Is Sweden still majority white? I'm asking for science.
Is Sweden still majority white? I'm asking for science
On paper yes but where I live no not at all.
I don't know anymore, maybe
Is it Stockholm? I can't imagine Stockholm being very white anymore.
I can't remember when I last saw a white person. Then again, almost all women where I live wear burqa so you never really know. I grew up here and 10 years ago this area had almost no immigrants whatsoever.
Ask Sup Forums and we are about 5% white.
Ask the US and we are 95%-ish white.
And ask statisticians and we are 80-90% white.
Yes, and it's going to be even more white in a couple of years when the welfare money dries out and the orcish hordes moves on.
Outside Stockholm, Goteborg, and Malmo I think Sweden's pretty homogeneous. I did visit Stockholm though and it felt less white than my nearest American city.
Sweden is 89% White and 72% fully ethnic Swedish.
are chinks are infesting europe now?
On a small level yes.
I´d say 75%
The blonde girl on the very right has a perfectly square face.
Shit suburbs are riddled with filth while as the more refined and expensive areas are 95% Swedish with the rest being rich western and russian foreigners.
Rural areas is the true Sweden though. As with any country I'd imagine.
Yeah, any guesses what she's mixed with?
Is there girl on the bottom right Dolph lundgrens female clone?
Man, these two drag the average down from a 8/10 to a 2/10.
I'm impressed.
They are, its just 10-20% non whites is actually a big number and you wont be seeing them living in a semi wealthy towns, villages. They are all going to the main cities and making those cities look 30-50% white.
statistically it is believed that 7.8 million ethnic Swedes are in Sweden out of a total of roughly 10 million people, with something like 500k to 1 million other Europeans.
Yes. I've noticed a huge influx of mainland chinks in South-East England over the past 10 years or so. Don't know why. We've always had Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong (former colony), but mainland Chinese are a relatively new thing.
Got more of the short haired cutie on the left?
A Legoman?
you cant walk anywhere in sthlm without encountering niggers/arabs , malmö is even worse, in 15-20 years muslims will be majority. they have 8 kids each and spend their days in shopping malls with gibs money
Yeah but Stockholm got overrun during the last wave of immigrants (2014-2015 I think), leaving not a single area untouched.
there's not 1 (one) 8/10 in that picture.
check your eyes brah
Is the grill on the right with a white cap Swedish or some shitskin? She looks latino
Malmö is worse than Stockholm
Södermalm is sadly untouched.
Majority dead.
Left-> that's a punishment for fake tan
I've found that life is far easier if you have low standards.
Kek. Why are Poland and Estonia there?
are they driving the prices up there? they've royally fucked the housing market here
Germany has seized the crown of cuk kings from Swedanistan.
It won't be for long...
Before the sandmonkeys came here, those slavs held the nigger tier in Swedish society.
lol not during nightime, check björns trädgård, hundreds of maghrebis selling hashish
>realizing that there are at least 500,000 arabs in Sweden which is 5% of the total Swedish population and would be white in the USA and Australia
>realizing that there are only 2 million MENA people in the USA and another 2 million "middle eastern jews" accounting for 1.3% of the population
Wonderful. I hope some journalist pussies are going to get culturally enriched then. God knows that those fuckers earned it.
I honestly couldn't tell you, m8. They mostly keep to themselves, in their own little communities. Most speak limited English. Besides, the housing market in Southern England is already fucked and has been for decades. I doubt a few thousand chinks are going to make much of a difference.
i honestly hope they get raped, especially frida boisen and jonna sima
>total immigrant pop is nearly 18%
>it was even worse than I thought
>Calling other niggers
you need to give back what you apes stole, sven. The paintings, marbles, everything
Poland is last true christian stronghold, worthy of being priest. Estonia just seeing if he can into Scandinavia now with vacant spot.
Please tell me about your nigger and spic problems then. How many whites are left now again? Soon like >50% am I right?
I'd say by numbers they're probably still majority white but with how much most of them are cucked by sandniggers they may aswell just say whites are a minority
I have the exact same jaw as the girl on the right. My ancestry is from Ireland and Normandy, we wuz Vikings?
Another white insecurity thread? What is that, like 400 of them today? Why are whites so terrified of everybody? Pathetic.
Yes, but only outside of the biggest cities. Stockholm is not, Göteborg is not, Skåne is far from. But Sweden is more than just those few cities. Travel anywhere else outside of those areas and it’s pretty much 100% white.
Between a population which numbers 200 million in which 41 million are under 18 and a population which is 9 million in which 1.5 million are under 18 which is more likely to be wiped out first, especially when considering everything going on currently it is likely that before SD is ever elected and can begin removing some people in earnest that your government will import even more while mine is currently committed to removing 20-50 million foreigners and their kids currently on American soil and replacing them with Westerners?
Too late, sorry. We sold them to afford more orcs.
Don't worry white people will move to there
I just want to make sure that the chances of getting raped or killed there aren't absolute. England, France, and Germany you hear about terror attacks almost weekly, but I haven't heard much about Sweden.
That's because our government and the regime media cover it up. I wish I was joking, but that is the honest truth.
Sweden may feel and look like a modern and open western society at the surface, but we have been a socialist/communist state for close to hundred years now. You have to live here to see it.
Yes retard
GRP per capita? In Swedish kronor? What's this supposed to show
Pure Swedes are probably a minority yeah