Wew laddie
Comey came off as such a spineless weasel. Good to see him get done for obviously being a partisan spin doctor.
>July 8th 2017
Wewwie lad
>8th July
we time traveler now.
So he's admitted to two felonies.
I kept wondering why he insisted on calling his own memo "unclassified", as though he were the one who gets to determine that.
Be sure to show the date from the actual tweet as well. Don't just type the date, do the box like the NYT article. Good job otherwise.
Is there any way the resolution can be upped ... especially the dam in game portion of the NYT article ?
I think you got yourself a general, op.
*damning portion
They grow up so fast..
I am finally promoted to a General of the Sup Forums army, yay
I am honestly not very good painter dude, I need someone with skillz to do better than me, I just wanted to get all the info and sources we know to be true as of today in 1 place and let it go from there. If you can make it better, by all means do it.
Don't let this motherfucker slide!!!
nice thread, saged
Got it... good job on compiling and analysis of the timelines...
Some user needs to make a high res and shoot it off to the normie nets
epic downvote reddit!
So Comey said he leaked in response to a tweet actually posted 24 hours AFTER Comey's leak?
Why the fuck does there need to be 3,441,888 pixels to say that, or is there more to this wall of text that I'm missing?
Fuck off, shill
because everyone cries for the source or they dont understand elementry shit, so you have to spoon feed the case to them.
Creating literal fake news KYS.
Trump will let Comey go. Fucking cuck will stay silent like when he let Hillary go.
Is that Blake Griffin in a monks robe? or hoodie?
Someone explain why that's proof he leaked the memo
Don't they typically tell the press what they talked about during their meetings; this doesn't necessarily mean he leaked a meme yet
He literally admitted under oath that he leaked the memo.
Can you make the text on top bigger? when i share it it's too small.
What? He said he leaked it in responce to a tweet. This prooves he leaked it before that. Him leaking it is already 100 percent confirmed, by his own testimony. But he clearly lied under oath about his motivations.
Now the question is why. He also mentioned not wanting to "die" on any worthless hills, which is why he dropped the Clinton thing. Is someone from the Clinton camp still threatening him? Was he pressured not to admit that someone from the Clinton camp forced him to leak, so he told a stupid lie instead?
Interesting stuff.
It was a private meeting and the only two who know the details are Trump and Comey. You can see where Comey fucked up.
You mean for the CNN report. Here's the version for them.
Because he fucking said he leaked the memo.
After this bullshit is over The Donald needs to have the left investigated, the whole lot of them and when they are found to have been breaking the law throw their asses in prison, Bill & Hillary included. The whole fucking lot of them. Time to stop the bullshit.
Dunderhead, He said he contacted a friend and had him leak the motherfucker... God damn is summer over yet?
The memo where he asked he hoped Flynn could drop the investigation? The memo where he doesn't demand loyalty?
Did you not read the memo? The memo talks about the loyalty question.
Post this new memo I apparently missed
user, you clearly have no idea what's going on. Maybe try actually reading through some of the threads on Sup Forums right now before you start trying to participate in any discussions.
Get fucked by 236 rapefugees
I know exactly what's going on. The memo involved him hoping he could forget about the Flynn investigation.
Or are you saying he hoped that, and proceeded to demand loyalty?
If you read the memo how about you post it instead of sperging out? Or am I supposed to blindly believe you?
Excuse me.
No, EXCUSE ME, skinheads.
Did it ever occur to you that, um, NO ONE FUCKING GIVES A SHIT IF COMEY LIED!
It changes nothing.
Go back and read that again: NOTHING.
Every single Republican on the committee today agreed with the biggest issue: our election was hacked by Russia, and nobody is doing SHIT about it until the orange shitgibbon leaves.
Go ahead, let's hear how it isn't important. How the American people should totally give no fucking fucks about a hostile foreign power bribing, attacking, and hacking our infrastructure to elect the weaker candidate.
Tell me again how the big bad FBI director flubbed a few minuscule details in front of billions of people.
Then tell me how, shit, that's totally the REAL scandal we all need to drop to the floor and panic over.
Totally not Putin phishing for actual election officials.
Totally not all the Donald Asshole Inc. associates on Russia's literal payroll.
Totally not the mountains of fake news pushed by Russian operated bots, the hacking of DNC servers, the dirty propaganda war waged against HRC to elect an orangutan with a cheetoh's IQ.
