I used to be a white nationalist because I believed whites construct superior societies and have paramount intelligent. I was pro-eugenics and all. I no longer retain these convictions. I am now a transhumanist. Humans need to merge with technology to attain God-like abilities. We can become immortal and have real superpowers with the help of technology. White nationalism won't achieve this. Forget nationalism and supremacy. That is a primitive distraction. I don't care about preserving cultures and races anymore. We need to work in solidarity, whether you are East Asian, Indian, or White, to perfect technology. Transhumanism is the future. Sensible white people are opting out of white nationalism and transitioning into transhumanists.
I am no longer a white nationalist
Other urls found in this thread:
It's coming, user. The elite have been working on their own version of VR. It's going to be Eden 2.0, but it will be an abomination to God.
That's why nationalism is stupid.
The Jewish are in power because they were forced to become bankers. Nobody would hire them. They are in a position of power and RIGHTFULLY SO. Jewish persecution throughout history is not a myth.
Globalism is the way of the future. Just accept it. I have.
Bugger off Dr. Murdoch
Liberal eugenics: pretend tolerance and diversity is working while you desperately + recklessly encourage mass interracial breeding because the only thing that will truly unite us is being the same
you mean you're a nihilist
This. Immortality is it's own kind of death.
>I was pro-eugenics and all
It's literally dumb not to be.
How the fuck do you think humans "merge" with technology? It has to be done at a base level.
>I used to be a white nationalist
You liberal retards are so fucking easy to spot that it is just down right pathetic.
I hope you die quickly.
PSYOPS thread.
sage (options field) and report.
>whether you are East Asian, Indian, or White, to perfect technology.
no, i can tell you're a shitskin from the way your type stinks
Think it through all the way:
The technology already exists, so you might as well embrace it, because people already are (see: China).
If you don't, someone greedy will, and you'll be left with a population of engineered slaves.
The goal of Man is to become God.
Welcome to the future.
The fastest way to achieve this is to create a godlike AI to do it for us. Should Sup Forums be responsible for the parameters of an ultimate godlike AI?
So is this why liberals are so retarded? They base their political views of off star trek and shit?
Even if you dont believe in my religion, its proven to help maintain societal cohesiveness and other benefits to the health of a nation.
Youre just delusional...
Say it with me now: fuck kikes, niggers and dune coons
Stop watching Murdoch Murdoch...
You have a low IQ and you are on the wrong side of history. You will be written as a shit stain in future books.
> whether you are East Asian, Indian, or White
Unfortunately, goy, this country is about to be packed with Mexicans and niggers, not the superior races. I will admit though, I wouldn't mind a diverse future with just Indians, Asians, and Whites.
Look into super computers because this would be the base level
Watched the new Murdoch Murdoch today OP?
HAHAHAHAHAHA the butthurt autists screeching in this thread
National Transhumanism ftw
Yea what could go wrong just Letting the people who create the free and safe and prosperous and stable societies which enable technological development to be overrun by the people who create societies with none of those.
Technology is technology. It's a tool.
What society and man decides to do with it is up to them and rests on their shoulders.
The biggest secret of life is no one truly knows the future or knows what's coming which is why the world largely fumbles through progressions of time. The jews don't know. Corporations don't know. The clowns who try to control the world don't know. No one knows. No one has a crystal ball. Most things are great power are beyond understanding. What people do know is that you can influence other people and that influence is power. You can tell a story long enough and people will believe it.. That is control. You can retell history in your favor and that buys you support.
Technology has its own timeline and progression.
Human beings create stories wrapped around it and their increased understanding. Were all human beings, if a black person has a 160+ iq, a phd, is a billionaire and contributes to science, then they're just an individual who does that. If an ignorant white person wastes his waking days yapping about bullshit, they'll become the very nigger they hate.
No man rules the world. The solar system is beyond this world. Our galaxy is too as is much of the universe. A highly charged particle could rip through their body and give them incurable cancer that causes them to die in 2 years. Nothing is a certainty. Man doesn't know shit in the grand scheme of things. What man knows is that you can LARP and pretend you do and that can get you immense power, influence, and control.
So, incredible technology is coming and its up to mankind to determine what that results in. There's nothing wrong w/ the technology. It's just a tool.
The elite don't develop any of this stuff... Engineers and scientists do. The elite's minds are too busy counting shekels and spinning tales to brainlets which is why the world is such a mess.
hello fellow white men
>Engineers and scientists do
Then why don't they start revealing things that would help humanity?
I.E. Plasma double layer electrostatic propulsion.
