Did they lie about Hitler like how they lie about Trump?
Was Hitler actually good?
Did they lie about Hitler like how they lie about Trump?
Was Hitler actually good?
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drumpf is a big fat mess
Of course.
Of course. did you just get here? Sup Forums is a national socialist board.
He recognised the (((USSR)) and made deals with it. Think about it
And the (((USSR))) screwed him over. Think about it.
Side note
I used to really like Russia until I learned it's a crime to question the holocaust over there.
Kind of odd of Hitler to speak against jews and marxists to only later ally with them.
the truth is somewhere in the middle.
>history is written by the victors
Never forget that.
The Jews declared war on Germany, Hiter was just protecting his country
>Was Hitler actually good?
*leans in to mic* WRONG
>jeb is a mess airhornnnnnnn
of course user
if you run shit you can spin all sorts of lies for the narative, example
>6 billion jews died in ww2
Watch the greatest story never told
Daily reminder Hitler killed himself while his people were being raped and murdered in the streets
History is written by the victors. The victors always portray themselves as the good guys with the purest hearts and motives.
How can they be stopped? In all seriousness? I feel like the Philippines are the only country that names them
To my knowledge he'd planned to betray the USSR the whole time, it was just an alliance of convenience for both parties
Patton was villified upon returning to America because he spoke otu about jews. Consider what they did to hitler.
Nice collection
vic berger is a turboshill, don't give him any views
Oh, that's not even including the ones exposing how Jews still manipulate the world to this very day.
Hitler was literally a loser who lost. He is the reason Israel exists
Have you considered that Hitler didn't actually *hate* anyone, and that he would have much rather come to a civilized agreement than lead his men to needless slaughter?
The Western has become a shithole of lying media that often pulls uneducated college kids to leftism. So theres obviously lies involved.
those digits don't lie
Do you consider starting two completely pointless wars with shitty allies and getting your country destroyed and partitioned as a result good? If so, welcome to the NSDAP. Hail victory, kek
No. Set yourself on fire now.
>lose war
>be the good guy
Has history taught you nothing? The one who lost is always the bad guy
It's not. Gtfo this planet, weakling.
fuck USSR, you commie cunt. You try to raise your head, I'll bash it in again like my great-grand daddy used to before me.
Hitler killed his family and himself while his soldiers fought and his citizens starved. Hitler was a pathetic, scared piece of shit undercover faggot who broke every promise he made and ended up not completing anything he set out to do.
Welcome to (((our))) world, goyim. And there is nothing you punkass bitches can or going to do about it. It's (((our))) planet, ya'll need to pack up and leave.
4d chess.
nigger hating thread
>muh 6 million, 1919
nigger hating thread
Kys faggot. It is.
Didn't he also advocate for the idea of Israel in the first place?
Wasn't the "final solution" the final plan of action because the Jewish communities in Germany refused to leave to create the state of Israel?
calling this as fake, it wasnt fine and dandy over all the holocaust or else that obviously would have been pointed out during the Nuremberg trials
>more false propaganda against President Trump
Kek is so beautiful
Sup Forums is a thermonuclear weapon of peace
A little bit of WHY this story is told to us. Jews control the media. They control politics. They control most things, the only thing they can't fully control is your head if you criticize. THINK.
Duh. You must be new.
People are waking up. r/ing any redpills about Israel-Palestine. Obviously the country shouldn't exist because it was founded on the assumption of (((muh holocaust))) but what else is bad/wrong about it?
>like dumbf
other than the likely, pusillanimous suicide (and perhaps syphilis), a poor simile, m8
I think it's highly likely at this point.
don't know about Hitler but after the US elections I stopped believing that Marine Le Pen is a neo nazi.
the US elections made it clear that 'journalist' will lie to push simplified realty to sway the public.
nice try, this was already debunked
Drumpf is a big fat mistake.