>this is the hottest song in USA rn
notice anything?
This is the hottest song in USA rn
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I fucking hate this shit
Is this actually #1 right now?
reconquista when?
jewsa accepting its hispanic future
zog wants you to live like puerto ricans
>dude singer sounds gay
>is that cali or a favela?
>Spanish, spanish everywhere
>why do all the spics look like gangstas?
>niggers being useless
>sexualization of women
Seems like every other shit pop song to exist, what am I *supposed* to be noticing here?
>In January 2017, "Despacito" featuring Daddy Yankee was promoted and released. The music video reached 1 billion views, with the song becoming number one in nearly every Latin Billboard chart. In April 2017, the song was given an English remix featuring Canadian singer Justin Bieber. The remix featuring Bieber reached number one on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 on May 27, 2017
I hate my island
Well that was incredibly degenerate
you guys like this shit.
I barely even listen to music anymore tbqh.
Standard chord structure followed by 100% of radio hits?
You're a couple years later retard
yeah, a bunch of hot latinas i want to plow
The Justin Bieber version is the popular one, not this one.
Based bieber: subverting degenerate burgers
what funny is i never really knew much about reaggaeton/pop until i went to cuba
what bliss ignorance was
Can we just give California to Mexico and be done with this shit?
+Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Miami
So sick of this shit song. It was passable the first 6 gorillion times.
Not texas
>this is the hottest song in USA
yeah I doubt it
Isnt the yankee guy a republican?
It is. When I was in NY all the gringos where hearing the Bieber version and the station where playing it.
If we just got rid of California the rest of the nation would vote to deport the niggers back. California is holding us down politically.
apparently its world wide
More generic shit that sounds copy pasted alongside all the same kpop shit
Proof Gen Y and Millenials are the bane of all things good
how those MOAB's?
It's because you're spreading degeneracy worldwide.
can one of you spic shitskins explain this to me?
your country made Justin Bieber, not us
>2 billion views
>I have never heard of this in my life
same here and OP is claiming we all listen to this shit
At least Daddy Yankee is a Republican conservative. He hates degenerate leftists
I hate watching my country die.
I'm genuinely surprised m8. But the bubble effect is real. I don't watch TV, I don't listen to radio, I don't watch (((TV Shows))), I use Ad block, I use Facebook to replace the role SMS had, I never see nor notice the Youtube trending page.
The only way I could have heard of this was through a news article or friends.
I'm happily degeneracy free.
The word you're looking for is no.
or through Sup Forums, which is the case. But I treat Sup Forums as a very biased news source, where the comment section is running wild.
>listening to the mainstream radio jew
Just go music surfing on bandcamp or youtube you'll eventually finding a song or band that fits your niche.
Also music sharing thread I guess
>this [spanish mix] is the hottest song in the USA right now
>English remix with Justin Bieber reached #1 on US Billboard
Literally contradicting yourself, leaf.
why are Latino Americans boasting with those crosses?
>English remix
>95% of words are spanish
fucking burger
Daddy Yankee is GOAT and a real cutiepie
Ayyyyy papi
Yeah one of the most overused chord progressions and song structures of all time.
Also a nice samba beat but nobody could samba ;_;
catchy. sounds more family friendly than most top 40 hits. some genuine musical quality
I approve
>listening to the melodic jew
>4 on the floor beat with an off beat snare: most generic latin beat ever.
>1-6-3-7 minor chord progression, aka 1-5-6-4 in major, (literally Pachelbel's Canon and all pop music): Most generic chord progression possible
>Main melody is repeated over and over, even the same couple notes repeated over and over
>Rhyme: ABAB ending in -ito
Jesus Christ, clearly this is worth 2 billion views, endless replays on the radio, and is superior to every one of the thousands of other songs with the exact same structure.
Friendly reminder that music is the language of emotion, and most people have really shallow, retarded emotions.
>but like alcohol and women, that's unique
>different artist
>different language
It's certainly a catchy song, but this is just another example of how America takes other cultures and improves on them.
My original point that the song you linked as [hottest in the USA rn] and the song that is #1 on Billboard are not the same song still stands.
>genuine musical quality
you're reaching bro
how ya keepin up brother? How's the heroin over there?
You got internet, nice nice...
anyways, say hello to your goat for me, alright? Stay safe, watch out for those moabs
First half of the video was nice; 2nd half is degenerate.
Only reggaeton song I've ever heard that's even slightly enjoyable.
Would dance to with qt latina.
>notice anything?
No, because I don't listen to fucking "Top 40" shit.
People talk about popular songs and quote them right to me and I don't even fucking notice. I have my shit that I listen to and I find related stuff that's like it through YouTube and Soundcloud and Twitter.
I don't have to care about the things you're talking about.
if someone makes just one more version of this shit i might just snap and start something big. it will involve fire
>believes lies about their motivations
You're welcome you Tim Horton drinking faggot.
Almost 2 billion views... WTF?
I don't want to stop listening to my Gregorian Chants. Nor do I want to give the big (((record companies))) views. Can someone give me a quick rundown?
Good song, danced many times with it
Its everywhere in every club and they play it at least 3-4 times a night
>Almost 2 billion views
>Literally never heard of this song
Reconquista quando hijos?
>yfw bands like social distortion are literal whos to a majority of people and they will never be exposed to the greatness that is mike ness.
I mean he is a liberal douche but fuck can he make some awesome songs.
This is what koreans listen to now
Same here. I even hate most of the music I enjoy.
>1.8 BILLION views
>never heard of this song
I am officially out of touch with the younger generation.
I've never even heard of or seen this before, give me a quick rundown
that has to be satire.
>he refers to california as cali
>notice anything?
Gorgeous woman, cool murals, nice song...
lol this song bumps
So this is what normies listen to. I weep for humanity.
Shit, this one's pretty rare nowadays... How are the banana trees doing? All good?
>implying jewtube doesn't "massage" the counts of degenerate content they want to peddle to kids.
best korea takeover when?
catchy af t b h, I'm sure it will be less so the next thousand times I hear it
do da do da do da do do do da do da do da do do do da do da do da do do do da do da do da do do. music
This song is fucking great and gets everyone on the dance floor. You want to get a party going you play this dancar cudro and we be burning in a row.
the justin bieber version is much better desu
2 billion views?
gangnam style made sense for the video but why the fuck is this at 2 billion
you deserve communism
Satanic K-pop coming soon to USA: youtu.be
You better start learning español señores!
Es un idioma muy bello en realidad, es fácil odiarlo si sólo lo han oído expulsado de las pestilentes bocas chicanas.
Seems like a very american song. It's a shame about the whites who used to live there.
Why do people keep covering this song? I used to hear the Mexicans play it years ago when I worked construction in college
I hear it at least 6 times a day at work because the Guyanese shits in the shop don't let even the foreman touch the radio
Im on the border of a mental breakdown whenever I hear it now
What the fuck do you have against Timmies?
That is pretty good.
The most underrated post
australia is the last bastion of the anglosphere. rip in peace commonwealth
That is pretty gay.
K-pop is equivalently shitty to US pop, but the look of this band just makes me feel uncomfortable.
This song is #2 and only the version with Justin Bieber is #2. The regular version is #45
Mejor ellas que tu maldita acento. AAH EEEH COMO TE SHAMAS VOS?.?.?.
Odio los argentinos.
Stop listening shitty music
This is now a music rate thread. Post what you are listening to.
right now, name a genre worse than reggaeton
It is pretty gay. Did you check out the statue of the goat horned being holding a severed head in the background? This group also managed to win the fan vote for favorite group at the Billboard awards. They will be pushed in the states very soon.