A knuckle dragging cheetoh so fucking corrupt, so fucking stupid, and so fucking soulless, he literally ORDERED the FBI director to call off the goddamned fucking investigation!
Seriously, where have I heard this mountain-of-a-molehill horseshit before?
It's literally BUT HER EMAILS all over again.
You far right fucknuts are pathetic.
Don't you realize that Trump is setting traps for all these numerous enemies of the state so that they will ensnare themselves. He's setting each one of them up and they are knocking each other down. He's playing 349893-D chess and everyone else is playing rock paper scissors.
Kek this faggot was hoping to be on offense this afternoon but now he's on defense and it sucks so he's trying to tell us all to stop going on offense.
You fuckers over hyped this and now you got routed. You fucked up and you better just buckle in and take the ass whipping on this one.
>Someone explain why that's proof he leaked the memo
goddamn.. i wish people had a couple facts about topics they wish to talk about. How can you even debate something you don't know shit about?
Aussie tier bait.
Go to the January 27th Dinner.
>A few moments later, the President said, "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty." I didn't move, speak, or change my facial expression in any way during the awkward silence that followed. We simply looked at each other in silence. The conversation then moved on, but he returned to the subject near the end of our dinner. At one point, I explained why it was so important that the FBI and the Department of Justice be independent of the White House. I said it was a paradox: Throughout history, some Presidents have decided that because "problems" come from Justice, they should try to hold the Department close. But blurring those boundaries ultimately makes the problems worse by undermining public trust in the institutions and their work.
>Near the end of our dinner, the President returned to the subject of my job, saying he was very glad I wanted to stay, adding that he had heard great things about me from Jim Mattis, Jeff Sessions, and many others. He then said, "I need loyalty." I replied, "You will always get honesty from me." He paused and then said, "That's what I want, honest loyalty."
Proof the NYT had the memo before the Trump tweet.
>But Mr. Trump pressed him on whether it would be “honest loyalty.”
>“You will have that,” Mr. Comey told his associates that he responded.
Thank god we have all the guns
nice thread, saged.
yes, that memo. He said he leaked it in response to Trumps tweet.. which was the day after the memo hit the newspaper. How do you respond to something before it happens?
Every major country with a foreign intelligence service is trying to sway elections around the world. Especially America, influencing foreign elections is something we have done too many times to count. I don't know why anyone would be shocked that Russia is doing it too.
>our election was hacked by Russia
yeah, they went email fishing. they did not have any direct effect on votes, as was testified to during the committee.
You, along with the other sheep in this thread are spergs. I've been here longer than you and I've been following this- which is WHY I'm asking about it.
The memos didn't mention Trump demanding loyalty, they outlined him saying he hoped he could forget about Flynn because he's a good guy.
And none of you retards can find the memo where he asks for loyalty, because there isn't one.
You're assuming that's from a memo, and not something that was told to the press. It was a meeting, people talk about what happens in meeting.
Information from a meeting several months prior isn't some big fucking leak, the meeting was in the news prior to the memo where Trump hugged him and was trying to be buddy buddy and made him uncomfortable.
Eat shit, babydick! Or would you prefer I hire a few whores to piss on you like your slug of a President?
Please keep talking about that "route."
Dems are emboldened. Comey shat pure gold today, and it only gets worse for the orange fuckass from here.
Impeachment is coming, and I think deep down, you fucking know it.
You know, if Donald Dumbfuck lost on election night, I was actually going to couch annihilated pantshitters to the suicide hotlines and try to talk them into normal lives.
Now, I just want them to die. I am going to be here when he falls, encouraging as many worthless far right suicides as possible. Every last one of you continuing to breathe is too big a threat to the sane, free world.
Nice sage, bumped.
The entire FBI is corrupt
The leakers were some of these guys
RUBIO: Finally, who are those senior leaders at the FBI you share these conversations with?
COMEY: As I said in response to senator Feinstein's question, deputy director, my chief of staff, general counsel, deputy director’s chief counse and then, more often than not, the number three person at the FBI, the associate deputy director. And quite often, head of the national security branch.
If the NYT article is correct, it's more than just one, somewhere between "two" and "several" higher ups leaked the conversations.
>The conversation that night in January, Mr. Comey now believes, was a harbinger of his downfall this week as head of the F.B.I., according to two people who have heard his account of the dinner.
>Mr. Comey described details of his refusal to pledge his loyalty to Mr. Trump to several people close to him on the condition that they not discuss it publicly while he was F.B.I. director.
