So Comey leaked information during a private meeting with the President to the press, while he was a citizen

So Comey leaked information during a private meeting with the President to the press, while he was a citizen.

How is this not blowing up? This is illegal.

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Those memos are govt property, they had to be foia'd or otherwise requested, instead Comey took them with him.

Can't do that, even unclassified. He submitted them as official memos so they are govt. if he wrote them on he personal machine from the get go then he would be in the clear, but he wrote them on a govt computer in a fbi car outside trump tower and submitted them to his govt files. Soo....

Except there was no classified defense information.

He didn't leak anything.


Because bad things are only bad when Drumpf does them. Otherwise they can be overlooked or downplayed.

how come real Americans arent more concerned with pic related?

McCabe and Comey are the sources of all the leaks, just read this

>Remember its only illegal if anyone against Donald does it.

they're all traitors

"nationalist" my ass

>hillary clinton has been a "citizen" for 5 years
That's why.

>Russia did so much!...
Yet no where near as much as we did with allies like Germany, where we had every top official's phone on tap, at all times.


>No reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against him

>McCain declared himself to be "Prince of America, Subservient to No One" and ordered that "the dirty nigger Russian spy Hillary Clinton" be hanged in Times Square

Why is nobody talking about this?


It's not illegal dunce, he just wrote out his conversations which weren't at all classified, and then leaked his written memos.

Yep, only bad when Zlumpf does it. Also, your fat little Cheeto failed dictator is slowly getting BTFO. Eat it Fuck faces. Putin did it! He tore down burgerland from the inside out by playing on the insecurities of fat redneck retards and /Pol users. All of you burger dipshits that are fighting each other (including me because I hate all of you) are fighting this total shit country into the ground. Cool, I hope the gooks, britfags, kiwis, Maple dicks, or ausfags become the new superpower. I want this country to go up in flames. Thanks Flumpf.

yup. government information that is not classified is still often confidential "confidential unclassified information" is the legal term they use. and it still requires protections.

this line of defense makes you look like the piece of shit traitor you are. you are literally saying its ok we had our election process fucked with by another country because we did it too. what side are you on fucking traitor?

It doesn't have to be defense related to be a crime.


Signing the Blumpf dick side. Also, the side where IQ is 40-50% lower than most of the educated population.

it doesn't have to be a crime because you say so


You are jumping on this with 0 evidence. You are taking the sole word of a grandstanding bitter ex employee of the US as your only source of information.

That's amazing.

>FBI: Oh, hey. We found out that you all didn't do what was being said by journalists.
>Them: Thanks for letting us know what we already know, since we would know, being that we are we.
>FBI: Yeah.
>Them: So, why are you telling us and what are you going to do about it?

>ex fbi director
>loudmouth blowhard millionaire habitual liar

>"I was honestly concerned he might lie about the nature of our meeting." -- Comey on Trump

i got you pegged comrade

>line of defense

I don't give a shit for either side, just pointing out the usual feigned outrage has no basis in reality.

18 U.S.C. § 641. This provision makes it a crime to steal, sell, or convey “any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof.”

i can tell you dont give a shit. thanks for being honest.

okay?? so what?

Ex FBI director who conspired with the Obama administration to not pursue the Clinton investigation.
Let's remember that he allowed the pressure from Obamas AG, admittedly, to affect his job. He also leaked government documents to the press, admittedly.
Remind me what Trump did that was illegal?

user just needs a few minutes to go on T_D to ask how this vilified Comey so he can respond in line.

you idiots really think a smart man like comey is going to do or say something that is going to bite him in the ass?

hes not a dumbass like drumpf

>The standard under the federal Obstruction of Justice statute is *not* "asked" or "demanded" or "ordered," it's "attempted to persuade."

time will tell comrade ivan.


It makes it illegal you illiterate. That's the legal statue protecting government records outside of defense. The problem here is europeans think that they understand America or our laws. You don't, you just want to capitulate on what you think a super power ought to do while you continue getting invaded by foreign nationals.
This is why Americans hate the EU, your popmplous tryhards that tell us how we should behave while doing nothing productive yourselves. You are the Paris climate accord, useless and non binding.

That's such a hard reach, you can't actually believe that?

kurt eichenwald jacked off to hentai just a sec

Makes what illegal??

Pretty clear you're no scholar of law, that's for sure, so don't pretend you know shit.

>cringe, the post

except this is done with tech companies

cant do personal work on company time or property or they have rights to possible applications or development of the employee

because the memo is not classified

Ok, I'm done with you. You don't have any actual arguments. Enjoy your sharia law.

It doesn't have to be.

>don't actually know what you are accusing him of
back to your safe space on the_donald where these things can't be questioned

>Ex FBI director who conspired with the Obama administration to not pursue the Clinton investigation.
its about as hard a reach as that. time will tell. is it not true that the people who have had to leave trumps cabinet had ties to russia? the answer is yes. where theres smoke theres fire pal. time will tell. Listen, I hope for the sake of the American people, all of us not just the left or right, that trump is successful or that if he fucks up it doesnt hurt us too bad. I want the truth out, I want to know if our president is a puppet of putin, dont you? Lets hope for our sake that trump has got our best interests at heart and not putins or russia or some other fucked up hidden agenda like most presidents.

