Would joining the Navy be a good idea?
>military experience
>maritime experience
>4 year active duty (mandatory)
What would be a good MOS for the navy btw?
US Navy, redpilled?
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Nuclear power program.
>Tfw shit at mathematics
Otherwise I would agree 110%
The united states built the best navy the world has ever fucking seen during WW2, they manned their ships with the hardest of men and the branch was run by some of the bravest men to ever walk this earth
now it is invested with niggers and sheboons. You have to be braindead or disabled to not get in, it is super fucking easy. Join a real branch, dont join the navy, it is not what it used to be even 20 years ago
>women want to navy
>lower all physical requirements because women
>now your average female mariner is about as tough as a toddler
amazing job security
Anything submarine duty related. It's a totally different experience than the surface navy. Much more laid back.
The one the U.S. Navy decides is the best one for you at the time of the needs of the U.S. Navy.
Rail Gun Weapon Officer I would guess.
Go fuck your self
True, you make a very good point
My grandfather was in the navy, but I suppose things have changed drastically since he served, particularly in female service, have you seen any branch's recruitment site?
but i wish it wasnt co-ed anymore.
everyone hits on the girls, and i mean everyone. everyone wants to get with the hottest one on the ship, its like fucking high school on water except we shoot things.
I'm around 5'10, isn't there a height requirement for subs?
If youre gonna join the Navy join the fucking mens department
>Marine Corps
>last real US military branch
naval intelligence obviously.
Not that I know of. There was a 6' 5" guy on my boat. You just have to remember to duck.
I respect the hell out of the marines, got a cousin in there
I see shit like this and it pisses me off
If you're in here then you want an Army or Marine combat arms MOS so you can remove kebab instead of being a faggot.
AF Faggot here, living near Norfolk.
Don't join the Navy if you're white.
Aircraft Carriers and the Navy in generals has major gang issues.
If you're white, either go Marines or Air Force.
Air Force will set you up with a better job placement afterwards, you live in better conditions and eat better food. You still get experience overseas, and for the most part are treated like an adult.
Fuck off, NRC.
Hey user, former navy here. Definitely look into the engineering rates if you have it in you. Opens a lot of possibilities once you get out. I was a hull tech by the way
Really? I remember speaking to a recruiter who came to my school years ago and he said there was a height limit
FUCK women
>join military
>get "raped"
>why are women getting raped?
Also I see that crest, is that Canada?
>Be me.
>Be in Bosnia in '96.
>Marines come out with a brand new toy called a "UAV".
>Watch Marines fly UAV into a tree.
>"Gee, Marine, is that a bug or a feature?"
>COL gets pissed off at you, makes you drive cargo HEMMTT for Marines to go get it.
If you suck at math, then the USN is NOT for you. Out of 112+ jobs, maybe only a dozen do NOT involve math.
USN 1993-98
Main propulsion engineer(gas turbines)
I served '84 to '90 (EM1SS) so things may have changed.
>Aircraft Carriers and the Navy in generals has major gang issues.
I was on a carrier for four years, no it doesn't.
do these women look like warfighters?
Can confirm. My 19K ass spent 2 years w/AF ETAC/TACP detachment.
AF lives high on the fucking hog, even when they're slumming with the Army.
Overseas, even the E1 ETACs had off-post civilian apartments because AF said Army housing was shit.
Don't do it lad trust me. Navy is blue pilled as fuck. Unless you have a 100 iq and college isn't an option. AMA I'm enlisted and hate my life.
Just fucking why do they push "stronk wimen" in the military? Why does our govt humiliate our military by forcing an image of a "diverse" military of twinkle and dykes?
I've come to think that the military is slowly becoming cucky like college except you get to shoot guns and shit
I see our military in the current year and I am NOT fucking proud of it, is there anyway Trump will make the military great again and stop pushing faggotry?
What's your rate and what type of ship are you on?
Ex wife was navy. She never once had to perform a PT test after she left basic training. They had PT , but it wasn't mandatory. Mostly it was just frisbee football or some gay shit.
Why aren't you out raping Jap women, user?
Gas turbine electrician for 5 years. Lots of opportunities when you get out
What's your MOS, what do you do?
Then I guess I was lied to by the Navy guys I work with, my fault there.
Yes, there is actually a waiver you can get when going TDY to an Army post. When I go to Bragg they always try and stick me in the old Airborne dorms and I fill out the waiver, and am immediately living life well at the hotel near Kickin Chicken.
I'm an Corpsman, so enlisted medical. I don't work on a ship. The required Asvab for this rate is 50. And I have a 92 so I'm overqualified. Maybe if u pick a job that suits you you will be ok.
