Do you have a noticable rise of radicals/violence?
>Carlo De Benedetti, longtime head of the Olivetti Corporation, declared that work “is the only thing that counts; the rest is superstructure. Work is dignity. A country without work sooner or later will experience social disturbances and upheavals.” Two weeks later the former head of Fiat, Cesare Romiti, concurred. He said that he was frightened by Italy’s unemployment problems: “I am anguished for my country, especially over public indebtedness and unemployment. There is no work; therefore, there is nothing.”
Italy is basically a bankrupt state that delays his death every year increasing taxes and not paying creditors and employees. At the next crisis it's civil war, but in the style of the second (actual) libyan civil war, a free-for-all massacre.
Liam Barnes
yes,we are swarming in shit. politicians are just doing their financial lord's interests,no one care about us. everything went to shit after 92/93 (corruption was always present)
Joshua Flores
No, same as always
Gavin Carter
We're kinda saved by submerged economy but
If m5s governs next, we'll be sinking fast
Liam Miller
no and no, but we are in terrible shape, with more nogs expected to come, and more taxes at september id expect some kind of civil war
>tfw march on rome in your lifetime
Aaron Gomez
North split when?
Mason White
Italy is shit because it abandoned the monarchy. Republicanism is a modernist, liberal and egalitarian system that is doomed to failure. Restore the Savoys or enjoy your destruction.
Xavier Anderson
italians deserve this for giving us the dnc mafia.
Connor Edwards
>italians need work >germany need workers >lets import a bunch of aficans and let italy collapse
Man if the EU wasn't corrupt as fuck we could have a perfect example of the EU working together with Italians working in Germany and sending the money to Italy.
But no. We have to be in the timeline with white genocide.