Is mgtow for Faggots?
Is mgtow for Faggots?
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no, it's for betas
I want to put my penis into her vagina.
MGTOW is actually faggotry squared.
the fact that that woman assumes that she is attractive makes her seem less attractive
I'm convinced MGTOW is just another trick to try to reduce white reproduction rates just like feminism, transgenderism, homosexuality, and cuck porn.
All of them seek to destroy the western white family unit and lower the reproduction rate of whites.
That's even more truthful considering most MGTOWs never had an experience relating to what the movements about. Only a small amount were actually ruined by roasties.
To be fair, MGTOW is about dating and fucking women, but acknowledging their tendencies and refusing to marry them.
Kinda stupid and not something I support, but not faggy.
OP is faggy.
You don't have to be divorced raped to know that you don't want to be divorce raped.
makes sense in your 20's. But that gets harder and harder to do as you get older. Guys will find themselves 40 years old and unable to go to a bar and pickup a 21 year old hottie to go fuck. Then they will just be lonely middle aged men who's only dating options are divorced women with kids who are just looking for stability for their kids and aren't about having a fun relationship.
Sorta. It's for betas that just don't know how to handle women properly. Of course they are manipulative, selfish, and evil. But you don't need to be a fucking faggot about it and cry. Be a man and fucking figure it out - its your job.
also known as faggots
MGTOW is rising in popularity. Bitching about it just spreads awareness and creates more MGTOWs.
Learn to talk to women faggot.
No thanks, you tradcons can each have multiple wives when more than half the male population goes MGTOW.
You can also take up arms to defend society when the invaders come, because MGTOW won't bother defending this ruined feminist horseshit.
Not necessarily but it really makes you look like cringe weakling incapable of getting pussy so your salty about it
Yes. Any man who doesn't sacrifice his life for his nation is a faggot. The mission you are here for is to impregnate a white girl and have children and advance the civilization of your nation. "Going your own way" is for traitors and cowards.
lol weak men with no game creates more MGTOW, yes western women have gotten worse and finding one for a long term relationship is tough but there are always sluts for fun
The ass/lower back of the person in that image looks just like mine and I'm a cis white fucking male. Makes me wonder...
>half the male population goes MGTOW
Make sure you get the brownies.
I'm ugly. MGTOW is a nice excuse.
wtf are u, straight?
No, but it's for a very desperate people who lost faith in their society
mgtow is for goyim
Wonder what?
Am I supposed to be tempted by that sand nigger?
He said encrusted in cheetos...No ive seen divorce rates and im not losing what little I have to a princess complex whore.
It's already happening. I like how it alarms the fuck out of you.
So find a woman that isn't a terrible person
>Durr but wymn aren't human and they're all terrible
God I hate this fucking place sometimes.
The ones that refer to themselves that way are, yes. There's no problem with being single by choice: just enjoy it, and leave it at that. It seems rather hard to do so when you spend all your free time bitching about women on the interwebs.
Also: the original MGTOWs were a bunch of jaded and world-weary middle-aged former playboys who had dealt with so many bitches they got bored and tired of doing so. The new ones seem to have never touched a woman in their lives.
I think you have a chance.
>No, but it's for a very desperate people who lost faith in their society
Some of them on YouTube haven't even had a girl friend in 5+ years if that.
MGTOW is a faggy name
men not marrying or being in relationship with soulless whores is not faggy
>original MGTOWs were a bunch of jaded and world-weary middle-aged former playboys who had dealt with so many bitches they got bored and tired of doing so
That's just called getting older and having lower T.
Knock 10 years off their age and they'd be right back at it.
Having your fun and being done with something is waaaaaaay different than going your own way.
It's about not putting the pussy on a pedestal and recognizing that courts are biased against men on several issues including divorce.
Recognition of this does not prevent someone from doing a nightly pump and dump.
Aren't beta's the ones who build civilization though?
If so, you're basically calling civilization gay.
>soulless whores
You seem desperate.
>sand nigger
What is white to you?
well yes but it's really a byproduct of ultra feminism, anti traditional gender roles, and a gradually more anti social society
It's for men without balls, so yes.
"MGTOW" are just beta cucks who give up too easily when they get rejected by someone way out of their league.
>marrying a woman like that
men who saffle themselves with female filth have their own shitty character judging abilities to blame
Doesn't matter, if she was white I wouldn't be tempted to give her half my shit either.
Who says you have to.
Yes. It contradicts our values of traditionalism. You can't save the white race if you go childless MGTOW.
its for beta AND super wealthy men that can sleep with any woman they cross paths with. I don't find it ridiculous in the slightest for a millionaire to want to avoid marriage, especially in Canada.
Yes, manly men get cucked while married and reckt by divorces and pay their whole lives for bastards.
divorce rates are massively inflated by a small population of serial divorcers, also non-whites
look at the rates for white first time marriages to stay together, its much better than you think
Mgtow is just how we unattractive beta males cope with our rejection. I will freely admit this.
If you're a decent looking white dude making good money who is just butthurt about divorce and alimony laws don't fall for this trap. It was not made for you.
Yes, its just a group of losers who are afraid to compete for a desirable mate.
hat if it's not his nation anymore? What if someone destroyed that nation intentionally from within?
yeah. it's for men who are too weak to control their mates and have been shit on because they let themselves get walked on
>arent betas the ones who build civilization
no, civilization was built by alpha's killing owning betas and enforcing their ideologies on them
How are you supposed to control a woman when the average one spends 90% of her time awake consuming jew media?
>average one spends 90% of her time awake consuming jew media?
Yes but it's the beta's who actually physically build, invent etc. So everyone can't be alpha can they?
I mean think about it. In tribes the alpha is the leader, but does that mean everyone else is a pussy? If that's the case, how do the men defend the tribe if there is only really one man?
I think the whole alpha/beta categorization is flawed.
The only times I've ever seen a woman go longer than 10min without scrolling through her phone is when I'm fucking her brains out. Even then sometimes they text their bf that they are going to sleep while my dick is stretching their hole out. Experiencing this conflicts me as I don't know if I should feel superior or lose hope in humanity.
its a kike trick to help speed up the destruction of the white race.
Their whole scheme revolves around destroying the white y chromosome.
>white women fuck black men = no white y chromosomes passed on
>white men swear off women = no white chromosomes passed on
Im sure this somehow fits into their "heritage through the mother" ideology but they just cant bring themselves to admit they got it backwards.
>The only times I've ever seen a woman go longer than 10min without scrolling through her phone is when I'm fucking her brains out.
Do you really think that shes looking at the news.
Media is not just the news. Open snapchat, they push degenerate material. The women idolize black rappers and blacked whores on insta. FB is nothing but paid liberal content. Buzzfeed. They even write their own Odyssey articles. YouTube cam whores. Miley Cyrus music. They watch the Kardashians. They read magazines filled with glamorized black men/ demonized white men. You can't deny this. It is everywhere and the women eat it up with an insatiable appetite.