Is there any way to fix modern western sluts?

Also how does Sup Forums feel about dating yuropoor or asian women?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6

>asian women
Your children have a much higher chance of having mental problems.
Bad idea.

why is that? you mean autism?

Proud of Greece being included there.

ohohohohoh boy, you clearly never went to Ukraine/met an Ukrainian (slut)

>Eastern Europe and Balkans

Nigger do you know where the whores in this country come from?

our women aren't whores..yet

is hating niggers and other races count to be included?

>Eastern europe
>not sluts

you made me laugh

Take away their womyn rights. They proved to you cucks that they don't deserve them.

>incel posting a marry/whore map

what a surprise

really makes you think