentlemen in black or tan colours, that would be pretty stupid to judge them based on how they look.

The one that imports millions of shitskins to displace native populations in the name of globalism and diversity


>brits depicted as cheerful and friendly, having a bit of banter among themselves
>germans look like aloof models with no interaction whatsoever

The one wearing shorts, there's no excuse to look that homo.


Hitler was never called racist

No, no he was not.

I wasn't disputing that. I'm just saying that it isn't a post-war thing.

obvs the fag in the shorts.

The fucking spoon ahahahahahhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe tehehehehehehehehaha aha has aaha you haaa

This. I wish we had better looking uniforms in th war. Even If you hate the nazis you can't deny they look cool and fashionable

This. I don't care how hot it is. You're wearing some sort of long pants.

Clearly the dude in shorts holding a cup of tea. That some Anglo villainy right there

so much this.


We definitely didn't fuck around with uniforms, but then again, we never really bothered with properly investigating "Germany's Crimes"

>implying that they are not subhuman themselves
extra ironing

Also this.

The allies had some bad looking uniforms.
Thanks for reminding us OP

Other ones are dressed up as a soldiers, ready to go war face to face with Preussian no smiling disclipine. Other ones are boy scouts ready to bomb civilian targets from hundreds of feet above and to call themselves 'heros'.

Evil groups or people in media are based off the Nazis look so we're conditioned to see them as bad, but as we all know anything in media is run by Jews.

sincerely, this.

You're comparing officers with soldiers (except the silly bitish shorts).

Hitler did nothing wrong.
The HSDAP did nothing wrong.
The Holocaust literally didn't happen.

and we have a winner!

Just to make it better. The shorts were shit in the desert since whenever there was a gust of wind you would get your legs chewed by sand.

>Fear monger based on looks
Expose your weak feelings some more, faggot.


To be fair the jumpsuit has a purpose.

It's brighter therefore not as evil desu senpai

I wonder if those masks can actually deflect bullets. I'm sure you'd still break your cheekbone. Also looks like the nose deflects directly into eyesocket or down into unprotected throat.

>Oy vey goyim! don't those evil nazis look scary? You better not ever be remotely pro-White otherwise you'll be a nazi! Never forget how many of God's Chosen People were gassed in the Shoah!


Yes, because they were so fuckin aesthetic.