How can we utterly destroy this douchebag's career forever?
Can we get some "Captain SJW is a pedo!" meme magic going?
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If you wouldn't let her suck your dick you're gay
Hes said like 3 politically related things ever, I don't think this is worth the effort.
pedophilia is a form of the gay you sick kike faggot
Not even kind of true. Have you seen his twitter?
Nothing will happen. You're too optimistic.
you should consider jumping off a railway bridge.
Hes cool, he wasnt in the Hillary video where all the facist boot lickers from civil war trash Trump.
Dont bother seeking help, youre a lost cause.
Why are you so petty? Who gives a fuck? It's a below average happy-feel good family movie..
You're early to cheat on ramadan again? Fucking piece of shit.
You're on pol where most people would kill to have an IRL loli to not have sex with but take care of until maybe she was of legal age and consenting, of course.
These. He's not really the political type. He just says what he needs to in order to not be treated like a pariah. Can't blame him for doing what's necessary to survive and keep food on the table. Blame Hollywood for outcasting anyone who doesn't fall in line with their retarded beliefs.
>yfw your mates are raping a young boy and you don't want to but they invited you
He never shilled for anyone so he doesn't deserve it. And neither does that kid. GTFO
BTFO pedo, you're not welcome on /pol
He deserves it no less than Shia Lebouf who Sup Forums humiliated non-stop for weeks. No rest for the wicked!
Let's accuse someone we don't like of being a pedo the normies will eat it right up ebin xDD
Shia deserved every inch of it...
He seems fine and hasn't politicized anything as far as I've seen.
>actor gets bond with girl just to get closer to the mother of the girl
>Sup Forums think he is a pedo
Isn't this the same reason why people have dogs? what in your sick mind is going on?
Really? He won't shut up about Trump and all his "hatemonger" followers for months. I'm ready for him to be gone.
This was a good troll im not gonna lie.
Exactly, look what happened to Tim Allen, he's treated like a leper...
why does this article read like an on the set romance? but instead of two adult actors is now a man in his 30's and a 10 year old girl.
>accusing an innocent man of being a pedo
Reminder that this is a typical leftist tactic and we should not fall for OP's kikery
democraps are le real racists XD
Please stop sexualizing everything. I love my niece too.
i hate leftist sjws but i hate equating all interaction between men and children as pedophilia. op is damaged by feminists.
>being A-list actor
>chasing after a single mother
Dude wake the fuck up. The only reason for a man of his wealth and status to fuck around with a single mother is to acquire that girl as his own personal Lolita. Why else would he bother when 18 year old college girls are on tap for him?
>that damage control.
I want to feel those soft legs.
I saw an interview between him and the little girl and based on their body language i calculate an 87% chance they are making the sexy time.
>american flag
>posting on pol
>hey guys lets ruin this guy's career it will be hilarious XDDDD
The sooner hiro bans mobile posting, the sooner this entire place will get better
Perhaps I should be more clear. It is a typical "average leftist civilian retard" tactic. I'm not denying there are pedos amongst the upper echelons of the left (or the right for that matter). But falsely accusing some random actor because you don't like him is pretty nasty
So why do you care so much about what he says on Twitter?
That's horseshit. Don't accuse someone of being a pedo unless they're actually a pedo. You'd be just as bad as the women claiming that they were raped after they break up with their boyfriends.
Agree with the dude or not, don't sink to the left's tactics. This friendship reminds me of me and my niece; I'm 28, she's 5, and we're total bros. Don't ruin that kind of thing by claiming it's at all sexual.
By the way? All of these threads about how to fix western women? This kind of shit is how you ruin them. A positive male role model who knows the industry AND WHO CAN PROTECT HER FROM THE SUSPECTED PEDOPHILIA RINGS IN HOLLYWOOD may prevent this little girl from fucking ruining her life permanently.
Are you me? I dont remember typing this. >Chkd
Hollywood is sick. How is it acceptable for a grown faggot to befriend a young girl? Their boundaries are fucked. FUCKED.
this. Fucking degenerates thing it's always sexual. The are worst than freud.
>he said he is good without crying or looking like a sick puppy
>no sick looking girl, innocent girl spirit
Nothing sexual, no rape, nothing bad see?
Literally every single woman on the planet would go "awww" at this article/movie, it doesn't even smell of pedo. It's fairly normal to get 'fatherly' or 'brotherly' feelings towards kids that seek it if you're empathic, this kid might not even have a father of her own, nothing weird.
If someone else than Chris Evans then maybe, but it won't work here, not even the jewish media could pull off a smear about this.
Ahmed get out of my country