If, or should I say WHEN, the race war fires between Humans and Muslims

What will your favourite execution method be against the Mohammedans??

The first time that I saw this (mediocre) movie, I KNEW I had to try it out some day.


(pic is from a townhall meeting in America where the entire townhall told the Muslim to fuck off when he suggested a mosque)

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Only the bronze cow will suffice for them

Muslims aren't a race you tard.


Wise choice, senpai-yama.

coating bullets in pigs blood, having gay men make out in front of them and then for the finale have the gay guys shoot the towelheads with the pig coated bullets

Shut the fuck up, you fucking leaf. You're probably one of the refugees that Turdhole brought in, you fucking sandnigger. You're the first to go, you Hodgie.

Idk about "Mohammedans" but I would like to kill my enemies with a bullet to the head, preferably.

Throwing them off of buildings and walls seems like an old timey classic

If you kill yourself you win

>Bitching about how Canada or Europe isn't white
>Canada being 80% white, most of Europe over 85%

>American sitting at 56%.

Dude. Drop it. You're in the fucking wrong, we hate niggers too so stop bitching when you're the least white white country.

Dropping them while still alive in boiling vats of pig fat.


Dafuq leaf? You slurpin that syrup?

I was referencing your major cuck leader

Fuck, that cunt won with 33% of the vote...Fuck that guy.

are you mentally retarded?
there are billions of muslims
do you understand how slow this method would be to kill all of them???

the logical way:
>nuke the middle east
>shooting squads on europe, fast and easy.

we just want them dead, and dead fast, no need for this bullshit 007 villain ritual.

The mongols were able to kill millions of Muslims. Each Mongol was a walking death machine. Put a Muslim on his knees, slit the throat, bang his wife (they were hotter back then).

It only took 3 seconds (extra 2 minutes for the sloppy bloody sex).


Ban kosher and halal slaughter and they will all disappear back to whence they came.

> .webm attached

It just looks like so much fun!

Haahaha dumbass chicks.

just shitskin my shit up senpai

Muslims are worth nothing more than a bullet to the back of the head.

End welfare, that's it, there was a news article about an american state not giving welfare and requiring asylum seekers to work and learn English, guess what? they all fled.

If you're calling for a race war, use the right fucking terminology. What grade are you in? Don't you have homework to do?


Is this a man, a woman, or a tranny?

That was a horrible idea because their shitskin IQ and genes are now mixed with your own. And if the guy keeps going on conquest the kid gets raised muslim.