Former US Navy submariner here. Don't be a skimmer fag and join the submarine Navy, you'll be glad you did. Unless you're a faggot who can't handle that submariners do easily twice as much work as a surface Navy fag.
Because Filipinos are easier and don't press charges when you abuse them
t. navy chef
>When I go to Bragg
Mother of God.
I grew up in the Fayettenam area.
Stay away from the Murk (Murchinson Blvd) and the "Bottom's Up" strip club.
I literally picked the only MOS that would guarantee I would never see Ft. Bragg again.
Ft. Bragg has no M1-series tanks.
>TFW one year after enlisting get sent with a training team to Ft. Bragg to train Nasty Guard troop transitioning from M60A3's to M1s. FML.
You probably were. The only "gang" on the carrier I encountered was the fucking Filipino Mafia, and they call themselves that as a joke.
I was an MM.
Lmao nice
Subnavy is best Navy
6'5" former submariner here. Were you on the Hartford or Springfield, by any chance?
Ayy lmao, yeah I don't troll down there. I am only usually there for a week and then I'm out the door to a safer place like Afghanistan.
I am guessing you reside near the Kileen area?
USS Lewis and Clark SSBN 644 Chas.SC
Lying or speculating, either way you're wrong
When I was in the 3rd ACR we had FIVE fucking Hawaiian tankers.
FIVE! In a single unit.
I swear the SCO was trying to make his "diversity" quota that year.
They called themselves "The Hawaiian Mafia" but they were cool as fuck and solid soldiers.
I think they were the only ones in all of El Paso, TX.
I was in the Navy 35 years ago.
Tried to join the Marines but I scored too high on the ASVAB
holy shit this is 100% true
Navy doesn't have mos. They are called rates. I'm actually going to bootcamp in 6 days. For the average pol user I would say. Intelligence specialist or cryptillogic tech.(hacking) maybe operational specialist. Check out navy COOL for job descriptions
Fuck no, my mom had a house off Cliffdale in the McFayden lake area.
It was cool back then but it's a shithole now.
>scored TOO high
Shut the fuck up dude
Even if I was a "navy chef", I was still on the ship and would know better than someone that wasn't on a carrier if there were street gangs running amok. How would that even fucking work lmao? Does one gang sling crack in the main machinery room and battle the gang that claims the forecastle?
Personal pref. If I was to do it again i would go right back to subs. (I spent time on a tender too)
The fuck do you know? You aren't even a boot yet
I'm in the Navy. Don't join the Navy. Join the COAST GUARD.
Oh I meant with the Abrams, figured you were at Ft Hood with the rest of the armored crazies.
Ooooh, a boomer fag. I was wondering why you were saying the submarine Navy was so laid back. I was like, wtf, I worked my ass off on a submarine.
On fast attacks we don't have two crews per boat so we don't get literally 180 days of vacation time per year while another crew takes the boat out to sea, like you faggots do. Also, when we do go out to sea, it's to actually do something, not to do 3-dimensional figure-8's in the middle of the ocean for 3 months straight just in case there's nuclear war.
Same here, I'd go right back to tanks even though there's nothing "light" on a tank.
Fucking shit up with an M1-series is just too goddamn cool and worth the bullshit you go through 99% of the time.
Like taking an MPAT anti-air/truck round and putting the prox sensor on "AIR" and firing it at ground troops.
After it's arming timer goes off it senses the ground and explodes, turning it into a modern-day beehive round that just sends troops straight to hell.
5 year enlisted, AMA, and no, I don't hate my life.
Redpill me on the coast guard...
Seebees. Be EO (Equipment Operator). Go to crane school. Get out of Seebees, striaght into an operating union. Get NCCCO certified. Be union crane operator. Sit on your ass all day, making big money + pension.
I know, right? Aint it great?
Aegis Firecontrolman
Guaranteed small ship and potential bonus for reinlisting. Strong credits if you aim for college.
2 years of training and 4 years of some other command guaranteed.
No matter what rate you are , be prepared for a wait in the Delayed Entry Program (dep) before you get sent out.
Verify what your recruiter says through online research.
You made our shitters in Bosnia and Kosovo!
Every time I took a big ol' shit I thought "Seebees are cool!"
What's that, two years at your A-School? Automatic third class when you get out?
2 brothers in, dads retired, and lived around it My whole life lol
There is no red-pilling the Coast Guard.
It ain't the fucking navy and is technically not a military branch, so the faggotry is far less but you still get to go on ships.
