>gay and redpilled
doing it like the romans
/lgbtq/ is filled with a bunch of mentally ill trannies so it's better to just stay here
>gay and redpilled
doing it like the romans
/lgbtq/ is filled with a bunch of mentally ill trannies so it's better to just stay here
Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:
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>tfw no redpilled lesbian gf to have double the white babies with
do you faggots take redpills up the ass?
>tfw no qt redpilled bf to cuddle with
faggots must be purged
>Trump is impeached
>Mike Pence becomes President
>Strong anti-faggotery methods spread all around the World
>Purge is effective
>World is saved from degeneracy
>implying all homosexuals are degenerates
Fuck off niggers, this is a fagnazi bread
I'm.. ok with this?
>gay, bi, or trans
Pick one faggot
Fuck off atheists
>gay, bi, or trans
it's ok
it's ok
fucking kill them
you're free to take the boipill my dude
Trannies are more sane than you. If you like to bend over and take it to the ass like a bitch, then why not appear as one?
If a man lies with mankind its an abomination. But if a man lies with a trap it's cute.
Lol ok Mohammad.
Im ok with you homos.
We need like a nationalist progressive party or some shit tbqh.
>"Cute dude 2"
>Half naked dude sleeping
Not surprised in the slightest, Sven.
Homosexuality is degenerate but not even close to the worst thing plaguing the West. Focusing on butt blasters distracts from the real demographic problems and the existential threat to whites posed by terrorism and mass immigration.
Priority one is to destroy Islam and stop immigration. All other priorities are secondary to that goal.
Pick one, faggot
Romans killed gays.
Of course
faggots were mentally ill and frail even back then
some gaylord emperor has built a giant villa residence or something in honor of his underage fuccboi lover twink who drowned while swimming
truly a normal reaction
>It's another day of raiding by faggots and kikes
>and right after muh drumpfRussia was proven false
Gee what a (((coincidence)))
You're just a queer kind of homo, fag. Literally a cancer having a cancer
>doing it like the romans
on all fours?
min neger
how you doin?
Christ, how many times do you faggots need to copy-pasta this same post here to make us think that degenerates are redpilled?
I agree, I don't think red pilled faggots are a problem. As long as they're not attention whores and keeping it to themselves.
OP is a faggot
And why exactly is it necessary that we know you're gay? You're clearly not acting normal if you need to inform everyone about your homosexuality.
Har du en twink bojkfidda?
I don't even understand the homosexual hate on here either. Sup Forums complains so much about women and how they're all worthless trash. With that mindset, would that make you borderline gay?
cuz people here are mean about it for no reason
also why is taking estrogen degenerate in itself?
it makes you cuter and it feels really nice
Faggots will be first against the wall
möjligtvis, har du?
Essentially, this. The look on people's faces when you tell them you hate the degenerate shit that is the pride movement while being a literal faggot is priceless.
Oh god yes
I remember telling my bf that I hated the LBGTQ and tranny movement
his face was priceless
he later left me because he felt offended
fucking faggots man
Unfortunately the left is trying to build a "gay" tribe to pander to, like black people.
Gay Trump supporters denied entry into Charlotte Pride Parade
Basically the guy was banned because he had a Trump bumper sticker.
It means that they probably want a sexbot.
How is a trap who wants a traditional male-"female" relationship worse than two males kissing in public?
I despise the pride parades and the entire "LGBTQ movement"
there is no such thing as a gay community, it's a jew scam
Just as there is no "black community"
"normal gays" hate the faggy dicksucking attentionwhores you see on TV
började gå full /fit/ och bulka, allt fett samlas rund låren och min bunda
>dkn handelsvara i orten
varför leva?
>Man lies with mankind
because if youre born a man youre suppose to stay a man
This. Prioritizing degeneracy is retarded, trying tp sanitize the west of degenerate behavior and neglecting to address the etiology of the problem is equitable to focusing on treating a headache while failing to recognize that headache is caused by a brain tumor.
I've no problems with gays in of themselves. If they stay in the closet and dont sperg out like your typical pride parade and actually attempt to act like their sex and have a nice wife and kids and whatnot. Hell, even if they dont do that, they can still be contributing members of society. pic related because although I take (((historians))) with face value, he still had a very good likelihood of being gay
The political and openly gay should be purged desu
Get out.
Nah I'm straight but I'm disgusted with "modern" women in general, it's a cultural thing not a physical thing. Basically they're hot until they open their mouths.
är du arisk user?
blond, stark käke?
You could also say that if you're a man you're supposed to be with a woman. That isn't enough of an argument
In public, a man with a passing trap is less disturbing than two men together
>not taking the red suppository
Av allt du kunde framavlats till blev du en hapa
>Have a conversation that's not sheep-mentality 'le alt-right XD' spam bullshit
>"Hurr durrr must be da joos!!! How dare dey think outside de box lol XDDD"
Yup the
>"X community"
is a tribe that the democrats want to pander to. If you sacrifice your individuality, there will be people happy to collect your sacrifice.
Fuck off faggots. We don't want you trump doesn't want you your only use is for target practice and fuel for the ovens
Go infect some niggers with AIDS
You are literally shit now sweden
Flimsily concealed degeneracy is still degeneracy
asiatkillar är ganska söta
har du asiatiska ögon?
du kan vara en hedersarie
>red pilled
Pick one you degenerate, subhuman faggot. How about try pussy and then realize why everyone who has hates you
What happened? /lgbt/ used to be one of the more right-wing boards on Sup Forums.