No money in tech like that. The tech has to sell. People only care about extreme science (atom smashing, etc) in as much as a promise of future payout can be sold them.
>claims to embrace technology
>doesn't understand garbage in garbage out.
Merge with your toaster in the bathtub.
>The tech has to sell.
Then we have allowed progression to be halted by greed. Do you think the technologies they have now are the limits?
We are nowhere near the limits, to put it in a box because of a made-up speculative economy, is selling humanity short.
We lost the exploration mentality and replaced it with a profiteer mentality, instead of having a balance.
It's sad, truly.
So stupid. Transhumanism ia what will ultimately destroy the human race. You've watch Ghost Shell and now are all up for cyberpunk right? We come from nature, we are nature. Technology is the antithesis of nature, so technology is our antithesis. You cannot merge hate and love, you cannot merge justice and injustice. Merging with technology will spawn a new overlord which, I assure, is not going to be human. Technology has been killing the human spirit since it's inception, it's not going to suddenly our panacea.
Assimilate or perish obsolete species.
Merge with the machine and become one with eternity.
>Do you think the technologies they have now are the limits?
well for a silicon based processor... kinda yeah.. this is why computing has kind of stalled here the last few years. From news i've read it seems we are redesigning computers from the ground up (more supercomputing, quantum storage,etc)
>We lost the exploration mentality and replaced it with a profiteer mentality, instead of having a balance.
We ran out of planet to explore... and then learned that getting to space is harder than it looks
You're not even looking at the closest attainable goals, desu.
Forget about transhumanism for a second. What happens when CRISPR germline editing becomes perfected?
Everyone in the world (provided they have the money for it) will be white.
Only Africans will look significantly different at all, and some East Asians would have a tell, but nothing that different from what we see in Finland/Russia already. The entirety of the Middle East, MENA, India, etc. will pass as white.
And even that stuff goes out the window if you can pinpoint hair texture and a few nose genes.
Transhumanism is such a meme
Scientific progress is slowing down to a halt, and we are going to run out of oil soon. Go back to 'ddit
Christianity was exploration and wonder mindset
Judaism is exploitation and plunder mindset
Get out of here fag.
>Humans need to merge with technology
we already have nitwit.
that must be exhausting
>implying transhunanism will happen with a third or more of the population still dying from common colds in third world shitholes
Fuck off, retard.
What happens when you give the same advantages to two separate groups, one who has none, and the other who already has advantages? The one group who already had advantages are still better than the group who did not.
If you make whites and Asians transhumans, then try to make shitskin niggers transhumans, they'll still be inferior. You're starting off with an inferior base, it's not gonna end up better than the superior vase.
Transhunanism will still divide groups of trabshumanists by their most shared features and create tribalism, just like it does now.
You don't solve any problems with race or differences, you just shift them.
>we are going to run out of oil soon
No we are not.
Good luck "merging with technology" under Sharia Law and the control of the Jewish Capitalist Elite
>0.2 bitcoins were tranfered to your account
Your post is obvious shilling, you are trying too hard and use >I am not a member of X anymore. You do not provide any arguments, you just want to push your >we are all equal, race does not matter propaganda
No matter how much we progress technologically races will always matter and the White race must and will be preserved.
That's not really how it works. You can't just like...inject new altered DNA into a person and watch them morph from a nigger into a white before your eyes. The gene editing will allow people to change their children's genes. And sadly, there are people who will prefer to stay, or turn into shitskins. Of course they'll probably take light colored eyes and normal hair that isn't curly nigger bullshit. But it's not gonna make everyone white and it's not going to do what you're pretending.
You are not even ashamed to shill in groups, Soros
>used to be a white nationalist
Once that pill is swallowed it can't be thrown up, faggot. Fuck off, kike. Fuck off, ShareBlue. Fuck off, Leddit.
sort yourself out user
Sure thing buddy.
No, I'm talking technology far and wide.
Things that shift the paradigms, like the plasma double layer electrostatic propulsion I mentioned earlier.
Trans-humanism without nationalism is putting automated industries in the hand of the international finance forever. Not to say, super-AI and other superhuman techs comings soon.
Never before did fascism was so necessary to come back to serve people and community first
Just asking: did you rub yourself raw while writing all of that bullshit?
> I don't care about preserving cultures and races anymore. We need to work in solidarity, whether you are East Asian, Indian, or White, to perfect technology.
See: that's the problem. You may not believe in cultures, but culture believes in you. And technology has never diminished the drive for sectarianism, trans-humanism will be no different. If anything, it will cause further divergence of the human family.
