Total global economic collapse is imminent. Have you looked at the bitcoin chart? It is exploding...

Total global economic collapse is imminent. Have you looked at the bitcoin chart? It is exploding, bitcoins are now more worth than goldcoins. If you have not prepared for this yet, not purchased a firearm license, not exercised daily with a gun, not mentally prepared for killing, not bought food supplies/water, not built a hideout in the woods, not formed a militia with friends - then you are practically a dead man walking. The starving hordes of Niggers and Muslims will be like zombies, you will not stand a chance if you are on your own and unprepared. This will be the greatest happening in human history, it will be the apocalypse!

What use does a bunch of forest dwelling pagans need with digital money?

What does it mean goldcoin price?

Also don't even dear to compare market caps.

it's the tulip bulb all over agian

If anything collapses you can buy shit with your cryptocurrency

the cryptocurrency is what's going to collapse

Cuckleaf, we are the highest developed country in the whole universe.

Bitcoins cannot be controlled by the Jewish (((bankers))), they have some advantages.

>What does it mean goldcoin price?
It is the current Bitcoin chart.

>If anything collapses you can buy shit with your cryptocurrency
Euro/dollar etc will collapse and replaced with a new currency. I can buy the new currency with bitcoins. Besides, bitcoins are more and more accepted.

>the cryptocurrency is what's going to collapse
No, bitcoins are just money. Money itself cannot collapse anything. The economy collapses because of our Jewed double interest debt monetary system.

>he is one of the interest is evil morons

what happens when the market dumps their majority stock interests to jump on the bitcoin wagon, hyperinflates the market, and then tries to cash that c-cur on the market en masse?

the whole system is going to burn to the ground and bitcoin will be the trojan horse

Currency can loose it's value as well moron, for example if you can't exchange it in stores. Just like memecoin.

Whats a good way to take profits in bitcoins?

I bought a couple things from online retailers that accept btc as a payment, but unfortunately I don't need much.

Anyone know of a place to buy gold/silver/etc. with dem coins?

I assume if I just sold my coins for cash it would be considered a capital gain, and I dont have records of what I purchased my coins for, so that would be challening.

Drugs and guns

Cash out on your BTC now and buy gold, silver, and guns now.

No need for illegal guns and ammo here friend, I buy them at the store like any free man.

I guess I could buy some drugs and sell them to degenerates, but I tend to avoid those sorts of people nowadays.

What drugs do you guys think would be most popular in a SHTF situation?

Any amphetamine drugs

There is a reason why interest was banned in many religions, Jews are only allowed to lend to non-Jews. All countries have debt that can never be paid back

On the picture you can see the debt of Germany.

National Socialist abolished this debt/double interest rate slavery too.

If you think interest is not evil than you still have to learn a lot...

Read Gottfried Feder - Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft.

I'm with you user.

>black market modernizes
>global economic collapse is coming everyone, start hoarding lichen so you can survive

National debt doesnt work like a persons debt and it isnt even meant to be paid back but to be kept in control

>Currency can loose it's value as well
That is what I said, mein Bergjude. The current currencies will collapse US$/€, a new currency will be created. Bitcoins value is dependend on supply and demand, but they have the one advantage that they cannot be created deliberately like fiat money.

Be kept in control? How do you keep in control something that can't be kept in control? Do you understand that the interests the US national debt generates in a year won't be payed in your children's life? How do you keep that under control? The financial system rules over the elite and they know it, they created a system that rules them and us. Just like an AIG will rule over the human race.

Well when doomsday comes give me a call, till then stay paranoid my tinfoil friends.

It is obivous that this cannot work forever, and the bitcoin surge indicates that the end is nigh, the monetary system will crash without any survivors.

>What does it mean goldcoin price?
It means the cost of physical gold coins faggot.
>Also don't even dear to compare market caps.
I think you meant "dare" faggot.

another theory is, the chinese have too much money so they put in into cryptocurrencies.

It's time to bug out!The illusion is collapsing!


Which is why I mine crypto, then buy gold bars with it :D

If the world falls to shit who's going to say that you'll have internet/electricity and that BTC nodes will be up? However physical gold will always have value.

If the doomsday comes it is already too late.

And no it is not paranoia, we almost had a happening in 2007/2008 and they created gigantic amounts of money, but this did not save our economy, it only delayed the inevitable collapse which will be much more disastrous because of it.

this is a retarded claim. just because a cryptocurrency is now worth more than gold coins does not equal economic collapse, if anything it indicates a bitcoin bubble. What made you believe this is the apocalypse? lmao

Drugs that dont drive your customers fucking crazy in the event of resource scarcity.
so not these. People who buy these will kill you for them too, and happily. Cannabis, cocaine (get the leaf stuff, refine it if you want I guess but that seems like youre playing with fire). Also learn to bootleg. Theres always demand for booze. Its an intoxicant, can sanitize and be used for solution.

People lose trust in our current currencies, they flee into bitcoins because they know the normal money will be completely worthless soon. Also, many countries felt a bit of what is going to happen in future already! Look at Greece or Cyprus where the bank just said if you have more than $100,000 in your account it is gone.