Questions for Christians

Why do Christians not follow the Old Testament? Y still eat pork, still eat meat containing blood, and how come we dont all circumcise? How come we don't kill our children because they lie to parents? How come we don't sacrifice animals? All of that is REQUIRED in the Old Testament, if you don't belive that all of those are sins, how come you think being Homosexual is? I'm just curious how Come We still follow the old testament? Why do you fuck Girls in the ass yet say that 2 guys doing it is a sin?

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It talks about homosexuality in the New one too dummy

op is a actual faggot who is conflicted because he is christian or used to be

I just don't get how homosexuality is "evil" or a sin? Why is it? I like guys, why would that change anything?

You still fuck girls in the ass, thats the exact same as fucking a guy in the ass, its still sodomy anyways, so that means all of us will go to hell i guess,

go worship winter chan soul

>jesus said all old jewish laws were made by men and irrelevant
>the only relevant laws are laws made by god, aka the 10 commandments
>none of us are free of sin anyway, that's why everyone needs jesus as savior

Maybe because we're not Nephilim scum?

Because Jesus
Also new testament
Also common logic, for the faithful anyways

Mosaic law is generally speaking not law for Christians, it may provide some guidance, but is not authoritative law. See Galatians 3 and Romans 4. On top of that, some things are specifically revoked, such as:

>Y still eat pork, still eat meat containing blood
Acts 10:9-16
>how come we dont all circumcise?
Acts 15:5-11
>How come we don't sacrifice animals
Christ's sacrifice was the ultimate sacrifice, no further are needed.

In the final days we we will have that godless fagging again, so I say we're not quite there yet; but genetics & robotics are fast forwarding us to that point in no time... except this time there won't be no flood anymore, but Armageddon.
15 - 30 years, and it's over. WW3 & NWO long before that.
Big purge is coming for mankind

Luke 22:20
And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.

Christians aren't under the old covenant and therefore don't observe everything laid out in it.

Rather we're under a new covenant, which retains some aspects of the old and adds new stuff.

If Christians actually knew what they were fucking doing-
1. There wouldn't be dozens of different versions of Christianity
2. There wouldn't be any reason to question the faith in the first place
3. Islam wouldn't exist now

This. Jesus explicitly tore up the Old Laws.

>Why do Christians not follow the Old Testament?
OT was largely a history lesson. The laws given to the Hebrews were for the Hebrews to be the People of God.

>Y still eat pork, still eat meat containing blood, and how come we dont all circumcise? How come we don't kill our children because they lie to parents? How come we don't sacrifice animals?
Because Jesus' death on the cross did away with those things. In the OT, to be the People of God one had to do those things. In the NT, one had to accept Christ to become the People of God.

>All of that is REQUIRED in the Old Testament,
But not in the NT.

>if you don't belive that all of those are sins, how come you think being Homosexual is?
Because God found homosexuality abhorrent in the OT. Why would he change his mind about that for the NT?

> I'm just curious how Come We still follow the old testament?
Christians aren't.

> Why do you fuck Girls in the ass yet say that 2 guys doing it is a sin?
If you have sexual relations with a woman who is not your wife it's still a sin.

Sex is a gift from God that is supposed to be enjoyed between a willing, married couple comprising a man and a woman.

>yet say that 2 guys doing it is a sin?
Because homosexuality is an abomination unto God.

>I just don't get how homosexuality is "evil" or a sin?
God intended it to be one man + one woman.

God never intended it to be one man + one man or one woman + one woman. (or multiples)

>You still fuck girls in the ass, thats the exact same as fucking a guy in the ass, its still sodomy anyways, so that means all of us will go to hell i guess,
One can have sex with one's willing wife anyway they please. As long as it doesn't turn into a degenerate undertaking. Sex is a gift from God. Like all gifts from God, they are not to be abused.

>Because homosexuality is an abomination unto God.

Says who? God? When? How? Where? Can you prove it?

>Old Testament


We're a sexual life form. In order to continue the process of life, we need men to pump sperm into women. Whether you prefer to suck cock or rub yourself against other naked guys or whatever is beside the point.

If it's about life rather than death, then it's about Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. It's just a biological fact.

Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, and 1 Timothy 1:9–10

>Says who? God?

>When? How? Where? Can you prove it?

Now, if you'll accept or outright deny this evidence presented, that's on you.

That's all hearsay and claims by men, written in the language of men.

I want proof. Not the ramblings of the Romans, the Corinthians, or some faggot named Tim.

See above. Using a manmade object as proof for the supernatural does not work. If it did, Muslims would be correct.

Don't they? I always see Christians quote the OT (if it suits their agenda kek).

t. salty homosex

Wrong, fagbreath. Jesus, in the new T, explicitly endorses everything written in the old T.

Because the bible is meant to be read chronologically with what is said later on contradicting that said in the old testament and therefore being the correct way of life to follow.

I also suggest you watch Jordan Petersons talks on Christianity and the bible.

Because Jesus retconned the Old testament.

Nah, I question those faggots in their threads too.
Like "Why do you flaming cunts always have to make a scene?"

Any time someone tries to get uppity about their way of life, I like to break their egos upon the rocks of reason.
Except for Muslims. THOSE I just taunt by calling Muhammad a fucking little pussy faggot shit-eating pig fucking lunatic with a sub-70 IQ.

I'll put it simply, mortal - but do your own research on Christ, which literally means The Anointed One.

Jesus came back to his home and told the Jews that they're all FUCKING retarded. He used parables to explain his epiphany, which, you CAN find out too.

The Jews with their eating rules, etc were offended by these sayings, like

"It is not what goes in to a man's mouth that makes him dirty, but what is expelled from it! Because that which is expelled by the mouth proceedith from the heart."

The Jews hated Jesus, and Jesus disrespected the Jews.

"A man is a prophet except within his own house, among his own people."

He learned here "Do not cast your pearls before the swine, lest they be trampled under foot."

His words were the pearls, the swine were the Jews.

He had crowds of crowds of people following him. At one point Jesus even got in to a small boat and paddled to the middle of a lake to escape his followers, at which point he felt sorry for them and paddled back to heal and teach.

I can go on and on.

In the end he was massacred by the Jews. At trial the Roman Pontius Pilate addressed the Jews saying "I find this man innocent of commuting any crime. Are you sure you want him dead?" The Jews said "Yes! Release him to us so we may kill him!"

King Of The Jews was written above his head in three different languages when he was crucified.

There is much, much more to the story though...

On the cross, his last words were "It is done."

What do you mean by proof? Within the framework of Christianity, those are divinely inspired statements, they are as proof as it gets. You can't prove the Bible is divinely inspired. You either believe it or you don't. That's why they call it, you know, faith.

Christianity is a theology based on the dogma of free will, this assumption is a blessing and a curse. Followers will also be tempted to stray from God, giving them the agency to grapple with complex religious questions is meant to embolden their understanding of faith.

That being said, it doesn't mean Christians should roll over and let nihilistic existentialism cuck their civilization like what's been happening for years now

Jesus himself seems like the Bobby Fischer of his time.
My gripe with Christianity is with blind faith. Following Jesus as a mentor and philosopher is fine. But when you start bringing up supernatural shit without proof, then problems start to arise.

Someone like Jesus should be seen as men like Plato, Diogenes, etc. Men who lived in a rough and tumble time, who thought about important things and took notice of the world around them, and gave lecture and wisdom on what they saw.

Men, not gods. Trying to attribute these things to some God just trivializes the lives of the men who spoke the words.

>Questions for Christians
>Why do Christians not follow the Old Testament? Y still eat pork, still eat meat containing blood, and how come we dont all circumcise? How come we don't kill our children because they lie to parents? How come we don't
>sacrifice animals? All of that is REQUIRED in the Old Testament, if you don't belive that all of those are sins, how come you think being Homosexual is? I'm just curious how Come We still follow the old testament? Why do you fuck Girls in the ass yet say that 2 guys doing it is a sin?

You're thinking of judaism

1 Corinthians
>all things are lawfull for me, but not all are good for me

>See above. Using a manmade object as proof for the supernatural does not work.
Yes, it does.

> If it did, Muslims would be correct.
Islam is not correct because you can see it in the way Islam operates and exists.

If you don't want us to believe in God, the Bible and our faith, you have to give us damn reasons as to why we shouldn't.

Same goes with accepting, condoning, tolerating and normalizing homosexuality using nothing but your personal feelings and opinions with no basis behind them other than yourself.

>Like "Why do you flaming cunts always have to make a scene?"
Because to homosexuals, their sexuality solely defines who they are. If they can't act out like that, it's like they literally do not exist.

So them doing that is them screaming "I EXIST! I EXIST!"

Same goes with homosexuals forcing non-homosexuals and anti-homosexuals to accept them. If we don't do that, to them it's like saying "you don't exist."

the new testament is the only good testament
approved religion includes new testament without old testament

>Yes, it does.
No it doesn't. It just makes you guys look fucking nuts, despite saying some wise things.

People don't dispute Plato's Republic like the Bible is disputed, for good reason. The Republic is written by a man. It's not supernatural storybook bullshit. It's real, backed by provable occurrence, and thus is very hard to dispute at all.

You start talking about poltergeists and other impossible shit, and people will dismiss everything else you have to say because YOU'RE CLEARLY DELUSIONAL.

Do you know what Jesus knew?
Do not look at recent art that tries to depict what he was talking about. That's just art. Any smart theologian understands that God doesn't have a corporeal hand.

Here's a Jesus quote
"If your Lords say to you
Look - in the sky,
It is the Kingdom! And you believe them,
Then the birds will know before you do.
If your Lords say to you
Look in the waters. There! The Kingdom! And you believe them
Then the fish understand more than you.
Rather think of it like this... The Kingdom is within you, and all around you."

500 years before Christ was the Buddha... Here's a Buddhist parable.

One day a Zen master was going to give a lecture on Satori, out beneath a tree, to a bunch of seekers.
As he began to speak a small bird landed in the tree on a perch above them and began to sing.
The Zen master listening to the song, and when the bird stopped singing said "the sermon is over. Go home."

Now the point of a poet is to say what cannot be said directly with words... For trying to explain the complex patterns of this universe in the simple syntax of words is... "As clumsy as drinking water with a fork."

Plato, Socrates... pretty good fellows.
Let me ask you this like Socrates.
Who are you?

>No it doesn't.
Yes, it does.

> It just makes you guys look fucking nuts, despite saying some wise things.
Christians don't give a damn what anti-Christians think of us. We're not going to let your opinions of us damn us to hell to appease you.

>People don't dispute Plato's Republic like the Bible is disputed, for good reason.
You dispute the bible because you hate what it teaches. You don't want to live for God. You want to live for yourself.

>You start talking about poltergeists and other impossible shit, and people will dismiss everything else you have to say because YOU'RE CLEARLY DELUSIONAL.
...Because you anti-Christians say so.

Again, we don't care.

We're right.

You're wrong.

Deal with it.

I do follow the old testament.
I am a believer in Jesus too.
Go figure.

As for blind faith. Have faith you will understand. Or as Jesus had said "don't you remember?

What did you forget?

>Because to homosexuals, their sexuality solely defines who they are.

True, but Christians, Jews, and Muslims are the same. Jews least as much as they like to be sneaky. But any time I've spent time around devout Christians, they can't go 5 minutes without referencing God, Jesus, or a Bible quote. And these people have very large egos as well. They cannot seem to grasp the idea of this world existing without them. They cannot understand what death actually is. The finality of death, the end of the line, is either too complex to understand(unlikely as it's not a hard concept to grasp), or is too frightening to grasp(most likely, as the concept of death can be frightening to those with a big ego).

To that end, the homosexuality is not a problem. There are countless faggots in this world without an inflated ego that you'd never know are faggots. They don't wear a badge. And there are countless Christians in the same boat.

Really, the greatest threat to man, and the only real SIN of man, is inflated ego. It is the root destroyer of humanity. Greed, violence, deviancy, addiction, everything that ends up destroying a man is caused by allowing one's ego to become inflated. Niggas do stupid fucking shit when they get selfish.

God I want to fuck you so hard

>True, but Christians, Jews, and Muslims are the same.

(you saying that just proves how little you truly understand about Christianity)

>But any time I've spent time around devout Christians, they can't go 5 minutes without referencing God, Jesus, or a Bible quote. And these people have very large egos as well.
So what?

>They cannot understand what death actually is.
Going home to be with the Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

>The finality of death, the end of the line, is either too complex to understand(unlikely as it's not a hard concept to grasp), or is too frightening to grasp(most likely, as the concept of death can be frightening to those with a big ego).
But you're wrong. We don't cease to exist when we die. It's either Heaven or Hell (or purgatory if you're Catholic).

Yes, that includes you as well. Though we both know where you're going when you die.

Try to talk your way out of hell when you face the judgement seat. It won't work.

>To that end, the homosexuality is not a problem.
Except for the whole sinning against God thing. Let alone the STD's, Cancer, Mental Illness, Suicide, thousands of sexual partners, etc etc etc.

>Who are you?
Vagabond. Practitioner. Scientist.

I'm not an atheist though. There's too much left unexplained to go that route. Hence the need for wandering and science.

Death is not the end of the line.
Who were you before you were born?
I'm guessing you'll say nobody.
Would you say that before birth you were in the same state as what we refer to as death? Yet here you are.
Notice the patterns.

Here you are not
Here you are
Here you aren't

Come on.

>Jesus say stuff in old testament is made by men
>People claim he is the Messiah because of what old testament prophecies

again Jesus said that that old testament is bullshit why divinize Jesus all of sudden? According to him, it's just us humans on this tiny spec of earth floating in the huge ocean of galaxies.

To be honest mate I'm glad you have a venue to come and be and ass as a challenge against what seems like some imagined enemy. But hopefully if you get your angst out you can propose something a little bit more constructive and maybe everybody, Christian or not, can learn something.

>Sex is a gift from God. Like all gifts from God, they are not to be abused.
I didn't come here to cry.

>Though we both know where you're going when you die.
It was oblivion before I was born. It'll be the same after death. There's absolutely no logical, rational, or reasonable case otherwise.

If a God exists, what in the name of fuck makes you think your peasant powerless ass means anything to such a being? You're a mortal. You look down at an ant nest and see meaningless bugs doing meaningless bug things. That's how a God would logically see you in your tiny blink-of-an-eye lifespan, except you'd be even less to a God than an ant is to you, for you are mortal like the ant, but a God is possibly immortal, a whole order of magnitude greater than you.

Your ego is inflated. You think you mean something. This causes you to do foolish things out of fear or a false feeling of self-importance.

every answer of your questions are in the new testament.

I only have one enemy. Islam. Fuck em to the fires of napalm.

Christians may be delusional, but I can't hate that. It's not a threat. Mudslimes are fucking psychopathic. Islam is a cult of insanity brought on by culturally-endorsed child abuse.

except i dont fuck girls in the ass??

>so that means all of us will go to hell i guess,

why do you assume everyone in the world does anal?? wtf??

>It was oblivion before I was born. It'll be the same after death. There's absolutely no logical, rational, or reasonable case otherwise.
God knew of you before He created the universe.
God created you purposefully and with a reason. God loved you before He formed the world.
God loves you even now.

...He's just not going to put up with your sinning which is an affront to Him.

>If a God exists, what in the name of fuck makes you think your peasant powerless ass means anything to such a being?
Because He created me, He's omnipotent and omniscient and He's a personal, loving God.

>You're a mortal.
My soul isn't. My perfected body won't be when he decides to give it to me.

>You look down at an ant nest and see meaningless bugs doing meaningless bug things. That's how a God would logically see you in your tiny blink-of-an-eye lifespan, except you'd be even less to a God than an ant is to you, for you are mortal like the ant, but a God is possibly immortal, a whole order of magnitude greater than you.
You don't understand the personal, loving God.

>You think you mean something.
The God of the universe loves me with the purist love ever and sent His son to die for my sins so that I am be reconciled to Him and be with him for all eternity.

How can my life not "mean something" when I've accepted that fact?

If you think about it, Islam is basically Christianity if it said 'dudes Jesus was cool and was Son of God but lets not get crazy... everything in the OT was totally true and we will follow it and call it umm like... Sharia Law?"

Vagabond. Practitioner. Scientist.
No, who are you?
Go further.
Come on. No more false modesty.

You are the which in which there is no whicher.

That which moves the sun and stars is that which moves you.

Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.

Forget your bodily age. The creation of you extends back to the death of stars.

Maybe you could think about recasting your one enemy as being something a little bit more general like evil or death. I have no interest in trying to defend Islam, but you should said
>I can't hate that
>It's not a threat
And to my mind, that makes it sound like you have some sense of the situation wherein you can see that if nothing else that Christians are getting something more right than Muslims. Short of making that just an "us vs. them" thing, think about what it might be that one side is getting more right than the other. Then, as a fellow scientist, think about how to further improve the better one rather than drag either one down.

t. Someone who had no idea what he's talking about

Tota Scriptura.

No, I'm just batshit. Mr.Guano, Ph.D in Lunacy

Christians just don't pose a threat, and haven't since they grew up a bit and gained civility with the Renaissance. Granted, now many of them are too lamb-like. For example, importing Somalians into Maine. What the actual fuck? WHY?

You really wanna meet God? I can tell you how, though you probably won't like the idea.
But I guarantee you will meet the truth in this place. And it might kill you.

How to have faith for world changing prayer?

>You really wanna meet God?
I'd be meeting God, if I was a Christian or not. We all face God for judgement in the end.

>I can tell you how, though you probably won't like the idea.
I'm going to love meeting God. Why wouldn't I? To hear the God of the universe say "Well done, good and faithful servant."? Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

>But I guarantee you will meet the truth in this place.
I've already seen and accepted truth. I'm a Christian, after all.

>And it might kill you.
Nope. My name is written in the Book of Life and it can never be erased.

>For example, importing Somalians into Maine. What the actual fuck? WHY?
Boy is that ever a good question. I would say importing them is a legitimate threat.

I'm probably one of Sup Forums's worst Christians, but sometimes I think it's interesting to come to these threads to see what other people think. And this is one of the things that, whether it's Sup Forums or real life, people will agree it's fucking stupid and pointless when you take them aside. This I think is one of the more prescient examples in modern life of how organized religion itself is going completely opposite to what it's supposed to be preaching.

Because Jesus changed all that. Read the New Testament.

you will find the lord quite flexible on these rules if you read the bible.

Are you willing to challenge those beliefs? Or at least put them to the test? Seriously put them to the test? To see how strong your faith really is?

porn told him so

>Are you willing to challenge those beliefs? Or at least put them to the test? Seriously put them to the test? To see how strong your faith really is?
If God wants to test me, He will.

I can say though that there is nothing that will make me renounce my faith.

You thinking you can destroy my faith due to your hatred of Christianity speaks volumes about who you really are though.


I want everyone to calm down. No more insults. Understand.

Find out who you are. The REAL you.

I've given a few posts. If you earnestly want to know you'll find out.

However... If I go to a symphony, and get moved by the music - then I come back to tell you about the symphony in which I just experienced... My description of it can't be the same as you actually going to listen for Yourself.

My friends... This world, this very moment - it IS the symphony. It IS the BEATIFIC VISION. You see?

"Those with eyes do not see
Those with ears cannot hear" - Christ

"But I tell you. Greater things in which even I do... Ye shall do also." - Jesus

>If God wants to test me, He will.
So no, you're not willing.


>You thinking you can destroy my faith due to your hatred of Christianity speaks volumes about who you really are though.
I have not expressed a hatred of your faith. I only question it and want the faithful to question it. Blind faith is poison. It limits the mind and spirit. And it limits the understanding of what life actually is.

When you really understand what life is, it becomes far more amazing than anything you can imagine as a Christian.

For example, how an animal the size of an elephant can extract enough energy from plant material to move countless miles a day across a very rough and harsh landscape with very limited water supply, and not only get that energy, but get that energy without using radioactive decay or high-temperature combustion. That level of energy efficiency is well understood by humans, but we cannot yet replicate it. Our cars are still powered by explosions in an inefficient manner. There's no Godly miraculous shit going on to move the elephant across the plains, yet that ability is out of our current reach despite knowing how it happens.

THAT is the power of life on this planet. Hundreds of millions of years of trial and error producing a evolution-perfected super-efficient lifeform. That shit is far more amazing than "hurrr gawd did it all, ain't it amazing?!"
Maybe a God laid the basic foundation, but what we see is all time and space working wonders.

Solomon worshiped everybody, David cheated. i think is that right? god wants you to do these things, but want condem you if you don't.\

and thats why i think hes awesome god.

>So no, you're not willing.
Not that you could say anything that would make me renounce my faith, mind you.

>I have not expressed a hatred of your faith.
Yes, you have. You just don't identify it as expressing hatred.

>That shit is far more amazing than "hurrr gawd did it all, ain't it amazing?!"
See? That statement shows that you hate my faith and you don't even realize it.

Homosexuality is disordered and a perversion of nature. Same goes with anal sex with a women. The only people who like to play in assholes are faggots.


>Not that you could say anything that would make me renounce my faith, mind you.
You're right. But I can tell you a course of action that absolutely will sake your foundations up a bit.

>You just don't identify it as expressing hatred.
You only think it's hatred because you see it as an attack. You see it as an attack because your ego is being threatened.

>That statement shows that you hate my faith and you don't even realize it.
I don't hate your faith. If I did I'd want you naped like mudslimes.
Their "faith" I hate. I hate it because it's a threat to every other human on earth. It's a threat to life itself, and to knowledge.
These people actively destroy history. I guess now I can say I hate progressives as well, as they too are hell-bent on destroying history and science and humanity and side with the muslims.

You folks aren't rational, and are a bit too big for your pants, but you don't go around attempting to destroy history as a whole.

>this book has fucking thousands of pages
>ill read the first 50 or so and that should be good enough

OP in a nutshell

I would never fuck my girl in the ass. I assume if I do that enough it would eventually give her irritable bowel syndrome like fags often get.
So I don't need to go tearing up her bum hole when she has a perfectly good vagina for plugging.
Also pewp on my cock is gay. Period.

>You're right. But I can tell you a course of action that absolutely will sake your foundations up a bit.
Nope. lol.

>You only think it's hatred because you see it as an attack.
No, it's an insult of my faith due to your lack of understanding or even caring about other people.

>I don't hate your faith. If I did I'd want you naped like mudslimes.
I don't hate your faith. If I did I'd want you naped like mudslimes.
In the end you anti-Christians only want to destroy my faith.

>Their "faith" I hate. I hate it because it's a threat to every other human on earth. It's a threat to life itself, and to knowledge.
You'd gladly destroy Christianity to further those goals of yours. (not that you'd ever succeed though)

>You folks aren't rational,
Yet another insult based on your lack of understanding.

Christians are not under the Mosaic Law. They are under the Covenant of Christ

>(Romans 10:4) For Christ is the end of the Law, so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness

The rest of the Bible agrees that The Mosaic Law has come to an end.

>(Galatians 3:19-25) Why, then, the Law? It was added to make transgressions manifest, until the seed should arrive to whom the promise had been made; ... 20 ....21 Is the Law, therefore, against the promises of God? May that never happen! For if a law had been given that was able to give life, righteousness would actually have been by means of law. 22 ....23 However, before the faith arrived, we were being guarded under law, being delivered up together into custody, looking to the faith that was destined to be revealed. 24 Consequently the LAW HAS BECOME OUR TUTOR leading to Christ, that we might be declared righteous due to faith. 25 But now that the faith has arrived, WE ARE NO LONGER UNDER A TUTOR.

>(Galatians 4:4, 5) But when the full limit of the time arrived, God sent forth his Son, who came to be out of a woman and who came to be under law, 5 THAT HE MIGHT RELEASE BY PURCHASE THOSE UNDER LAW, that we, in turn, might receive the adoption as sons.

>(Matthew 5:17) “Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but to fulfill;

>(Romans 7:6) But now we have been discharged from the Law, because we have died to that by which we were being held fast, that we might be slaves in a new sense by the spirit, and not in the old sense by the written code.

>(Ephesians 2:15) By means of his flesh he abolished the enmity, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, that he might create the two peoples in union with himself into one new man and make peace;


>(Colossians 2:14) and blotted out the handwritten document against us, which consisted of decrees and which was in opposition to us; and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake.

>(Ephesians 2:14) For he is our peace, he who made the two parties one and destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off.

>(Galatians 3:10) For all those who depend upon works of law are under a curse; for it is written: “Cursed is every one that does not continue in all the things written in the scroll of the Law in order to do them.”

>(Romans 7:10) And the commandment which was to life, this I found to be to death.

>(Galatians 3:13) Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: “Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake.”

What makes it even more apparent that the Mosaic Law is over is that A NEW LAW was put in its place. This is the Law of Christ or the Covenant of Christ. The mediator of the Mosaic Law was Moses. However, Jesus is now the mediator OF A NEW LAW.

>(Hebrews 9:15) So that is why he is a mediator of a new covenant, in order that, because a death has occurred for [their] release by ransom from the transgressions under the former covenant, the ones who have been called might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance.

>(Luke 22:20) Also, the cup in the same way after they had the evening meal, he saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in YOUR behalf.

>(2 Corinthians 3:6) who has indeed adequately qualified us to be ministers of a new covenant, not of a written code, but of spirit; for the written code condemns to death, but the spirit makes alive.

>(Hebrews 7:22) to that extent also Jesus has become the one given in pledge of a better covenant.

>(Matthew 26:28) for this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.

>(1 Corinthians 11:25) He did likewise respecting the cup also, after he had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. Keep doing this, as often as YOU drink it, in remembrance of me.”

>(Hebrews 8:6) But now [Jesus] has obtained a more excellent public service, so that he is also the mediator of a correspondingly better covenant, which has been legally established upon better promises.

>(Hebrews 9:15) So that is why he is a mediator of a new covenant, in order that, because a death has occurred for [their] release by ransom from the transgressions under the former covenant, the ones who have been called might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance.

>(Hebrews 12:24) and Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and the blood of sprinkling, which speaks in a better way than Abel’s [blood]

The Old Testament PROPHESIED that the Mosaic Law or the Law Covenant would come to an end AND be replaced by a NEW covenant.

>(Jeremiah 31:31) “Look! There are days coming,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “and I will conclude with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant;

>(Jeremiah 32:40) And I will conclude with them an indefinitely lasting covenant, that I shall not turn back from behind them, for me to do them good; and the fear of me I shall put in their heart in order not to turn aside from me.

>(Hebrews 8:8) for he does find fault with the people when he says: “‘Look! There are days coming,’ says Jehovah, ‘and I will conclude with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant;

Required for Jews, so why arent you asking them instead?

That's an easy answer. Whatever christianity originally was, it became the Roman imperial state religion with Constantine.

They did a lot of editing because the goal was hegemonical assimilation, mass subjugation and providing the empire with a divine right to rule.

It would morph and adapt to local populations as necessary, so something that was heresy in one region would be conveniently ignored when they tried to integrate some place new where that prohibition wouldn't fly.

It's still an incredibly fragmented cult, and your personal idea of christian normality is likely very regional.

Yeah, I could be called that. I'm not anti-Christ however.
I see your messiah as I see Diogenes. Kind of a freak. Weird. But very wise and worldly. I see him as a man.
Any God could have done what Jesus did and it wouldn't be amazing. After all, a God is omnipotent. To a being that can blink things in and out of existence, being strung up for a torturous death is nothing.

But to a mortal man, going through that torment without ever repenting is astounding. Takes guts.
And I know exactly what it's like. Been there, in a way. The only difference is, my way wasn't fatal.

I'll explain in detail next post. How you get to know Jesus fucking Christ, the man not the messiah. The man who stood up to psychotic men and paid for it with his life.

God has already turned this queer over to the reprobate mind. No point discussing validity of the divine.

>The man who stood up to psychotic men
That's an interesting choice of words. You remind me of a lot of people who seem to stand opposed to Christianity just because they seem to think it's some sort of a threat to their ability to rebel against unspecified things for unspecified reasons.

I had a friend like that once in school. I don't think he converted, nor did I want him to, but he did change once he had the chance to start his own life on his own and in the company of friends who, and I don't mean this in a gay way, revered unconditional love.

>Any God could have done what Jesus did and it wouldn't be amazing
Jesus is God.

>I see your messiah as I see Diogenes. Kind of a freak. Weird. But very wise and worldly. I see him as a man.
Then you're anti-Jesus as well.

In calling Jesus a man you deny his Divinity and you are saying every, single Christian throughout history is living a lie.

A man could not have lived a sinless life. A man could not have taken the sins of the world on his shoulders. A man could not have risen on the third day.

>And I know exactly what it's like. Been there, in a way. The only difference is, my way wasn't fatal.
You have not and could not take on the sins of the world. Regardless, you have not gone through Jesus did.

christians are supposed to keep the old testament but not stuff he said not to like the sacrifices because jesus is the final sacrifice


do not commit adultery is a old testament law that still is widely followed

u dont go to hell and you dont get stoned anymore for sinning against the old testament tho

its a law of mankind to do the right thing and if u want to be a christian and be a righteous man u follow the specific morals in the old testament or love ur neighbor as ur self is the over arching simplified law of god

What you just described is a program and algorithms that allow for life to work efficiently without either burning out or expelling too much energy. The human brain is another miracle that proves God exist. The amount of calculations it does per minute would set the most powerful computer on fire because of the energy needed to compute. Yet the human brain can burn enough energy without burning itself out and without expelling too much.

That alone proves a God exist. Accidents cannot reproduce programs, algorithms, calibration, timing, etc. That can only be created and controlled. The belief is that accidents had eternity to do this. The problem is that for complex systems to happen they do not have an eternity of time only a sliver of a chance to happen once. Trial and error can only occur if an intelligence exist to deduce the error the previous trials. Without this the same error will be repeated for an eternity.

All this stuff was debated on by the disciples when they started converting people who weren't originally Jewish and thus didn't already follow the laws of Moses. Some felt they should be made to do All of it; others, like Peter and Paul if I remember correctly, felt the new converts just had to do the Ten Commandments, and the other things that we're still told to do today. It's pretty much all in the book of Acts.

Bingo bango, user.

>If you think about it, Islam is basically Christianity

No, it is not.

>everything in the OT was totally true and we will follow it and call it umm like... Sharia Law?"

