medicine for yellow fever
Medicine for yellow fever
>average 2D woman
You can say that for any race. Not impressed
Above = nips and gooks with makeup
below = chinks and junglechinks without makeup
I never knew this was from a BLACKED type porno.
You mean nips and gooks that have enough money for plastic surgeries.
I always laugh at the Magibon debacle.
This Asian girl would post videos of herself, mouth closed, not speaking, just staring at the cameras. Millions of beta males around the world watched her videos, made her a celebrity, professed their love, bought her Amazon gifts.
Then she was invited to a Japanese show. And reality brought it all crashing down.
KYS weeaboo betas.
The real medicine is going outside and watching how fugly chinese immigrants are.
I swear 80% of their women have rectangular bodies and short legs, they truly look like trolls with a big torso and pansy short legs. And don't make me comment on their faces...pic related speaks for itself.
Not quite, why don't we look at a regular class photo not selected to have the ugliest nips on the market?
>Complain about cherrypicking models
>Cherrypicks uggos as an example
Good job dipshit
Shut up fag. Maybe for other countries model tier looks are less than 5 percent of the population but for white countries it's easily above 40 percent of the population.
Unless this is UGU (Uggo Girls University) how do you cherrypick a crowd of one hundred?
White dudes would still fuck them.
I see guys at my jobs bragging about their asian waifus only to see that they are some below average pancake assed slant.
Literally delusional
The best looking white guys are always dating the ugliest Asian girls as far as I can tell so this sont medicine at all
She isn't asian though, I don't get it.
every race has homely women, OP. and if you think most asian girls are ugly you should see the whitewashed rich cali girls
did she get AIDS from stepping in that river
So do you believe all races are equally attractive?
Talk about being delusional.
Dont say i never loved you Krautbro.
stay mad, gook. Pic related, average white girl.
Are you not well informed as to the development of the facial structure among the young?
cant speak nippon, sauce on this one please.
Makeup and photoshop are truly Devil's creations.
Lay off the Finns.
I would love to fuck those model tier koreans though. I hear they're not uncommon as hookers in Korea.
At that age they're already developed. I refuse to believe their jaws and cheekbones will grow even more.
Are any of these online?
Are any of these online
do Korean women make the same god awful noise as japs when fucking?
would seriously need to wear earplugs no matter how sexy they were.
I'm afraid my skills are a bit subpar. Try Saucenoa?
I think Japs are cute in bed. Adorable max.
of course you would like that Burger
Nope, especially with mongol genes, the cheeks puff out very much during development. Take another look and you'll notice that most of them have fine facial structure would it not be for the puffy cheeks.
I would love any girl deeply too if she shut her trap and kept smiling.
nips only make that noise because jap men like it for some god awful reason
Why go for the average ones?
Agreed. Average white woman > average Asian woman (maybe except for Japanese women).
On the other hand some of those top Asian models are literally 11/10, but it's meaningless anyway, because no mortal will ever reach them.
this was all i could find
motherless dot com slash 593BD46
I think he's referring to their high pitched squeals when fucking.
Just needs dental work, no different than any Brit
that man mustve got quite the ego boost
>Wearing makeup
>actual model/actress
Your almost as bad as those posters who put up "le white maiden in a field with flowers"
Well it's like a laugh, some girls have horrible sex moans, and some will make you nut even faster.
Explain what?, i would prefer a girl not to sound like a distressed kitten when copulating with her.
What did she mean by this?
didnt work
The blinky one at the end says, "Voinko koskettaa sitä ennen kuin piirrän sen?"
Personal taste then.
Are you fucking demeted?
Do uou consider this attractive?
Compare that to any white girl class. Theyd be all 10/10 compared to THIS
Fucking hell one sex starved thirtsy sorry ass motherfucker
I fuck gooks, they are easy. You're a bunch of bitter white devils and upset spice merchants. Why don't you guys just fuck eachother?
cheers lad
I admit, not a fan of the drawn out moans.
I kek'd though
What's the name of this series?
Chinks sluts goes to Argentina?
some in the pic are attractive. Are you literally retarded? Not meeming I'm legitimately concerned.
That's obscene, being in that water like that.
There is even a study measuring the face of adult korean american and average white american women and the conclusion (judged by koreans) is that koreans are ugly. Shapeless puffy facial bones never go away.
The more refined and angular features the more attractive.
The one to the left of the last is qt. Even qter than wonder gal.
those are jews
and even then 2/11 is still a better ratio than average asian
I don't give shit about Koreans.
I spy a handfull of qts
Can these be considered human?
t.Liu Bei
I think the nose give away their ethnic origin.
>rice farmers
Point at thsm and laugh
I'll never have one so just let me dream.
A couple of those average girls look fine. What's wrong with far right of the middle row?
You must be mentally defunct to not see the attractive women in that photo
reminder, anime is deadly in to high of a dose
>average 2D little girl
Idk, a lot of white women have goblin faces and manjaws
this is true for all races OP
same with make up hiding true features
koreans seem to have a higher rate of plastic surgery though
i refuse to believe even half of them were born women.
>Most women are ugly
What's your point Hansel?
Funny, I saw that same picture on the left used for a completely different girl.
you realize she wasn't born this way right? No human being can get this sort of anime face by natural means. It's obviously makeup and tons of plastic surgery.
White women are naturally beautiful and don't need to resort to asian trickery.
You see the code at the bottom of the spine? Google it.
You people really love yellow and red huh
Holy shit you couldn't wait more than 30 seconds to ask again? is your wife asian by chance
Boy nah
After age 20 most white girls turn into wrinkled horselike beings who wear so much makeup they look like a demonic painted mask.
lol a literal sea of coconut uglies
slide thread SAGE
It's the american selection.
>worshiping a giant ass
Fucking wigger
Hello chang ling
It doesnt take a village to know that asians are aestetic subhumans.
Everyone who isnt a brainlet subhuman and was in Uni unlike rice farmers knows how average asians looks like