>has five white kids
>encourages people to have more kids
>openly critical of religious extremism, views it as one of the top 5 threats to civilization
>wants to revolutionize the airplane industry in the future
>wants to create an entirely new mode of transportation in the future
>wants to create a revolutionary new tunnel-travel system
>wants to do all of the above but also on Mars
>Created PayPal
>CEO of two multi billion dollar companies simultaneously (Tesla, SpaceX)
>gave away patents for Tesla just to give competitors a chance
>Oversees a major solar panel company
>wants to tackle fusion after the Mars project gains momentum
>crashed a McLaren F1
>banged Cameron Diaz, Amber Heard, a British model
>got a speeding ticket with Johnny Depp
>loves video games, cites Bioshock as amongst his favorite
>has had several cameos in film and TV
>was willing to work with Trump until Trump went full retard
>is a proud American, and always praises the country in interviews
>innovator, visionary
Is this a human's final form?
Why does Sup Forums hate this man?
Seems pretty cool. He shills for the environment but not for mass immigration which I'm ok with.
And apparently he found the cure for baldness
I don't get why people say Amber Heard is out for his money, she didn't even pocket any jewgolds she got divorcing Depp
Because most of Sup Forums are utter losers that hate ability. They just wish they had been born rich so that they could abuse others. Actual, rather than entitled, greatness scares them.
And nothing trolls them harder than someone, immigrant not less, who literally building his entire wealth with nothing but a keyboard.
He really is an incredible guy. Also he refers to himself as an American "nationalist."
Who was the guy that secretly backed the Hulk Hogan case?
He didnt create paypal, mong. Research a little.
Peter Thiel
How much do you think that hair transplant cost?
Asking for a friend.
I'd like to know also. For same friend.
>2 divorces already and on his way to getting alimony cucked by the most obvious cheating golddigging false accusing sociopathic bitch ever
>Created PayPal
That's exactly the reason why I hate this motherfucker
Damn what a dirty move Elon goung after Johnny's ex wife. Real cool.
Well, because she thought it was good sport. Because some women aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some women just want to watch the world burn.
total cuck
I wager somewhere in the tens of thousands of dollars range.
He BOUGHT Paypal. Faggot, learn to research.
oh shit.
He's a welfare queen.
Nice hair transplant. Kinda jealous
I rather have white people than niggers.
He's a South African Jew. Most of his money came from his parents role in defrauding millions of non-Jew South Africans following the "get rich" scheme known more commonly as the collapse of apartheid.
His good intentions are good in appearance only. He gives with one hand and takes with the other. He is a fraud.
>apparently he found the cure for baldness
it's just a hair transplant. doable if you have the cash.
Tfw I bought Tesla at 28 and now it is at 370 and musk hating faggots have been shorting it and killing themselves all the way
"Climate change" opportunist
Cult figure for tools
Believes in imminent "singularity", and that AI is something real.
Floats scam after scam in the complacent media.
His company is almost completely subsidized by gibs
>created paypal
There's the problem
Because he has a fake personality and is claiming to do multiple things. He wants a monopoly all for himself.
How cringe was this?
Cause he is a retard that wastes money other retards gives him to deliver products with little to no practical purpose.
Likely about 30-50k
Funny you should ask, my friend was asking about that recently
Amber Heard isn't a Brit, retard. Just look at her - she's not ugly.
what if the plot twist is that she does actually fall for him before she can realize her plan to take his money?
Hyperbole much?
he's pretty based desu...
I mostly support Trump, and I have no idea why someone would not like Musk.
p/o/lack here. He wants to repeal the internal combustion engine, and replace it with a glorified AAA. I will personally Holocaust every last leftist if that's what it takes to save my 13B-REW.
Then they produce a masterrace of John Galt babies to usher in a glorious ancap future where corporations rule bases on Mars.
his company would be dead if it werent for all the tax cuts he gets so he keeps shilling for "climate change", basically a con man
Video games are shit.
Co-created paypal, which is a shit service.
His other early companies were investor baiting trash.
Seems driven by money, not innovation. Proof: bought expensive "look at me" car.