It's ok, even if we become another Russia, at least the scum and retards can be right... That's all they care about. Do you even mentally retarded bro


>The Espionage Act clearly states leaking information about a meeting with the President on national defense matters is illegal

Uh I hate Comey as much as the next goy, but how is anything Comey leaked a "national defense matter"?

You inbreds don't realize we have a rogue FBI agency trying to the force the white house to submit to them.

Klehous v. State of Missouri, dumbass. Did you go to a Russian law school?

yeah thats whats happening...

Who is the professor

Find him.

Did they offer Comey immunity?

Trump's strategy is to discredit Comey for good reason. he is one of the heads of the criminal cabal snakes. Even after being fired he is obviously out there working for the Deep State. They say once you are in their clutches the only way out is death. Comey has been so corrupt covering for the Clintons, Obama and the criminal cabal his many millions he was paid in bribes cannot save him. He has to still perform. So-he has to be neutralized before all the big arrests and busts start. Too many people have died covering this up. better for him and the lives of his wife and kids if he is defanged so the CIA/Mossad Deep State can't use him anymore. he should be thankfull Trump is doing that for him.

He'll never be prosecuted are you really too dumb to understand why? Look at the public reaction to his testimony the guy is being hailed as a hero and any prosecution from the government will just make Trump look worse.

He's protected by the fact that the white house can't afford any more bad PR


Donald Trump set this whole thing up.

>the white house can't afford any more bad PR

I also jaywalked this morning. He didn't violate the espionage act, the information wasn't classified, no one will charge him with anything. He knew that, that's why he said he did it under oath.

He didn't classify it (required to do).

That's the problem. He's in trouble.

Think of it this way. These are his own personal memos. If he just remembered them and recited his memories to a friend, it would have the same effect and it wouldn't be illegal.

Your measurements from penis inspection day aren't classified but they're still confidential.
There's shit tonnes of government information that's illegal to give out without following guidelines that isn't classified.

Are you by far a proxy or a troll?

>(required to do).
Completely false. Where are you getting your information from? You might as well say he's required to classify a memo that says "I tied my shoes this morning"

I'm not exactly sure what this is supposed to mean but if you think the president is immune to bad press you're wrong. Why would he want Comey to make a statement that he was not personally the target of the investigation if he didn't care what people were saying about him? The presidents image matters quite a lot.

why, did he sign some form or contract to classify every conversation he has with trump?

the answer id no. Comey called Trump a liar, called Sessions a liar

absolutely btfo

The desperation is palpable.


>Where are you getting your information from?

> Image matters a lot
Well, obviously not to this poor fucking excuse of a president lol

Because Trump humiliated Comey in the manner he fired him. whatever the ins and outs are of the legal ruling. The truth is most of us will accept that trump asked comey to do something for "good guy Flynn" and comey had a right to hit back after trump didn't fire him in a more respectful way.

How is this a leak? None of the information was classified.

oh, and 17 US Intelligence agencies.

It's only a leak to Grumpf supporters because they're still grasping at straws to look relevant and important.



>"b-but, her emails!" he said as President Trump continued to lower the stature of his country, reap in money from foreign business deals, and send out incoherent tweets

And to continue to raise money for his bitter incompetent cronies

The information isn't classified how is it a leak. We are becoming CNN by spreading this obvious lie.

It's ok, whatever saves the feelings for the Flumpf supporters is OK

The leaks revealed how "the russians" did it, and all it amounted to was a Sup Forums tier raid.
You have to frame the info with big bold text declaring it was russia with yet more lack of proof in order to convince anyone russians did it and not random civilians or even heroes in the intel community.

And shill as hard as humanly possible for Israel






Some fresh OC

gov't property

He is required because it is the rules.

>(((columbia law professor)))

comey perjured himself today. illegal. just ask martha stewart.

Pure sophistry. If you took that testimony to court, would you get a conviction?



An insider has a theory. The 9/11 crimes and so many others are about to come to light and mass arrests of the criminal cabal. Comey wanted out-he is in very very deep and would have been blackmailed to obstruct and leak for the cabal. So this whole Trump/Comey bad blood and name calling is charades for Comey to save face with the cabal and Trump to help save his life by disgracing Comey enough that he is useless as a deep state tool. The only way out us usually death. Make sense?

Let's not forget South America where they literally assisinated canidates.

In the worse scenario Russia only succeeded in negative press against Hillary.

I think countries should stay out of others affairs but it's a bit of poetic justice. Karma's a bitch.

I was more showing what we did to our own greatest allies, in comparison to what Russia did to their mortal enemy.

> Deep State

Confirmed retard