Why do you not believe he was real
I never met that nigga in my life I don't know any niggas dat did dat muhfugga a myth
he fukd mii bithc
Because that picture in particular is a composite photoshop.
Because every parent involved was more concerned with gun safety (even before the event) than their own children dying
Because websites had news of the attack before the attack happened
Because no evidence exists that it did happen
Because the school was shown unoccupied years prior due to mold, the same mold was in the police shots, showing the mold hadn't been eliminated, meaning the kids wouldn't be able to be schooled in that building
Because the school was listed as off the power grid, because it was a closed building
Because the Lanza's only had 1 son
Because there was an appeal for emotion rather than rationality in the wake of something so irrational
Because events like Columbine are still remembered yearly and are 20 years old but a 4 year old event doesn't hold remembrances
Because the entire town of Newton, Ct is a spook town, its where they relocate families in protective services
>Because my niece went to Sandy Hook you shitlords I can assure you it happened
Because its garbage
Even in the picture you posted I can tell he's photoshopped by the fuckyness of the shadow and his hair.
Because of all the actors.
real niggas dont kill women and children.
real? yes, as in a living breathing human being.
however look at him, he is clearly a fucking tard, he couldn't find his arse with both hands let alone pull off a mass shooting WITHOUT HELP!
no that photo is real. The question....is his name really Adam Lanza?
Are they actors?
No these aren't just out of work actors they hire. These people are involved one way or another. Actually doing work or they are family.
just watch interviews with the people like this creep.
more info on the pic you posted
also probably the most important thing I always see ignored. Lanza's only had 1 son. You will never find them together.
if you look up adama lanza they use a mix of the kid in OP and photos of Ryan Lanza as a little boy.
I dont care about these dead children. Every day in the world, 200,000 people die, why should I worry about these 16?
A person's life does not cost anything in this world.
I dunno you asked if they were actors.
Have you seen his kill efficiency rating?
Too high to be human.
this one looks really creepy
>OOPS, I didn't know the camera was rolling better start crying crocodile tears
>autism genome
Keep digging, Kevin! Nice 3rd graders mockup, wohoo genome, Kevin!!
Yea the Parkers have a lot of photos that give off the creep vibe
You people are such fucking morons. I imagine you also know about things like Operation Northwoods, MKUltra, and think 9/11 was an inside job etc. So, why would a government that's willing to kill or torture its own people for nefarious reasons not just do that once again? Why would they risk using crisis actors, a fake school etc? They wouldn't, they would just do it to real people and create a real crisis.
Pic very related
Because Columbine was the first shooting that really changed what people thought about it..it had high kills, 2 shooters, videos, and the shooters came from good families and lived in a good area v
>Why do you not believe he was real
I absolutely believe Sandy Hook happened.
I do not believe the narrative of how it happened because the politicians want to twist what actually happened to further their gun grabbing agenda.
Adorable! Got more pictures of the qts?
Okay, let's play pin the shoulder on Emily Parker!
Now let's play "My daughter died 10 hours ago and there's already a donation page and a press conference"
>trying to use dead kids to grab guns
These people have no idea how the burger mind works
If my neighbor gets shot I don't think "gee i better get rid of my gun now"
I think "fuck I guess I really do need this"
And now "I totally am not added into this photo with a crop tool and my legs look normal and functional"
Also grass only blurs around Emily, it's just her thang.
You're the brain dead one dude. There's dozens of good youtubes putting together the footage of an actor pretending to be a grieving father and also playing the part of an FBI agent. They got a lot of blowback from murdering citizens at Waco. They could have thought faking a mass shooting was safer.
That you don't think it was done as a gun grabber move means you didn't watch the news for months following the fake event. "Sensible gun laws" and "common sense gun laws" were on the news every fucking night.
Liberals are not connected to reality, or to sane people. They think they can scare us out of wanting our guns. They mock us for "clinging to our bibles and our guns". And yes, every time there is an incident, gun sales go up.
He looks like an ayyy
fucking answer. What is the fuckign meaning of the pic you posted
>his kid just died
>he tries to get into the act and fucking smiles
Don't forget that creepy jew Gene Rosen that was prancing around doing his best act on camera shortly after the shooting
Because no real human would willingly have that hair cut.
>What is the fuckign meaning of the pic you posted
Genomic sequencing to save those with a specific gene and kill others
Thank you for the reply, i appreciate it.
He was real. A cop really fatally shot him while instructed to do so for the next assault weapons ban (despite Nancy Lanza's Bushmaster being a select fire version....).
Listen to the newtown police scanner for that day.
A cop on an unencrypted channel said "take the life of Adam". Then mysteriously moments later "shooter is down"
Rumor is Robbie Parker is still laughing to this day.
something happened in the kitchen. Bodies found in the kitchen closet
Ok before bed few more parting thoughts:
>Parents were NOT allowed to see the bodies, bodies were never shown or brought out of the school. Not a single photo of a dead body in a massacre of 20+.
>All the parents look like they're in their late 40s, early 50s. All the dads are gray and balding, moms are wrinkly. Their kids were aged five to six.
>Adam was probably the only teenager to not have any single social media or trace anywhere online. Pictures of his room barely show furniture.
>Coroner that examined over 20 dead kids riddled with bullets laughs the entire way.
>20+ kids and a few adults declared dead at the scene within half an hour. Not one body or survivor was taken out in an ambulance.
> Footage from the air shows random people just walking in a circle around the building, doing nothing. Dozens of them.
> All the parents of the dead kids are now worth thousands of dollars, they still do "tours" and get paid for speeches. They were all new to the town, moved there within a year. They all moved out after the event.
> For the first few days a kid that was claimed to be a victim was actually a picture of a random (alive) kid that they took from her mom's facebook. Some news never corrected it and the picture is still there. The victim's mother never corrected them. It took the mother of the alive girl to say that it's her kid, alive and well, and not a SH victim.
>News report of a shooting at SH was posted on Twitter before the event took place. With adjusted timezones and all.
> And lastly cause it's late, almost all the pictures you see from the victims look phothoshopped. Victoria Sotto, Emily Parker, and many others, just look pasted into their "family" photos. Pic related, the principal that died at SH was also posted for the Boston bombings.
Done more research on this than anything else. I am certain it was a false flag operation.
When youre jobless and living in your moms basement the walls start closing in. These retards think Hitler was a hero.
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