Example of Aryan faiths:

>Stoicism (reason as divine)

>Buddhism (moral nihilism)

>Zen (anti-cult)

>Nietzsche's Overman (Will to Power)

>Naturalism (nature as divine)

>Cosmotheism (Dr. William Pierce, evolution as divine)

>Nazism (blood and nature as divine)

>Pythoagorism (numbers as divine, "man is the measure of all things")

All perfectly acceptable alternative to Semitic slave cults.

And for the more Esoteric fag who wants Spiritualism you have:

>Zoroastrianism (good replaced with wisdom of good, evil replaced with incorrect thoughts; the first philosophy)

>Vedda (Brahmanism)

>Wotanism (non-cucked chivalry)

>Druidism (nature as spirit)

>Mithra-ism (divine purity, Christianity stole most of its ritual from)


Other urls found in this thread:




operation reinhard


>shitting on jesus
detected the kike puppet

Jews are not magic and were never chosen by the creator.

No magic Jew is god.

God is not a magic Jew

God doesn't give a fuck about Jews

You give Jews power

Your God is dead

Your followers are being converted to Cultural Marxism because it has the same egalitarian slave morality.


Stop spamming this shitty fucking pasta everywhere

you realize that all those Aryan faith beliefs can be compiled into Christianity? Also, if you're against Christianity you're in league with Judaism or Islam. Pick one...

Are these the new BLACKED troll threads now?

Suck it op. I'm walking daily with the lord and you won't ever shake my faith. You WISH you believed in something. That's what it comes down to is envy.


I like all of those other than Buddhism, what do I do?

>I'm walking daily with the lord
Your imaginary master is a Jew and your religion will be die with the Boomers.

Your generation is being converted to Cultural Marxism.

tsk tsk faggot

>I like all of those other than Buddhism, what do I do?

Pick the best and help kill he Jew mythology that is destroying Civilization before they complete their task.

That is the secret to ending Cultural Marxism, white genocide, Jewish "Chosen" status, and Christians letting in Muslims in hopes of converting them.
Only .001% of Christians want a war with Islam. The rest just want to wait for Jesus

breaking the family ties is in he wrong context. Jesus said by adopting Christianity you were taking the risk of losing your family, but you would inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus also instructs us to pay our taxes in Romans 8 fuckwit.
Keep to your orthodox roots, Giorgi.

literal brainwashing here. Somebody missed out on the last 10 years of Islam coming into the west and ruining everything that White Christian Europeans created. Latvians were living in huts when the Teuton crusaders brought them civilization.

Actually now that I looked into Cosmotheism It seems close enough to some conclusions I have reached myself.

I can't, I lost faith.

>shitting on jesus
>detected the kike puppet
jesus is and forever will be until the last christian christkike is removed from reality

*a kike

>jesus is and forever will be until the last christian christkike is removed from reality

Oh yes he will forever be, and theres nothing your incest-loving Indian gods can do friend.

fuck off amerikike

ok amerikikes

>ze huts
False, Latvian lived in comfy wooden houses, they still continued living in wooden houses after Tuetonics. Christianity doesn't have civilization as it's essential and defining component, you can be an abo hunter gatherer Christian, what does it have anything to do with huts?
Every time someone makes those argument it's clear that they are just a LARPer Christian, even posted le crusader memes too.

that's silly, you are not going to convince anybody with that. make an actual arguments against it's teaching and followers, Jewish doesn't essentially always mean bad and native is not always good.

Why are there so many white insecurity threads today? To distract from Trump's ass-raping by Comey? To change the subject from "the Russians are criminals as usual"?

OK white boys, who's terrifying you today? The Browns? Teh wominz? BBCs got your girl again?

>you realize that all those Aryan faith beliefs can be compiled into Christianity? Also, if you're against Christianity you're in league with Judaism or Islam. Pick one...

I will not pick one. I will not pick any Jewish inspired slave cult.

I will no longer legitimize their chosen status (good or evil). I will not play into their Apocalyptic memes. I will not argue their history.

You're right, but consider Christianity was originally called Reformed Judaism. Imagine if all the Jews in the world practiced today's Christianity, and realize this religion works to restrain the Jew's evil, inhuman nature. If we, the Aryans whom the Jews secretly strive to equal and even surpass, all condemn Christianity what incentive is there for the Jew to give up his old Jewish beliefs for Reformed Judaism?

A Pagan altar in every home, but Christian altar at a Christian Church each Sunday.

>fuck off amerikike
>ok amerikikes

this is too easy m8.

Shameful to Georgian history. Christianity brought on new thinking and highly inspired the renaissance. the Library of Alexandria was kept by Christian librarians until it was rudely destroyed by muslims, the very people you have fought for centuries! Sad!

shoo shoo indeed kike op. jesus was a judahite, not a jew.
panic elsewhere

GTFO Sup Forums

This is for white people and their supporters. If you want to hate go to /lefty/pol or Fedbook or Twitter or (((College)), or watch TV.

You want to apologize for being white, watch FOX news.