>muh unity of human race via tech
This meme needs to die.
>this meme needs to die
Yes! I cringe when leftists say that we need AI because it is going to help solve all of our problems.
>The Jewish are in power because they were forced to become bankers.
Nobody forced them. It's their religion. Look at the old testament (((Torah)))
Deuteronomy 15:6
"For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you."
Nigger, you just fell for the rebranding jew. Transhumanism is the same as multiculturism. It's all just codeword for destroying identity. Don't fall for every new edgy ideology FFS. I swear people like you are the reason that shit like fidgetspinners are a thing. You are so easily exploitable.
I want to exploit your oil reserves IYKWIM
putting aside the fact that this is a bait thread let me respond with some serious criticism
1. Only people with IQ 130+ can meaningfully work on the transhumanist project
2. Eugenics to increase average IQ require a level of political cohesion accessible only to ethnically homogenous societies
3. While the US may benefit from importing non-white geniuses, particularly asians, the political disunity, egalitarianism and downright cuckery of the US government far exceeds the benefit of having a "multiracial" society that allows the importation of these people
I work in research in a somewhat relevant field (AI). I talk with east asian researchers all the time. They are very open in how hard it is to get funding because the US government - even in the sciences! - concentrates so much on political correctness. I have heard multiple times how you only get funding if you're black or brown.
The best system for implementing transhumanism would be a form of ethnic nationalism that had enough flexibility to allow the importation of foreign geniuses. You'd get the political cohesion of ethnostates, with the research boost of a large pool of foreign think-labor.
btw do you know which sort of states have exactly that sort of flexibility? East asian ones.
If you become immortal you'll live long enough to see heat death in the universe, so have fun with your eternity of nothing.
Transhumanism is literally the oldest lie in any of the books in history.
Genesis 3:4 KJV
>And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
>libertarinism by another name
Wow, really smart.
>we can become immortal
You already are. Why would you want to stay in this prison forever?
transhumanism is for niggers, kikes, and saturn worshippers
do you know what the best way to massively increase the average intellect and worth of each member of society is? kill all nonwhites. no amount of transhumanist garbage could even come close to accomplishing what manifest destiny and a small bit of light eugenics could accomplish. and you know what else? traditional biological methods dont have a chance of fucking up entire generations of stock
OP is very much likely not white, as are most transhumanists
>That's not really how it works.
That's exactly how it works. DNA codes for specific things, germline editing would allow us to selectively edit that DNA in anyone's offspring.
Pigmentation, being the most salient physical feature of humanity, and what 99% of the serious posters on this board obsesses over, is VERY well studied.
Assuming the technology was perfected and available (which is definitely far more realistic than singularity crap), what I described is exactly what will happen.
wtf I hate history now
if humans ever reached transcendence or robotic enhancement only the richest jews would receive it while the rest of us are left to starve and kill each other. you need to realize that. Every new high tech advance is being hoarded by the globalist elites, if you want your weird commie-esque transcendence you will have to kill the rich (and probably the poor too).
I guess you've watched the anime Kado
> traditional biological methods don't have a chance of fucking up entire generations of stock
but user, that is 100 percent wrong
>From news i've read it seems
The news are always sensationalistic and the journalists are pushing their memes. The real pogress in said fields is slow and painful and could eventually lead to nothing like most spectacular science projects do or open another way like some do.
>do you know what the best way to massively increase the average intellect and worth of each member of society is? kill all nonwhites.
Actually that'd be a pretty bad way to do it.
The best way to do it would be to kill people with low test scores.
If you want to go for a racial angle, killing all non-NorthAsians would be a better bet.
Found the kike and it's a fucking leaf.
this is anti-white propaganda
you know what i meant
found the nigger
Bullshit - all of it
>I drew some satan figures so transhumanism is bad
We have no idea how well it will work because we don't have that technology yet. Maybe all variations will turn up useless or dangerous, or some will turn up safe and very beneficial.
How the hell can someone advocate for or against a system that's based on non existent technology is beyond me.
>Pigmentation, being the most salient physical feature of humanity, and what 99% of the serious posters on this board obsesses over, is VERY well studied.
Let me explain this for you very simply. If people genuinely thought that pigmentation was the only thing that differentiated the races then no-one would be a race realist. The ENTIRE POINT of race realism is that pigmentation is NOT the only difference between groups.
You strawmanning fucking retard.
