who else here wants WWIII, a civil war or some other major war to break out? It will fix this degenerate society faster than any politician will plus i kinda wanna shoot someone
Who else here wants WWIII, a civil war or some other major war to break out...
anime v non anime
i wanna see poland vs the merkel shitskin army
>It will fix this degenerate society faster than any politician will
>plus i kinda wanna shoot someone
I wish would have a civil war to kill all these commies and red leeches.
I actually would not mind dying if it made them go away, best case a piece of the country splits
I kinda want to see a revocation of all our goodies and have to go without just so these entitled millennials can be brought down a peg. Is that evil?
Only people who have never seen war would ever wish or ever want it.
That's why since WW 2 (or even WW 1) we have created ways to resolve most conflicts without military aggression. Except maybe for the US who seem to insist on being war mongers.
I want to see ice cream trucks start serving macaroni.
>WWIII, a civil war
yeah, let's have hell on earth.
"war mongers"
I just want to avoid spending 40 years of my life making money for kikes I'll never meet, anyone understand? It seems like the biggest fucking waste of a life possible
hoping we have a civil war between political parties. It would be over real quick, but my god would that be a fun three hours
You wouldn't really get the chance to shoot someone. The whole war would be a few nukes here and there BAM its over.
>hopes for ww3
>ww3 breaks out OP super excited
>first day russia nukes US
>US nukes Russia
>op dies
>half of the world dies
>eventually the whole world gets fucked and there are no more countries, only survivors.
Dylann, you're not meant to have computer access.
Shit I'm expecting a preemptive strike again me now.
I'm with you brother user, I just want to shoot niggers, kikes, shitskins and beaners. I have plenty, and I mean PLENTY of ammo and weapons for the two of us.
Actually, I'd like to go after race traitors first....and I'm a veteran of the USAF. I got out when our mission stopped being a military one and became a humanitarian one. Fuck that. I wanted to blow shit up. Lots of homos in the military now.
Try shooting yourself first. You don't get to decide what's best for the country
No it's not evil. I think that's a excellent idea user. Most people can't even start a fire without matches or a lighter, not to mention hunting for food. Most millennials will probably resort to cannibalism then.
How is his style called?
Looks /fa/shy
Fuck off leaf, only faggots preach this non violence thing.
thats the point
Only if it involves the complete destruction of Israel and Saudi Arabia; otherwise, nothing will change.
Civil war would be better. The ethnic cleansing of gays, muslims and their liberal apologists in the blue states would be so magnificent that even Serbia would be jealous.
>get the fucking accordion
>America stronk
Take the black pill user. This is the only way to fix our world.
BEcause things just got soooooooo much better after the last world war....
Do you seriously need to ask? Or aren't you aware that loads of your own countrymen have been basically blue balling themselves for literally decades waiting for this shit?
The amount of literature I've uncovered from white nationalists like Turner and various publishers like Paladin Press shows that people across the political spectrum think some shit is going down.
Probably communists who think the same.
sure, i get it. but i don't like hard times and civil war is the hardest of times.
Mecca getting Nuked(Sub,Missile,Truck,Bomber, False Flag), causing "World vs Islam".
Which would also allow for a "Global Government/Alliance" to be made/used to stop/end Islam.
t. people with zero combat skills and would get blown to pieces day one of 'muh war'
isn't this what the globalists want?
Ok larper
Uh yeah, that's kinda the point retard
Sort of. But I'm just now trying to get fit. Give it another year, please.
I wouldn't want revolution and street to street warfare either. Wars are starting to change. Weaponry is getting to the point, when humans won't even need to be used wipe other humans out. Drones and smart bombs will just decimate entire populations. Entire power grids will be made inoperable through computer hacking/emp bombs. Humanity is entering uncharted territory. The best thing that all humans can do, is to hold on to their humanity and stopped fighting each other over religion or whatever other bullshit reasons the elite want us to fight for.
I want pol to start ww3 by memetic means
Being a soldier is literally being a tool to politicians, you dumb shit
The last war fucked everything, social engineering literally brought the societies of the world to their knees.
Not even my banana republic went untouched, and we are literally dying off as a people from subversion.
The next war will desolate the planet, but either way, it seems to be coming anyway.
After watching this video on the One Love Manchester Concert
I've been fine with the thought of a globally-engulfing conventional war. I'm pretty fit so I think I'd at least get through the first half, and honestly knowing all the moral degeneration and the chance to kill some Mudshits or Lefties is comforting.
I can't wait
>hold on to their humanity and stopped fighting each other over religion or whatever other bullshit reasons the elite want us to fight for.
That's all very noble but do you actually believe the truly religious wouldn't want to fight you over their religious beliefs? That it's really just elites pushing them?
Rape rape rape rape rape. Patriarchy.
Nukes don't exist faggot