She's fucked!!!
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fake news
Source faggot
Take a wild guess dumbass.
she is so beautiful
would fuck/10
She's only attracted to little pre-pubescent pizza girls
>going to prison
it's her turn
did anyone seriously believe that? lmao
IDK, I mean, do you protect pedophiles in Haiti from being brought in by interpol? Do you pay 45k to buy "hot dogs and pizza" from a shady ass pizzaparlor in NYC?
Yea, I do believe that she's a pedo. That and there's been rumors of this stuff since I was literally a child. It used to be that snuff pedo films would make the rounds every once in a while in the early 90s, most people thought it was a joke or a gag or something so hideous they couldn't possibly imagine that it was real.
You understand Comey just exposed Lynch pressuring him to politicize a criminal investigation into Clinton and described his predicament as 'a hill worth dying on'. In public. During testimony that will 100% lead to future investigations. He's setting up the story of his fear using Trump so you idiots eat it up. But it's building a defense for the crimes he committed on Hillary Clintons behalf. And the life or death interpretation of his actions.
This is why CNN is now calling him a pussy.
you unhinged right wing retards are completely detached from reality
Oh, and there was a couple of high profile pedo cases in the 90s that were tangentially related to the Clinton's as well, one such case being the Boys Town Nebraska conspiracy.
No one actually believes this shit you know. It would never be that sudden or that easy.
>Hillary Clinton is going to prison!
>this time for realz!
I stopped paying attention after the 30th time.
You guys get it, well done
You gotta take a break from this image
She will never go to prison. She will always get out of it no matter what evidence they have on her. It's sad but that's the world we live in.
This is going to backfire big time on Trump. If he doesn't pardon after a conviction, civil war will start no joke. You think the muh russians backlash is bad now? Just wait.
I'll hold my breath
She's above the law. Anyone who thinks she's going to prison is a retard. Same goes for the retards that think Comey will face prison for lying under oath. The law applies to us, not to them.
Why do you fags use proxies for other nations? Afraid of being doxxed? Do you fear us that much?
Its our version of Trump getting impeached. No matter how hard we want it, its just not going to happen. These elite cucks run the world.
Why are Trumpfags so obsessed with Clinton? She's a cunt, yes, and probably a criminal, and if so, should be charged for that. But there's no need to play the Clinton card anymore now that Trump won. She lost, she's irrelevant now. Get over it.
I will outlive her. That's good for now.
97% of guns are in the hands of republicans. Shotguns, semi-automatics, handguns, not to mention a shit ton of ammo and small militias which one of my uncles is a part of. The nignogs and their fat cuck servants are gonna die if they think they can survive civil war 2 with little ammo and a couple of assault rifles and dirty hoodrat handguns.
Donald Trump CAN be impeached though. Enough of the elite hate him. The problem is, Americans are a heavily armed population. That is literally the only thing that is making them second guess themselves.
Now that is art.
Great pic user
she has no power anymore. she's literally a nobody without any influence. no one's gonna defend her if the investigation opens up again and she's indicted.
It really could go both ways, depending on who the elite will decide to fund with weapons. Just like most civil wars in South America and Africa; the people has some, but little power over their fate.
No what will happen is state factions will fund military wepons to people causing blue and red zones. Travel cross country will be equivalent to crossing national borders.
Nov 8 was the last time they were genuinely happy
>people bump fake news without even a source given
Aw Sweetie, that mean FBI director said Trumpiepoo said and did nothing wrong. Hugs and kisses.
Admittedly, I did let my bias cloud my mind on that fact, don't blame me, after all, these faggots would flight over fight 80% of the time. I've dropped turds braver than these shitskin libtards and their whigger cucks.
>detached from reality
That's quite ironic coming from you
It's the shear volume of criminal activity and the fact that she actually rigged the DNC.
In other words, Clinton cronies accusing Trump of rigging the elections are so incredibly fallacious and retarded that it hurts but she actually rigged the DNC primary elections and got away with it.
To anyone who's right of crazy, this is the problem alright. If the DNC rigged the primaries and got away with it once, they will likely rig the primaries again in 4 years. The DNC cannot be trusted.
Man, i feel kinda sorry for the Shareblue fails. I mean, they try so hard and every time I imagine them giggling around before posting and assuming there will be 7 follow up threads and a hourly general from now on.
They cant understand we smell a shill post miles away
Look, I want her to go to jail. But let's be honest she's never ever going to jail. Ever. The elite are above the law, period.
At least she'll fucking die in our lifetime
Although, desu we will be at a tactical disadvantage from the fact that we are walled in on all sides. Also virginia would be solidly in the government's hands since the US government would likely move to swiftly take back the capital.
Virginia is a lost cause but if we focused on capturing the West coast, I think we would mount a tangible subjugation force. Scorched earth campaign would be the only way to win that war though.
>This is going to backfire big time on Trump. If he doesn't pardon after a conviction, civil war will start no joke. You think the muh russians backlash is bad now? Just wait.
That's funny... U-lock < (AK || AR).
What you met, were degenerates, unequalled to ones self...
>Your focus on the weak has been taken note of, terrorist.
>liberals starting a civil war
how horrific
I was talking about combat and strategic advantage, which libtards and cux do not possess, and even if they do, they're not suited for the heart pounding bloodshed and rage of war with their social justice attitude, the hoodrat niggers will probably be more suited, and start forming shitty underground black market militias in cities, the future will probably look something out of half life 2 after the war ends and we get our shit together, just no interdimensional aliens and nuclear waste.