>that's silly, you are not going to convince anybody with that. make an actual arguments against it's teaching and followers
i don't care about convincing anyone because i know the truth
> Jewish doesn't essentially always mean bad
ok gyppo >this is too easy m8.
stop wailing like the whiny amerikikes you are
admit it
you're a mulatto mexinigger, aren't you

>jesus was a judahite, not a jew.
LIKE THERE'S A DIFFERENCE, hans liebensraum!!!!

Debunked. None of those historians lived during the time of this character Jesus and none of the claimed he ever existed, they just mentioned third-hand what others were saying. (see Socratic Dilemma)

>they don't know that it doesn't matter if Jesus was a jew or not, Yahweh is the Jewish god regardless. That's who you pray to

>jesus was a juw, not a jew.


"jews" is a term made up by the fake hebrews of today, the khazarian desert roaches. the term jew does not exist in the bible nor did the real hebrews back then refer to themselves a jews.

>Cultural Marxism.
{{{ cultural marxism }}}

there are no hebrews alive today, romans gassed them back in the day. kikes are sandniggers and illegal occupants thats all.

keep screeching shizlock

>Imagine if all the Jews in the world practiced today's Christianity,

Yeah, they did in the 1700s and that's how they took over

What are Jesuits?

>and theres nothing your incest-loving Indian gods can do friend.

christian/jewish/islamic (all same shit) origin story is based on incest.

whole jewish/christfag/muslim semite shit is based off of shame and fear of sexuality (nature)

christianity made white people into jews. exploiting other races for (((cash))) and calling ourselves ((("chosen"))).

come home white man.

>I will not pick one. I will not pick any Jewish inspired slave cult.

Uh oh! Looks like you undermined all of those beliefs!

>lets break it down

>I will not pick one
This tells me you will hesitate to adhere to any pagan faith you so dearly endorse! A little bit hypocritical huh!

>I will not pick any Jewish inspired slave cult.
This bit tells me that you believe all your pagan faiths are inspired by a Jewish cult! Makes sense, all that Jew diaspora in Europe

>>this is too easy m8.
>stop wailing like the whiny amerikikes you are
>admit it
>you're a mulatto mexinigger, aren't you

>I'm wailing
>proceeds to call me a mexinigger and amerikike.

Quote from Josephus: "About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life.... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared."

>there are no hebrews alive today,
Hebrew = Araimac for "Nomad"

there is no evidence Hebrew kingdoms ever existed. All kingdoms and people have left over shit. Kike nomads don't

What is shameful? pagan Georgian fought along with pagan Christians against invaders. renaissance was revival of ancient Greco-Roman ideas and aesthetics. Library of Alexandria was burned down by everyone, including pagans and Christians.

I'm not a Muslim, so how is that sad?

Arab Christians have lower rates of inbreeding than Arab Muslims. Source: reproductive-health-journal.com/content/6/1/17


>pagan faith
Aryan Faiths



they just make it up
incest is forbidden in veda
but he didn't deserve an answer to his fantastical question that he, as a lying son of jesus the lying jew, made up

Is Bobby Fischer bad? is David Cole bad?
Why don't you care about convincing anyone? then why are you posting at all?
Even if you don't, yelling kike isn't saying much and doesn't make you look good.

>Teuton crusaders

You are a very sad, pathetic pajeet. Post arm to prove me wrong.

>Jews co-opting and perverting Christianity is the same as Christianity
look m8: the Jews can either change their ways or face the same annihilation we will all face thanks to Israel. I dont care if Christianity is the catalyst which brings this change or Scientology.

>pagan Christians
Oh yes Aryans! The same people living in Armenia in with Jew-noses and Hairy backs? Yeah!! I know them!
I think the only real LARPer is you.



And Hitler was descended from Jews, supported by Muslims, and was surrounded by homosexuals.

Some Templars actually might have been Jewish


there is no essential difference between islam and christianity, only cosmetic.

It was a type, moron. use your brain and guess some things yourself.

Look, bro: Christianity gives power to the Jews and Christianity is being slowly converted to SJW because they have similar false egalitarian morality.

Wrong, the God of Islam is not the God of the Bible.

haha another jealous nigger who stands for nothing and will fall for anything. So sad.

Reminder that this tripfaggot and namefaggot infest every thread and screech nonsensical bullshit for 30+ replies each. You are attempting to reason with two mentally ill pajeets. You cannot reason with mentally ill people like this. They are hindushits/buddishits larping as aryans when they are mentally ill poo n loos.
Pic related for those running into these idiots for the first time.

>Aryan means what my Jewish college professor told me it means!

Go be brown and primitive some place else.

>It was a type, moron. use your brain and guess some things yourself.
Jews who infected Christanity m8

Glad to see you can rip verses out of context.

>Is Bobby Fischer bad? is David Cole bad?
it depends if they remain within the abrahamic structure
>Why don't you care about convincing anyone? then why are you posting at all?
because the christian shits are infesting the chan
>Even if you don't, yelling kike isn't saying much and doesn't make you look good.
i'll say whatever i want to say
this isn't a christian chan
there are no christian chans

>Christianity gives power to the Jews
>Christianity is being slowly converted to SJW
Christianity, a Jesus Christ taught it, in the full understanding of his teaching, does not give the Jew any power. Instead it removes power from the Jew:

>turn your cheek
>do not repay evil with evil
>et al

Christianity is only bad when Jews, who have no intention of conversion, infiltrate the ranks and pervert the religion. Imagine for a moment what Christianity would look like had it never of been twisted by the Jews and turned into this abomination.

