Also how does Sup Forums feel about dating yuropoor or asian women?
Is there any way to fix modern western sluts?
Aaron Rivera
Adam Cruz
>asian women
Your children have a much higher chance of having mental problems.
Bad idea.
John Scott
why is that? you mean autism?
Ayden Edwards
Proud of Greece being included there.
Luke Clark
ohohohohoh boy, you clearly never went to Ukraine/met an Ukrainian (slut)
Bentley Miller
>Eastern Europe and Balkans
Nigger do you know where the whores in this country come from?
Justin Morales
our women aren't whores..yet
is hating niggers and other races count to be included?
Bentley James
>Eastern europe
>not sluts
you made me laugh
Gavin Roberts
Take away their womyn rights. They proved to you cucks that they don't deserve them.
Juan Brooks
>incel posting a marry/whore map
what a surprise
really makes you think