Oregon has a relatively small population. The Leftys here are double plus soft, and the 45% of the state that detests them is well armed and owns 90% of the territory. In a civil war scenario, Oregon is an easy get for right wing forces.
>the elite are above the law
How do we fix that? Obviously the mainstream and the le_donald cum sippers aren't going to help. What do?
if your news site uses misleading headlines, you are fake news.
The comey cometh.
yeah we heard that 3 months ago too and Hilary is still free. One of many trump failures.
In other news trump obstructing ongoing investigations, wow that is bullet to head for sure.
Shut up you cringey faggot.
If they invade us first, they're going to lose. Remember, we didn't ask for this, they wanted it.
How is she fucked?
The whole pedophile establishment needs to be brought to it's knees and Hillary Clinton is the weak link.
Losing the election doesn't forgive her crimes.
>you unhinged right wing retards are completely detached from reality
leafs never fail to amuse
>someone actually took the time to write this post
Drumpf will be impeached any day now
Oh wow. So this is what cognitive dissonance looks like.
I thought it would be less... gay.
Well if they still fear the people then we havent lost yet.
We should focus on the establishment then. It's something much bigger than her.
Btw, while we're on the subject, could someone link me the evidence thus far on this pedophile ring theory? I'm still relatively new to this.
>civil war where i get to actually go wtf i love the government side for once and purge all liberals and degenerates and from the ashes will rise up the imperium of man into the stars, fucking ayylmaos be damned, they can't stop us, they won't stop us, we already have sufficient intergalactic war strength on the DL to win our independence from the galactic communists
>once the veil is lifted: space is ours
sign me the fuck up, famalamajampai
>Americans are heavily armed
>LEAST popular president in history
... How does this work in Trump's favour?
It'll probably take me two replies to shut you up, but seriously, you think we're some kind of collective who all share the same thoughts and political opinions? This isn't cognitive dissonance, it's political discussion, you're full of japshit.
She's going the distance
She's going for speed
She's all alone (all alone)
All alone in her time of need
Because she's racing and pacing and plotting the course
She's fighting and biting and riding on her horse
Sh's going the distance
No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine
She's haunted by something he cannot define
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse
Assail her, impale her with monster-truck force
In her mind, she's still driving, still making the grade
She's hoping in time that her memories will fade
'Cause she's racing and pacing and plotting the course
She's fighting and biting and riding on her horse
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up
And long ago somebody left with the cup
But she's striving and driving and hugging the turns
And thinking of someone for whom she still burns
She's going the distance
She's going for speed
She's all alone (all alone)
All alone in her time of need
>cognitive dissonance
I don't think you understand what that word means... If you do, where did I mention that you faggots are part of a collective?
>>someone actually took the time to write this post
I'll just leave this here...
Here's what you should have wrote
>No pill republican president
>Conservative army of natsocs
This isn't a recipe for success, it's a means to an end, that being the era of the beta cuck.
Those who are heavily armed like Drumpf.
Because the 50% of people he does have are the ones that are armed. Liberals are very weak, not a threat.
I don't find this to be very accurate, way too much blue.
Here's the real civil war division map.
>without any influence
didn't you see how much support she got during the election? the jews backing obama are backing her as well
>>wtf i love the government side for once
>sign me the fuck up, famalamajampai
same thing right?
Gas yourself leaf
>Let's forgive all her obvious crimes because she lost the election
Mercy is one of the many ''good'' traits that is gonna be the end of you and us.
You need to remember that most of that red space is empty. One of those islands has the same population as an entire red state.
>I'm liking these odds
I want to cum on her horse teeth
When that 34% has 66% of the guns it probably balances out yeah
That's not at all what I wrote. I pointed act the fact that Trumpfags are obsessed with THIS particular criminal. Let's say like it is: an obsession.
Not that I care personally; you guys use your free time as you damn please.
Also couple of typos.
She's going the distance
She's going for speed
She's going the distance
Ah no, so sad, alright
Oh no, oh no, no, no
"Hillary's going to jail! It's all over for her!" says increasingly autistic man for the twelfth time this year
kim dotcom here
I can confirm that Hillary is indeed going to prison and Trump is getting impeached
will post proof soon such as tomorrow or some later date
stay tuned
THIS particular criminal happens to be one of the most high profile ones, involved in a much bigger scheme and taking her down might bring to light lots of horrible things.
But yea, forgive us for having an ''obsession'' with fixing what we consider bad for millions of people.
>inb4 I don't consider it bad
ok then
>Photoshopped fox opinion from January.
Wew lad
>Why are Trumpfags so obsessed with Clinton?
>there's no need to play the Clinton card anymore now that Trump won.
she ran for president even though she was not eligible to take the oath of office and got caught trying to sweep all kinds of foul shit under the rug including the murder of a supreme court justice
she will burn for this, according to a statement she made in her email
and it's a shame because those Clinton's used to be some pretty cool slavemaster types
Ok ok. I never doubted that she was crooked, but I don't understand to which extent. Redpill me on this.
Why are American OP's so fucking retarded. Trump is never getting impeached and Hillary isn't going to jail. This get in here BS for fake news is sad. 7/10, I took the bait
And you have to remember that the Dems have lost 1000 seats over the past few elections. The philosophy is is being rejected. It doesn't work, which is why its adherents are regressing to violence.
Anyhow, here's an excellent election map. I would theorize that the liberal thought is an social adaptation to living in dense urban environments. You MUST ignore the obvious racial dosparities, because they live next to you. You MUST believe in people's higher nature because your child goes to school with subhuman. The system is breaking. Liberals refuse to see this
Cathy O'Brien