Concealed degeneracy is better than overt degeneracy
the tranny and trap craze happend
Good thread OP. This is very amusing
Tried it, not nearly worth the effort of putting up with cunts.
They're doing a poor job then, given I've voted for exactly one democrat in my life and only because he supported space travel where his opponent wanted to slash NASA's budget.
There's literally nothing wrong with having some bros to blow off some steam with. I still love women but I like messing with men too.
Daily reminder that the only aspects of Romans that could be seen as gay is that they thought the male body was beautiful (not in a lustful way), and they would rape male captives to humiliate them. Romans weren't a bunch of fags like Milo.
The trap craze has been going on for years. Sup Forums has had a hardon for traps since before SJWs were even a thing.
Seen this exact thread. If you rely wanna be red pilled, then welcome. If you're sliding then fuck off
Go to /fit/ home of the strong homosexuals
americans and swedes are really the biggest faggots on pol
it's always one of them
>-.- Du kan bara bli min pv om din qk är T O C C och kroppsbyggnad slimmad till lätt vältränad twink
min qk är för tjock för att trä igenom en toarulle (konstigt exempel jag vet men jag prövade det...)
och jag är smal och lång
inte skinnyfat utan skelletsmal
But Milo is exactly the type of gay we hate. He's simply an attention whore. He also flaunts his sluty-ness as if it's something to be proud of. Fags like that is what makes the rest of us look bad.
You're just as bad as faggots.
Sure thing, Caecilius.
> gay
> redpilled
sorry user, you have to pick.
>>gay and redpilled
Did you queers forget what the Nazis did to the faggot in pic related?
ernst did nothing wrong
That's pretty gay dude.
>Doing it like the Romans
Only the worst of the Romans were gay. Gays need to be placed into bogs end of story.
I honesty feel my homosexuality is a manifestation of misogyny. I grew up in a household where my father was the solely breadwinner, but my mom would constantly nag him about everything. Afraid to put her in her place (and risk domestic abuse accusations) he put up with her shit. I grew up feeling that women were a threat. You couldn't trust them, you couldn't control them, all you could do was live an uneasy truce filled with repressed hate and the threat of a mutually assured destruction from divorce with alimony, splitting of assets, and everything else related to that. I think that I began to hate women for this.
I say this because my first "crushes" in elementary and middle school were all for women. It wasn't like I "always knew that I was gay". But as I grew older I began to realize that only men could be trusted, depended upon, and other things necessary for actual love.
This. Can't stand the guy, he needs a good meeting with the Vice President.
>min qk är för tjock för att trä igenom en toarulle (konstigt exempel jag vet men jag prövade det...)
Testade också en gång, inte tillräckligt T O C C.
Kan greppa snoppen perfekt med liten marginal med mina bäverhänder.
>och jag är smal och lång
inte skinnyfat utan skelletsmal
>But as I grew older I began to realize that only men could be trusted, depended upon, and other things necessary for actual love.
holy fuck, I relate so much
women are fake and sluts
and look at todays women, they're powerhungry animals
>the straight men are being cucked by SJW women so they turn feminine
>the gays, staying with men, are just getting manlier and manlier
>let's replace the well trained military with the people who get drunk and beat up communists
He was asking for it
> try pussy
yawn user, yawn...
the whole point of classical anti-homosexuality is this:
there are zero ways to justify homosexuality that don't involve hedonism.
you cannot form a stable society based on hedonism.
so in a stable society, homosexuality cannot be justified.
if you loose the homosexuality argument, then all other forms of hedonism shortly follow.
no one is born gay, no one, there is nothing in your genes making you gay.
its your environment that made you gay.
if your environment made you gay, it can also un-gay you too.
on another level OP
if i know your gay, i already know too much about your PRIVATE life.
if your a faggot or straight, i don't want to know about your PRIVATE life.
i wouldn't mind gays so fucking much if they kept "civil" at least some of the fucking time.
Indeed. It helps a man can carry a somewhat intelligent conversation. I've never met a woman who could discuss politics (beyond generic feel the bern or I'm with her shit), religion, philosophy or space travel.
jag har kanske en feminin tvinkig kropp men...
Please stop the /polgbt/ shit, it's almost as cringey as Hillary dabbing on live tv, we don't need to know that you're gay, and tbqh, nobody really cares, just don't be a shill and that's it/
>no one is born gay, no one, there is nothing in your genes making you gay.
There is a gene that makes you more likely to be gay.
Like a predisposition towards homosexuality.
Of course it can be suppressed, but the statistical difference is documented.
Also being gay, at least before it became casual and accepted, was related with higher IQ, which has a genetic factor.
You had to be intelligent to reason and rationalize your lust, and justify acting upon it despite the risks, and to also be in the part of society where you can get away with it.
So it was creative and intelligent people who were homosexual, and this for a time gave rise to the artist/designer gay meme, that was popular just before being gay became okay.
So there are "genetic" factors. Not hard code, but predisposition at least.
men are supperior i every single way
they're funnier, smarter, calmer, cooler more intelligent and way better at fighting
there is a reason women have been treated worse then men in the past, because they are worse than men
I always knew this place was homo
man = mitt ansikte när
skulle fuggad dig oavsett, delar liknande kroppsbyggnad förresten :3
I've had the pleasure of meeting a few, though it is true that they are a tiny minority.
I've spoken to exactly two people whom I know to be homosexuals and they were both light headed sluts. You could get more politics talk from your grandma.