Humans are tribal by nature. Transhumanism will never exist as long as well have identity politics. They is no way to convince everyone, nor do people want to, change their base instinct. The only way for cooperation or peace is to establish and enforce boundaries. However people are greedy and will engage in power grabs. Transhumanism is a rose coloured dream at best. Transhumanism requires social cohesion to work. Diversity destroys social cohesion.
Fuck off jew you are not putting a gps chip under my skin
There's already trans humans. Remember when the 15 Or so intelligence officers were detained last summer and the representative referred to them as transhuman?
>"""EX"""-white nationalist
>Trusts kike/leftist technology
>Globalism is the future
Go away ShareBlue fag.
>we have no idea how well it will work
>implying it will work well
theres no fucking reason at all to do it in the first place. we dont even do regular eugenics, something that we know for a fact works, and you want to go doing a bunch of crazy shit
>maybe all variations will turn up useless or dangerous
maybe it will entirely and permanently fuck up all of humanity. and for what? so niggers dont have to feel inferior to whites?
and btw the guy who made those pictures was killed by the jews because his art isnt kosher
>no longer a white nationalist
Yeah, now you're a faggot.
>reddit spaceing
>we get raid of all whites, which ends the sole creative (in a constructive way) froce in the world being gone
You concepts are all utopian and full logical gaps and errors. For all the transhumanists, you are simply delusional there is no way we can be sure of if we ever get controll over those biological mechanisms. The bet is completly stupid and why shut for something, which likley will fail anyway, if there are practial real world solutions at hand ready to be implemented.
>I am now a transhumanist.
>being so bluepilled you want Google to "optimize" the OS of your mind
>genuinely wants the NSA to literally open up shop IN HIS FUCKING HEAD
Are you stupid?
That's a rhetorical question, of course your stupid. Look at the state of modern software and smartphones, now transpose that to your body.
"Transhumanism" is a Luciferian plot to enslave whatever clever goyim manage to avoid the BLANDA UPP trap.
>Let me explain this for you very simply. If people genuinely thought that pigmentation was the only thing that differentiated the races then no-one would be a race realist. The ENTIRE POINT of race realism is that pigmentation is NOT the only difference between groups.
Are you thick? I never said that. You seem to be so offended that you're making cause associations and equivalences out of the very specific things that I said.
Race, to 99.99% of the people in any nation on this planet, is based on appearance. The most major facet of appearance is pigmentation, followed by facial features. And 99.99% of racial conflict, as we know it in the west, stems from this fact. Real people don't care about haploshit or autosomal bullcrap.
The white race is defined by light pigmentation, and a loosely Caucasoid-esque appearance. Therefore, genetically engineering pigmentation would cause hundreds of millions of non-whites (mainly around MENA/India, but also going into East Asia) to be white.
white transhumanism is the ultimate redpill. you've got one more step to go.
Why You're a Nationalist
And which race, if any, do you think will achieve transhumanism in the future?
Somehow I doubt the somalis and spics replacing us are going to be programming strong AIs and uploading our consciousnesses
When man tries to become god... he. will. fall.
>and you want to go doing a bunch of crazy shit
Except I didn't say that. I say we shouldn't trow that alternative away until we know the full extent of its benefit and flaws.
>so niggers don't have to feel inferior to whites
Ideally they wouldn't be here, and we shouldn't just be handing out all our technology to every other country because the ones who developed it are more likely to be responsible with it.
I probably would be skeptical of that stuff if it came up today but that's just because of our shitty (((elites)))
>and btw the guy who made those pictures was killed by the jews because his art isnt kosher
Not achieving, but who will benefit
good luck making niggers who believe that eating albinos cures AIDS half machines. Transhumanism can work only in a homogeneous , culturally and technically advanced society you dumb kike.
Transhumanism, accelerationism, and globalism are the final redpill. Deal with it faggots.
I never borrow but always lend
am i jewish?
And especially, Technocracy. Take the Technocracy pill Sup Forums, stop following those unelectable outdated ideologies that lead to nowhere
it would be gay as fuck if you were immortal
>everybody you ever know dies and you live
>you get tired of it and try to kill yourself
>your immortal
All the human culture, all the results of art, science and technology that we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan. This very fact admits of the not unfounded inference that he alone was the founder of all higher humanity, therefore representing the prototype of all that we understand by the word "man." He is the Prometheus of mankind from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has sprung at all times, forever kindling anew that fire of knowledge which illuminated the night of silent mysteries and thus caused man to climb the path to mastery over the other beings of the earth . . . It was he who laid the foundations and erected the walls of every great structure in human culture.
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf