>gang up on and beat mentally challenged man
What possesses people to do this?
>gang up on and beat mentally challenged man
What possesses people to do this?
these guys are lucky his retard rage didnt kick in
We're getting these' niggers identities.
Niggers gonna nig
1 in 5 AA niggers are in the retard IQ range even if they don't look it. Just aggressive retards versus peaceful retards
thats basically pol threads all day long
They're good for nothing niggers.
Really gonna ruin their career prospects, huh
Niggers love to kill other black people.
Seriosuly though, we need this nigger faggots identity, and report it to the popo, any ideas on how?
It's typical nigger behavior.
Being a tard is hard enough but this one is a nig so he's basically forced to live around this his whole life. They don't really care about other black people. They're entirely selfish as a people and everything they do is driven by a desire to have more.
that was weak as shit. if the retard was white that little nig would have dropped him.
They deserve it.
The claim was the tard was a pedo
It was a joke, friend
They've already been caught.
Career prospects, kek
Nigga what?
Daily reminder that the official cutoff for borderline mental retardation in the United States was lowered in 1973 from 85 to 70, because it was deemed too awkward that approximately 54% of African Americans are classified as at least somewhat "retarded" under the old definition.
Niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers
>Niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers
Niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers
>Niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers
>Black "people"
choose one and only one.
Pick one
its not possession, its black dna
>What possesses people to do this?
Dunno, isn't most /polaxes pro extermination of bipedal potatoes?
Dolphins are more "people" than this and they're horrible interspecies rapists.
Thanks to Sup Forums, they got arrested.
This is completely typical nigger behavior and leftists are going to continue pretending it isn't happening.
I seriously hope blacks are going to be held accountable at some point for their disgusting behavior. It's getting worse by the day.
Why are these niggers allowed to run free then?
>Complains about shitty immigrants
When your mammy does nothing but beat you up as a child and compassion/empathy are foreign concepts this is what happens.
They are animals that have never been trained.
Philadelphia police arrest juveniles shown in video assaulting mentally disabled man
>gang up on and beat mentally challenged man
>What possesses people to do this?
Spotted the minessomalian, you have to go back nigger.
true story, related: My bro used to work in NYC with adult highly-functioning mentally handicapped folks. These people had mental challenges, but held advanced degrees and could work in engineering, business sector jobs etc. Anyway, on particular occasion one of these folks was mugged while walking home. He indeed went into one of those rages, and by the time the police showed up this fellow had broken almost EVERY bone in that fucker's body. The cops pulled up and the guy was positioning the mugger's arms and legs into position against the curb to crack the next bone. The guy was a mangled mess. So yeah, you choose to fuck with the wrong mentally challenged person and lose, watch out. They don't have an off button. They don't understand when they've won the battle and it's time to ease up.
Whatever you say, Jose
Checked and capped, keked for truth
Shit like this is fucking infuriating.
>What possesses people to do this?
oh user
Why do you refer to them as people? Monkeys are not people mate.
So uhhhh....nobody has figured out that these apes need to be exterminated for the greater good?
I've heard niggers are pretty ignorant and bigoted, but that chap seems to have an open mind.
this, real autismes or retards have this inner rage that can triple their strenght and they wont even noticed it, then they can activate rage frenzy lvl 10 and fuck you up straight to the morgue that only a tranqualizer or a bulltet to the head can calm them down .
What people?
Sounds like most of the people who post on here.
So many niggers on this fucking board.
assholes. and they even laughed at him too :(
Wew. checked.
weird how the only good niggers are retarded
"people "
Always remember niggers hate you because you are white. They can't be you so they want you to die.
Niggers are scum, that's the easiest redpill to swallow.
He stayed in his country, he's not the problem.
Look at this little nigger
HOLY SHIT i never knew a human head could POP like that
i saw 3 mentally challenged niggers hitting an innocent man
sad but true.
This man has already defeated their evil.
Has probably already forgave them too.
The end is nigh!
fuck :(
Kinda feel sorry for the retard. Then again, if he wasn't retarded, he'd most likely just be another nigger.
All races and peoples with an identity and a homeland must unite against the (((rootless cosmopolitans))).
God bless this poor man.
Curse the disgusting animals that hit him.
These people call us racists between threatening to kill all of us, projecting?
there is something seriously wrong with black people
something neocortex something something
i really doubt anyone here actually plans to go out killing and raping, def not raping black women but yea its pretty funny
The problem is tribalism where non-whites openly discriminate against whites. A real problem in some parts of the country. If they breed at 10x the rate, whites can expect to be targeted for crime and get screwed by the legal system, ironically while being preached to about our "privilege."
>What possesses people to do this?
Man seeing things like that really break my heart. I hate seeing defenseless, innocent people get hurt.
>if things werent the same
>theyd be different
I don't like niggers, but I can't help but feel compassion for the shitty deal he got by being retarded (and that Jesus necklace). Kind of conflicting, but statistically, had he not been retarded, he would have been a nigger. Only way for me to make sense of it.
>inb4 don't be racist
Where's BLM now? lol
Dont be racist. Jesus loves all of mankind, and you love Jesus dont you? Hating evil people makes sense, even if he doesnt want you too, but hating people by association is even worse.
Who was mentally challenged here?
Kek god punished cain for slaying his brother, marking him for eternity.
Niggers have cains sins to pay for.
wolf pack mentality
preying on the weak and unfortunate
They fired her because it hits too close to the reality of their relationship.
A lot of people will say it's black culture and that the culture needs to change. Really, these people are just born like this and no matter where you'd put them they'd act like this. It's typically blacks, and they typically act out when there's 4 or 5 of them because they know no one will retaliate. Other blacks protect them when the cops come after them and then complain when the cops do nothing about them. They're primitive and they belong in a jungle, not in civilized society.
Fire me.
I've always been curious who is the woman in your pic? If she alright, they didn't kill her did they?
What's his endgame, Sup Forums?
>What possesses people to do this?
I think I found the source of your confusion OP.