Solar business wasnt about solar, it was about a financial scheme.
Tesla isnt profitable and feels like a jerk off product for rich techies.
SpaceX, who the fuck knows if its not just a gimmick.
Mars is fag tier. We aren't going to mars until we unfuck planet earth.
Did you say... 13B?
he pretends to be a free-market businessman when most of his success comes from GIBSMEDATS from the gov't.
beat of the rising sun beat of the rising sun nananana
I'm also pretty sure he is sectrely redpilled about Social Justice.
This man could be a good president.
Reminder that if you're visibly balding, just shave that shit.
Anything else simply doesn't look good.
You would too if you could faggot.
>Oversees a major solar panel company
wonder if he quit the administration because of the financial miss or because of the environment worldwide
still kind of seems drastic either way but w/e he's still a cool guy
I can't help it. I just love the consistent spirit of the rotary engine. It's like magic on the street.
is a fucking leech bum who makes all his money with lucrative no bid government contracts earned by buying off politicians
You're right. That's because all his business enterprise ventures are elaborate money laundering schemes.
Hate? That's a waste of energy.
As for why I don't waste my energy shilling for, praising, or riding Musk's dick.... It's because I'm too busy holding and viewing myself in equal regard. It's a shame more people don't do this. Maybe, if they did, they could become the people they waste so much energy praising and gawking over...
O'well. If you want to be an Elon Cuck, that's your business. If it brings you something in life, good. I think what you're having issue with is that people don't praise your idol as much as you do nor hold them in high regard like you do. Also, since such people know how to perform critical thinking, they have valid critiques of him, his accomplishments, and his negative balance sheet ventures. As you are unable to rise above idolatry, you claim such people hate Musk when in fact they don't. They simply don't love him or idolize him to the degree that you do.
I don't praise people because they get rich. I have money, it isn't that serious.
I don't praise people based on who they fuck. I've fucked people. It isn't that serious. I don't praise people for being founders or partners because I work in valley and they're a dime a dozen. We have lunch sometimes and talk about the same shit everyone else does. People quickly forget Nasa and the people from the old guard who make the new guard possible. People forget car companies already made electric cars. They didn't go with it because the product was too expensive. So, when you start acting like such a person is a technological God, those in it tend to start assuming you know little about business, technology, or engineering and thus view regular joes of tech like they're tony stark. They care for you not to hold such a foolish view, So they speak critically. You misinterpret this as hate. O'well. I at least hope this idolization does something for you in your personal life.
Oh no I totally understand, I am a total whore for Rotaries. Shadilay brother, keep tearing up the mountain and don't forget to mix your oil!
He gets most of his money from the government. Fuck him, the parasite.
You don't have Musk money, user. Also, tl;dr
What the fuck are you trying to say?
He's a /biz/raeli. He's talking about stocks.
>landing a first stage booster on an ocean barge
>who knows if its just a gimmick
The elon fanboys get pretty annoying but goddamn I fucking despise these "sensible sceptics".
because he is an internet banker, nothing more, he wins money to store others money
I remember reading an article of his or two that he submitted to 2600 magazine years ago. I had no idea who he was and thought "Elon Musk" was made up. He actually had some good ideas on how to subvert the surveillance state. I think he actually wants to do good in the world, but we all know how easily that ambition becomes corrupted. I reserve my judgement on the man for now.
Welfare queens like Elon Musk don't deserve the time of day from anyone intelligent, much less continued government gibs for their profitless projects.
>just have more kids lmao
remove the brown ones first
>ctrl + f
>0 results for "quick rundown"
What happened, Sup Forums?
I think that crop is ready for harvest.
lol hi elon
sorry you can't buy cool
Jealous faggot
There is literally zero reason for Sup Forums to dislike him other than maintaining their terminally contrarian nature.
Seems bretty gud. Kinda a slave driver that peddles bullshit. Kudos to him for convincing idiot leftists to give him their money. Hopefully the innovations pay off long term.
the fucker lied about hiring vets, he only hires people who are vets that arent combat related
which are just government workers really
I went to his fremont shop on the day he said only to find out the cuck canceled the event