>Nationalism being crushed all across Europe
Can you feel the pressure, Trumpets? You're all alone now.
>Nationalism being crushed all across Europe
Can you feel the pressure, Trumpets? You're all alone now.
Other urls found in this thread:
>You're all alone now.
>implying that's not exactly what the U.S. wants and needs
Don't worry, Europe. Us leafs will keep America nice and warm in your absence. ;)
Mexico still believes in nationalism very much, we will stand with our US allies.
No, Europe is occupied and has been liberal since ww2, they control their minds like all liberals.
Mexico needs to start just killing Narcos. You got tanks & bombers right?
Now that the UK has been put down, all the steps needed to boot America from the Security Council are now in place.
After that, it'll be an embargo until you are brought to heel.
The night is always darkest before the dawn.
America leads the way, just as they did 1776. Europe will lag behind but we will follow
Celebrity culture is too blame imo
This guy gets what he asked for -
Plain & simple
If he had better tact - and the respect of his peers
Maybe he could keep from falling like a
Bros to our north and south. North America would be the comfiest if we all get our shit together
Lol Fuck Europe we weren't supposed to get involved with them in the first place.
I want to turn back time..
implying Trumptards didn't elect Jewish globalism
Well, if you talk about jewish nationalism...
The Germans finally did it. They conquered Europe and they are allied with another Asian superpower in China.
Korea has already fallen and Japan is tattering.
It's been a nice run America, but your time is finally over.
>Nationalism dies in Europe
>Islam takes control
>Nationalism gains power again
It's just a matter of time.
>Giving a shit about Europe
I think you're confused OP
You can't save those who don't wish to be saved.
Not really, considering Europe has been a battle field because of nationalism in one for or another for a thousand year or even more, leftist gov are getting pushed out one by one to be replaced with centrist until the bulk of the population is ready to accept nationalism as a whole in a few years or decade
The future will be very interesting to say the least
the bad goy, bad slave version
> Implying that the Tories are nationalist
> Implying Corbyn's inevitable failure will not cause a huge far right swing
I'm NatSoc and I hope he wins, because he will fail horribly
The US was also "all alone" when its people rose up against their king, while the rest of the entire world was still riding the dick of their local monarch.
>Who were the France, Spain and the Dutch?
in a few decades "the bulk of the population" will be niggers, Arabs, trannies, and mentally ill women.
emigrate while you still can
I know, let's start to follow the lead of the continent that attempted suicide 2 times in the last century.
And now jewish bankers is their ruling dynasty, nobility and sacred high caste. Although they seems to be okay to serve, as long as masters allow them to vote one or another useless talking head every few years.
what is the french revolution u fucking retard
Nigga, you live here. I think you should be rooting for the continuation of the country instead of its destruction
Retard yank doesn't understand this isn't about nationalism, it is populism. The people vs the establishment, its not about left and right.
May is the British Hillary, corrupt and evil to the core.
Corbyn is the British Trump, the voice of the people.
Don't fall for the memes lad, all european countries (including france and germany) are heavily majoritarily white, and this wont change in a couple decade
Times political climate in Europe ended up in a catastrophic storm:
we still have putin
But Trump said, in his own words, that he is a globalist.
>telling a nationalist he is all alone
why should we be upset?
traitorous piece of shit
Well, he's a good goy, but still not as good as your president.
I just hope brexit goes through already. Getting sick of britcucks and their speshul snowflake syndrome.
and I wouldn't have it any other way
Crushed? Hahah. It's rising. The recent elections prove that it's more prevalent than ever before.