Realistically don't join the military. Get a real job.
>serving the Jews
Nah mate
Sounds like a challenge to me.
False, you have to do the prt twice a year and PT is mando 3 times a week unless you're at some shit command with 3 people. (LS1)
as it was explained to me..
if you're a manlet go navy.
if you're crazy as fuck go marines.
if you're complacent doing little but study go airforce.
in between smart and crazy go army.
like boats go coast
They're no longer apart of the DoD. The DHS gobbled them up a few years back. They basically troll around the coast all day sun bathing and worrying about what exhaust to put on their Subaru.
Well between college and military, military seems somewhat better.
Law enforcement usually takes you if you have military background
Just because you make your dudes do PT doesn't mean that every LPO forces people to do that. We never did PT, but we had to do the PRT.
Sounds like faggotry to me.
We did PT 5 days a week, 0600-0700 - push-ups, sit-ups, run for ten miles.
On deployments it was EVERY fucking day unless on early mission or guard.
Navy's fine if you can keep away from deck apes. That means striking a rate that they don't have the intelligence to get into.
Rate and duty stations? Relationship status
Don't do either of those. Take a trade (that's basically what you'd get in the military anyway). Work a trade, learn to invest, live within your means and you'll do just fine.
People still strike for rates? I've heard of that, but I didn't know there were people without rates still. What do they do all day? Were those the assholes needlegunning while I was trying to sleep?
enjoy high failure rate and subs/carrier life, and only having gjrls for kids.
Mostly true. Only if you yet in and don't fuck up
Hot racking, and barely hits ports due to fears of nuclear activity on subs.
Still getting tested in Dhalgren
Two words:
Pregnant chiefs
Marines fuck up liberty everywhere for everyone. You only need to Google "marine rape japan" for this week's culprit.
Mostly true. Norfolk is a clusterfuck shithole. Avoid that and carriers in general. Air force is hoghly womanized so no.
Mostly good untill you look at HT and clean shitters.
True. Mostly for advancement.
San diego
we're all fucked mate, Kiwi's just doomed themselves as well
these faggots arent completely wrong OP. if you go for the best mechanical or technical job you can get by scoring good on the ASVAB. the navy seems like it always has a shitty budget giving ships 3rd world conditions like leaky pipes, shitty food and places to stay. obviously go with the best job in another brach that will give you skills for civilian jobs
Usually happens when people flunk out of A B or C school. One of the guys I went to high school with joined the Navy right after me. He flunked out of his A school and ended up having to strike to make MM3. I don't know how the fuck he did that since he was an Airman.
>Be in One-Station Unit Training (OSUT)
>Be in PT formation
>"Drop faggots, DROP!"
>DO push-ups
>"Private Lee, why the FUCK can't you do one goddamn push-up?!?!"
>Mah belly's in the way, Drill Sergeant
>Eruptions of laughter
>"Oh 'mah belly's in the way' huh? We'll see about that, pussy!"
>TFW forced to grab the back of PVT Lee's belt and assist him with doing push-ups, slamming his fat fucking belly into the ground.
>not fit for prisoner consumption
I was in the Army. The best advice I can give you is to STAY FUCKING SINGLE! If you go in the Navy, which would be cool, be a Submariner. But do not get married. That way you can save all your money, when you get out you can go to school, and not have to worry about working while you do.
>Were those the assholes needlegunning while I was trying to sleep?
Yeah that was them. I was in charge of them on my last ship. Although I told them only to do it during the day...
It all depends on your AFSC.
If you're in an ammo dump, or in maintenance there are few and far between. If you're in supply or intel, yeah there's a lot of women.
Can confirm, Norfolk is worst place I have ever lived.
AF is most based, along with Marines for the less intellectual.
Join the Army or Marines. Unless you become a pilot, SEAL or some job that has real world applications don't bother.
0315, shower and crawl into my rack after a long ass watch.
Marines are going to do two things for you: 1) Turn you into the goddamn Hulk if you're smart about it, but you're probably not smart and 2) teach you about giving zero fucks about anything else in life anymore.
Most Navy jobs have real world applications as they're trade related.
>Navy is redpllled
More like silver-pilled these days, if you catch my drift.
I'm in the army, and boy join the fucking air force everyone
Everything is better, hell I'll be driving to work one day and my jaw would drop as the airforce women would casually run by, somehow looking beautiful while sweating their asses off for running half a mile
Tbqh one of my major hangups with joining the AF, is that I might have to live in a libshit state. Aside from the fact that private pay for a comp science masters graduate will be higher than in .mil