Anybody in the 315 / 607 area?
There's gonna be a commie protest in Syracuse on saturday.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm in Buffalo but will come up if we will have numbers and can fight.
I have a lot of right wing friends and family in Syracuse too. This could be interesting. Any word on what their turn out will be like? Can't imagine it will be that big.
Syracuse has a thousand commies, including all the hippies that will be coming in from surrounding redneck counties.
I highly doubt that Syracuse has many Proud Boys and ACT members, so it will probably be a bust.
I'm just going to watch the comedy.
Contact the proudboys and anticom
Already told pepe
I'm from 718 but I'll come up with my
>kek flag
>Sup Forums signs
If my mom will drive me where do i sign up.
no kek shit thanks
>Muslims welcome
The muslims will take care of the commies, trust me.
>altright counter protesting commies and not the other way around
i like where this is going
B.b..b...but my little league coach said we I can borrow the catcher pads.
Daily reminder if you're still in Upstate NY for some strange reason - GET OUT
Oh god imagine this summer..
>Muslims Welcome
>Fascists get out
They contradict themselves!
>staten island
That seems like a really long drive to arrive at what will probably be a dissapointing turnout.
I just really hope I'm standing in clinton square and hear somebody go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Muslim commies
>Muslim commies
It looks like the "March against sharia" is a national thing.
The proud boys are gonna be marching in NYC with gavin on saturday.
Too bad I'm going to Anime NEXT or I'd be there.
Just saw this on the anticom twitter.
>people protesting shrieking that you're a racist fascist
>decide the best counter is to dress like moonman and carry a literal fascis around.
Is this what bannon meant by "walk toward the fire"