>"The Land of Israel is the Promised Land of God!"
>also Zionists
>Allows gay pride in Jerusalem
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Why are muzzies more redpilled about Israel than white people seriously?
Can I take you to Saudi Arabia?
>>also Zionists
>>Allows gay pride in Jerusalem
What is secularism? The sky faggot sat and watched while the cabbage fucking squarehead sausage gobbling genocide monkeys tossed the Chosen People in the ovens, so a lot of kikes don't actually believe in him. But that doesn't mean that they're not going to fight for themselves, or condemn their fellow kikes who happen to eat cock.
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Death to Israel
because they live near them
Death to Israel
Not everyone who lives in Israel supports gay pride parades just like not everyone in Israel is a zionist. It's the same as assuming everyone in France is a refugee because their government allows refugees.
>What is secularism?
No secularism in Jerusalem dumbass. You can play that shit everywhere else but not in Jerusalem ffs.
Because they were taught since birth to hate them.
> No secularism in Jerusalem dumbass. You can play that shit everywhere else but not in Jerusalem ffs.
It actually is, you know "Jerusalem" isn't only ultra-orthodox goyim-hating Jews, right?
Makes them more redpilled than some of us about kikes though.
Well it should be it's the holiest place on earth maybe we could spare it the filthy sodomy fetish.
this is just part of the Tikkun Olam plan.
>buhh it's everyone fault but me
Mention to her how sandniggers still sell nigger slaves on facebook
Which kind of socially awkward person draw things like this?
>Mention to her how sandniggers still sell nigger slaves on facebook
Isn't it based?
What sucks here is white people sucking the jewish dick.
Any knife wielding maniac like last year?
fuck you,kys