Mods deleted the last thread, let's talk about this man and his hentai habit
Mods deleted the last thread, let's talk about this man and his hentai habit
>wtf is facesitting?
Mods this is a political thread, and directly deals with the politics of porn, and porn acceptance and knowledge in the modern world of 2011+6. Please do not delete this thread.
>being this much of a normie
Can I get a quickrundown
B-Chiku is a pro-level fap. Man has good taste.
mods=faggots ben fischbein desu
I'm almost certain he's trolling. I mean, come on guys. It's tojavascript:quote('129047070');o perfect
>G-guys, I was only researching Hentai to prove i-it exists. B-BTFO
Hmm, little Jew, didn't you use that same excuse when you spent thousands of dollars on child porn from Mexico?
Kikenwald gets busted a second time for being a sexual deviant, although unlike last time no one is buying his excuse.