If you want to answer the JQ, you must address Jewish morality and their lack of it.

>>Aryan means what my Jewish college professor told me it means!
He cannot stop me

That's not me you fucking paranoid kike worshiper.

I'm arguing with this guy in THIS thread


sort yourself out

tfw dont care that jesus was a jew

tfw still worship him

tfw christcuck

>Wrong, the God of Islam is not the God of the Bible.

both the same jew god articulated by jews. basically some people (jews) were so out of sync with nature and humanity they invented a dualistic slave system of rituals and rules to hide from "god" (the oneness, the universe, time and space and mind) thinking they could cheat it.

I know it's the tripfaggot you autistic fucking cunt yet you screech just as much pajeet. Again post proof of you being aryan, oh wait you can't. What a sad, pathetic excuse for a "human"

Islam says you can kill Jews.

>Instead it removes power from the Jew:






There is power power wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb

Eudaimonism > Stoicism

Debunked: You never saw Christianity form, thus it never formed and merely always was.

you're deflecting. tell me:
>what would Christianity would look like had it never of been twisted by the Jews

what would the whole world look like if, instead of Jews following Torah and Talmud, they followed the NT instead?

Laugh it up, faggots.

no jews are "people of the book" in the koran. islam does say you can kill pagans and hindus though.

>tfw dont care that jesus was a jew
>tfw still worship him
>tfw christcuck



Only betas want to mate outside their race.

Niggers are proportionally more Muslim than Christian
Are you sure? Are you positive? Because all Abrahamic religions are so drastically different, the only thing they have in common is the belief in monotheism.
This statement also implies that the son of God is not divine
>see: nationalreview.com/article/434153/shroud-turin-jesus-christ-blood-relic-sudarium-oviedo

Pagan =Aryan here. You listed all the pagan faiths.

not an argument

STILL waiting for the autistic tripfaggot or namefaggot to post proof that they are white. They can't, they are literally mentally ill pajeets larping as aryans and pretending that hindushit/buddishit=aryan.
Remember folks, this is autism awareness month.

>He cannot stop me
stop you doing what? making me ridicule you?
you stupid mexikikes are all the same
pay dents, dequan

>what would the whole world look like if, instead of Jews following Torah and Talmud, they followed the NT instead?

That's never going to happen. The religion only worked when people were retarded and it looks like a Monarchy where Jews lend money and control the Nation.

Catholics are a massive pedophile cult of fags and that's not Jewish enough for you?

So church built some Schools and priest preserved some books and that means that Christianity itself is responsible for civilization?
Greeks and Roman had better school and better medicine for a long time. what exactly does Christianity teach that is civilization building?
Why would your God want civilization?

>Fischer wrote of Nature's Eternal Religion in a 1979 letter to Benko, "'The book shows that Christianity itself is just a Jewish hoax and one more Jewish tool for their conquest of the world. ... Unfortunately the author is an extreme racist and this somewhat spoils the book.'" DeLucia 2007, p. 280.

I'm not saying that it's Christian chan or that you can't say what you want to say.

Armenians were never Aryan or indo-European genetically, they just speak an indo-European language.

do you know jews dont believe jesus christ was a special person right?

To jesus be a jew he would need to believe he was not the son of god but just a normal random person

Jesus was caesarion.

Prove Jesus was white first

sorry it doesnt fit the style at all lol

if we allow our institutions to be torn down by the Jew, what is left will only be Judaism. ive argued that Christianity can be perfected and modernized for the Jewish people. that's one answer to their lack of natural morality. if you have a better answer im open to hearing it

I never made those claims pajeet, you are the one ranting like a schizo pretending to be a savior of the white race, post proof you autistic fucking poo n loo, I know you can't because you are a larping buddishit. Nice job screeching like an autismo all day. STILL waiting on that proof.

>Because all Abrahamic religions are so drastically different
no, minor differences, same essential slave-death cult. jesus himself wasn't so bad probably but christianity itself is a cancer.

>the only thing they have in common is the belief in monotheism.
wrong. they have the belief in common that humanity is inherently flawed and needs to be fixed by doing rituals and following rules written in a book by some jews and doing what the preist/imam/rabbi says. there is a disconnect between the nature of reality and this jewish way of thinking.

Wow Jesus was the son of God. But yeah , you are right about the other things. 6/10 post op

not european white but jewish white

Jews are Satan worshiping usurers who stole the name of Jesus' tribe in order to disguise themselves.

Revelation 2:9 (KJV)

"And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Can still kill them if they don't pay the taxes.

I never have understood the mentality to follow a "jew". Excellent examples in OP post.

>paying taxes to goyim is worse than death

oy vey, who could have possibly written this post?

These faggots really are persistent