No, not even close.

>How come we don't sacrifice animals?
Christ fulfilled the Law in our stead. Same reason we can eat pork, etc.

>All of that is REQUIRED in the Old Testament, if you don't belive that all of those are sins, how come you think being Homosexual is?
Homosex is mentioned as a sin in the New Testament several times, but it is often ignored by more...liberal branches.

>I'm just curious how Come We still follow the old testament?
We don't (mostly). The Law is a curb, a mirror, a guide. But Christ died in our place, laid a foundation for us to be redeemed in his stead

The Old Testament is kept around for instructional and foundational purposes. In it we see a series of covenants leading to the incarnation, which illustrates the development of the relationship between God and man.

For example, the Law in the Old Testament was a set of rules laid down for a good life on earth. It didn't need to be understood. God doesn't explain...he basically just says I'm god deal with it. But at that point in the history of salvation recall there was no heaven for human beings. At that point there was no means by which man could work out his salvation as St. Paul says. the concept of living righteously under authority was being first introduced and was tied to a strictly terrestrial existence. So there was no need for any understanding beyond that.

Jump forward to the gospels wherein Jesus explains the law and demonstrates he is the fulfillment of it. The relationship has matured to the point that children of God are expected to grow out of blind obedience to the Law and instead actively choose the good for the love of god and neighbor to obtain eternal bliss in heaven.

The Old Testament prophecies and stories also tell us about the person of Jesus Christ...his nature, his purpose, his relationship to us, to the father, and the Holy Ghost. For example a big deal to the Jews is the "I am" to Moses out of the burning bush. God never answers Moses when asked for his name. The thing is, he gave the answer to Mary at the Annunciation. The connection would not be lost on the contemporary Jews.

Calling Jesus a god makes the suffering and work he undertook meaningless.

To a God, what happened to Jesus would be barely an itch to scratch. To an immortal, death means nothing.

But to a man, sitting on a cross...
Well, I'll tell you.

First you get yourself a drug called alpha-PHP(see, I told you that you'd hate this).
5 grams worth, more than enough to last the 7+ days needed.
You'll need at least 9 days off of work. 7 for the experience and 2 for recovery.
Now, you vape this off of foil using a careful heat. The initial rush and euphoria are like nothing you've ever known. You ARE God.... For a time.
These awesome, feel-good effects last for about 4 days, maybe 5 if you're lucky. Right around the 4-5 day mark without sleep, and little to eat. shit starts hitting the fan.
And pretty suddenly, your world starts to change. The shadow people come out. Reality itself breaks and everything phases. Your own shadow becomes 3D.
You hear things. Voices, music, noises, etc. I once heard a cash for gold commercial I hadn't seen in 4 years, as though it was playing from a loudspeaker.
Memories long forgotten play out like vivid movies. Pain manifests in the hands, feet, joints, and head. God and Satan are the same thing.

Day 6, the shadows crawl all over the place. Demons taunt you, scream at you. The days are numbers, you cannot remember sleep. You begin to understand what it's like
to be strung up on a cross, in pain, being tormented with voices and taunts, visions of your past, visions from other people you don't even know. Music plays in your head...
Constantly. Never ending.

not eating pork could have been because theres diseases and parasites in pork if its not cooked and handled properly

so thats one reason ancients couldnt eat pork

or its something spiritual or its still unhealthy today and still wise to not eat pork for some reason

you never know maybe keeping that commandment is still a good thing to do because we dont have the same wisdom

but the NT said u can eat whatever meats u want it dont FKIN MATTER anymore

u can literally be a homosexual mass serial killer in the NT and go straight to heaven if you believe

that doesnt make it wise though

gods law is the beginning of wisdom

the more u go against it the more fucked up ur life is

>Calling Jesus a god makes the suffering and work he undertook meaningless.
You just...don't...get it...

I don't think you want to get it, either.

If you really want to try to understand it, go to a church that will have you and ask those questions to a learned pastor who is willing to have a discussion with you.

You can either learn from him or dismiss what he says out of hand.

But it's quite clear you truly don't understand Christianity and you don't want to.

I have to say out of everything, and I don't know why, I'm leaving out those times I barely avoided braining myself and slitting my arteries open on acid, for instance, time going backward and all the rest, some of the scariest experiences I've had were from sally.

There's something that shapes you up like not even knowing if you're dead or not and there are demons crawling out of the wall at you.

But I don't see what that has to do with Christianity other than that it says you're not supposed to monkey around with that stuff.