What a pathetic person.

That's the hardest I've ever seen someone get cucked

Uncut here. Ukrainian Immigrant though. I swear this obsession that women supposedly have with cut dicks is some sort of brainwashing BS. Every single female I have been with or been friends with (without knowing my uncut status) has told me the opposite.

>literally mutilating yourself to please some slag that you didn't even stay with

>proof women heavily prefer circumcised dick

Good one, bong.

we need fascism gents

>women in a country where it is normal to mutilate dicks prefer mutilated dicks
>clearly this is proof that dick mutilation is justified

women actually love it, but this strange mish mash of values and anti-values has led women to both:

A. be afraid of admitting that they like natural human things sexually (uncut dicks, rape, ect.)

B. out and open about the liberally acceptable degenerate fetishes they may have (homophillia, transgenderism, BDSM (female dom/male sub only), ect.)

and white people fall for it, hook, line, and sinker.

>getting circumcised because of your skank gf's fetish
he deserves not to have dick feelings