>Russia hacked the election
You brain-dead faggots have been saying that for 6 months, and none of you have even explained what the fuck that means.
Russians trying to gain Intel? They've done that every day for decades (including every day Obama was president).
Russia trying to hack into computers? Every day for decades.
Russians trying to bribe people? They did the same in 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1988, 1984, 1980, 1976, 1972, 1968...
Russians trying to affect the narrative in the media? Did the same in 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1988...etc.
Russia didn't do anything it hasn't done in the last 10+ elections. To say Russia "hacked" our elections is to say that every election in our lifetime was "hacked".
It is a complete non-starter, and it pales in comparison to what we do in other elections.
Complaining about Russia because Hillary lost is retarded as fuck
>lying means nothing
>proceed in the attempt to lie & lecture us
>call us pathetic
into the trash
so you must be smarter than everyone in that committee right?
Of course we can't find the memo's. They aren't public. There are nine memos according to Comey.
50 Minutes ago Portugal was posting about this.
Did you "steal" it, or just coincidence?
btw asking for loyalty is not only legal, it is expected.
>we all need to drop to the floor and panic over.
That's why you lost faggot and that's why you will continue to lose when you never listen to the SWORN TESTIMONIES.
>he literally ORDERED the FBI director to call off
It was initially just something Hillarys crisis management team threw out into the public as a counter attack to distract from the DNC leaks and podesta etc, but now they have run with it and went the full 9 yards. I think the goal is to expand on it, and use it as something to hold against the republicans during the mid terms, which is what Trump really needs to win in order to make all those big changes. So far with that Montana election or whatever it was, it looks like they will be successful. Knock on wood, I guess.
Not to mention our meddling, everywhere, since the '40s. I fear for our nation, being this ignorant of history.
Can you make it more verbose and low res? Also it needs more information that has nothing to do with anything. It needs to be more confusing.
Fucking amateurs.
When you read the subtext of what Comey is saying, it looks pretty clear Comey wanted to blackmail Trump into letting him remain as head of the FBI, but the tapes scared him and the FBI shitless.
>$0.03 deposited into your account
Oh, I thought he leaked them though? So you're just making assumptions and assuming that the memo you never saw stated he wanted loyalty?
Oh, wait, the memo that was reported WAS released- and that's how we know Trump said he hoped he could drop the investigation and everything, weird!
So you're just making assumptions on unseen memos at this point, which is weird, because "Trump demands loyalty and saying he'd hope he could forget about Flynn" is a much better header than "trump says he hopes some stuff"
That's not my fucking point
You retards are just assuming that was part of a memo you never saw and you're acting like you read it while saying "LOL u haven't read it? u haven't been following it like me!"
You're just being a retarded sheep
That's alot to digest. I'm too tired, tomorrow I'll give it a read. Now it's time to get comfy cozy sleepy deepy. Snugs my bros.
Fuck you and your stale meme.
Stop making these retarded things. THEY ARE WAY TOO SLOPPY.
>Dems are emboldened.
Not sure why you're so hostile when I'm agreeing with you.
I'll be honest here. He says monday and friday.
Mentioning Friday first and then monday make it seems its the monday after friday, but it could very be the monday before that friday, which would match the 8th May when the article first got released.
It is possible, it's just that he can't claim he thought about tapes cause of the tweet. I don't think he did that directly, unless I'm missing it.
He was fired Friday, woke up in the middle of the night sunday/monday and got the memos to his friend to release.
why does it say July 8th 2017 at the top when we are currently
JUNE 8TH 2017
ARE YOU FROM THE FUTURE?!?!? ppl from the future took your gerb
Quoted the wrong person, my bad. But that infographic is extremely suspicious to me, it assumes way too much.
The press was there, Comey told several people about the dinner, and I assume Trump told people too.
Yet these newfags are acting like they read it and it says that exact thing.
The Comey thing has so much more to do with the "Draw Mohamed" attack than anything else. Watch the tractor.
sure shill
Dems are literally finished. The left started tearing itself apart months ago, and it is only continuing to now as the more radical elements of it try to grasp at straws for impeachment and turn on their moderate counterparts who realize there's nothing there.
see the fixed version
There are times when i can't tell if someone is really shilling or just doing it for the lulz.
It's not the case for this post though, and it's still not funny, it never is.
Please just stop.
ShariaBlue keeps spazzing! It's highly amusing