Whats the game with the most redpilled fanbase?

whats the game with the most redpilled fanbase?
I think either pic related, DOOM / QUAKE or Carmageddon etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


The binding of Isaac

Hahahah no games ain't redpilled.

Be thou besagéd!

Manchild begone

I remember Carmageddon 1 had a pretty redpilled community, a fan made forum I came across had pictures from Sup Forums not too long ago.

Doom also has Moonman mod

I meant fanbase, not game itself

None, since none of them allow you to kill kids in them. Total bullshit.

Runescape, apparently.

liqqy 2
t. hpm

almost all ww2 games


> t. refugee

EU4 Rineacape anything nigga


This CK 2 is unabashedly red pilled. The entire goal of the game is to insure the global supremacy of your family, religion, race and country in that order.


not groß enough

What about the Metal Gear Series? Red pilled as fuck and you can kill kiddos.

Steam community hub for paradox games have a shit ton of Sup Forums tier memes
Same with mount and blade

holy shit hahaha

>hasn't played ultima


You can in Fallout 1 and 2. But I don't remember much else about those games.

Expelling the juice gives you a permanent diplomatic penalty until you invite them back and pay the debt you didn't want to pay. They always win. The developer keeps making women more powerful with each patch too. Paradox is anything but redpilled


HOI is, because the holocaust doesnt happens

dats rite

Seems accurate, the jews infesting other countries governments would likely sabotage your diplomacy with them.

Can confirm multiplayer M&B Warband/Nap Wars is full of Sup Forumsacks


The Wargame series.

Paradox games and the Doom mod community are pretty red pilled.

Man, I like The Binding of Isaac but that game is pure, distilled nu-male edge. The gameplay is great, but everything else is just juvenile bullshit

Game is for cucks though

Ive been banned on most large servers on Nap Wars for making my name ZimZam

Vicky 2 is the most redpilled game, no other game lets you systematically genocide all minorities.


I had no idea that game even had a fan base anymore. Any place on particular I should check out to learn more about it?


the fuck is that? black lives matter?

You literally need to have autism in order to play this game.

Steam lol. there are a lot of patches for carma1 which make it playable on modern machines as well as carma2 and tdr2000

austists consider it normie shit

I usually get banned for racism. I try to explain that I'm roleplaying as a 19th century soldier who has no reason to be politically correct by our standards, but I guess taunting players with dark-skinned characters doesn't go over well.

Too bad its not possible to mod in. Sadly /gsg/ is full of drama these days.

>kill kids

What are you talking about? The only kids that are actually rendered in-game in any mgs are EE in mgs2 and the band of backstabbing niglets in mgsv. Kill any of them and it's a instant game over. Total bullshit in mgsv's case when your playing as a man who's supposedly declared war against the world and doesn't give a fuck about anything suddenly getting a conscience and purposely deciding to consider his mission a failure if he murders the kids he was contracted to murder.

I actually like that you can give power to women. That means twice as bigger pool of characters you can use for the council or leaders/vassals.So mechanics-wise it's a good thing.

But the events with stronk wimin in history are cringe worthy. But they are Swedcucks after all. As for expelling juice you can mod it in few minutes to remove the penalty if you really want to. Usually, I don't get jewish characters more often than once a century from some events. And then if you really want to you ca just kick them from the court or ignore.

I always shitpost in chat about how zimmerman should have killed more blacks

Black Power flag

Mate loads of games allow you to kill children. Some games have the main point as being a child that kills other children.
It might be difficult for you to find your desired child killing game because most games don't have children in at all but rest assured these games exist.

pic related

You can kill the kids in metal gear 2 without dying you utter pleb. Confirmed for not having played the series.


vicky 3 when?


Ironically Zelda is the game with the gayest libtard fanbase while being the most redpilled franchise there is.

>Random with 3 classes.

pls no, the way paracucks are making games like goy4 and eu4 I want them to stop making games

I totally forgot about there being kids in metal gear 2. I never killed them, I didn't really experiment as much in that game as in the 3d ones and gb because I probably wrongly assumed there wasn't as much TECHNOLOGY




Immediately DROPPED

das desu
>kings keep abandoning their nation to darkskins
>you must do what must be done to keep the flame of civilization burning, or plunge it head first into eternal damnation

Vicky is far too autistic too be plebbed up tho


Fair enough. I grant that it's not particularly satisfying in that game, given its 8-bit nature.

Paracucks are far too autistic not to fuck it up


Just take the /tg/station 13 codebase and make far-right mods for it such as nigger/kike killing game modes, nazi uniforms and guns etc. I really want to see a Sup Forumsstation 13 server

The only true redpilled game is Ethnic Cleansing, but its so trash it really aint with playing

Eu4 culture malus. Player thinks makes sense. Apply to today. Redpill acquired.

>t. autismo


Definitely not pic related. The company selling it uses greedy, money-grubbing dlc tactics that the fans suck up. The dlc doesn't even improve the game.
Anyone still buying expansions is completely cucked.
Plus >Female generals outside of Jean D'arc

Nice 8's my friend.

I think you should make a game that has like 200 made up countries, each with its own poltical and phisphical system, and then when plaies join they get to live on one of the countries
or let people start their own countries and have to get people to join there country and help defend it. It will be like risk but with a bunch more stuff to make it more realistic like economy and what not


Heroes of newerth about 6 or 7 years ago had an infamously redpilled user base. Never seen anything come remotely close to it, however the games dead now

The Hunger Games, or a rip off of it

Gameplay would be like dayz with a smaller map (like maybe a Battlefield style map), more plentiful weapons, punishments for camping, and a 20 minute time limit.

MGS is seriously redpilled. It called out the (((((((Deep State)))))))) well before we've confirmed it to be an actual thing. Also, the Japanese in general tend to be pretty Redpilled and Kojima is a typical Japanese man with creative talent.


>mfw when vicky 3 has 1 raw good, 1 finished good, 1 military good, uses a mana system, and makes sure that women and minorities are included in over 50% of events and decisions minimum.

Females in paradox games aren't like they are in reality. Like other games female characters are some weird mutated race that is entirely equal to men in every regard despite retaining a feminine body so clearly they have nothing to do with real females. Thus female generals make complete sense within the Crusader Kings fantasy setting.

Just think of it like the supernatural events.

>Red pilled

pls no

>3D hearth and haven-esque game with a large empty continent
>harsh hunger system. food is pretty difficult to come by and tends to be concentrated in small fertile regions for farming, some coasts with abundant fish, and some forests with wild game
>weight system dealing with both the size of the map and scarcity of food and other supplies makes migration away from settled areas extremely dangerous. requiring either organizing supply chains, or a lot of effort

so most of the map would be relatively empty of resources, and they would be far in between causing those regions to be heavily populated and fought over. Migrants out would have to travel large distances and probably end up starving

metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty




So, the most red pilled game?

>Darkest Hour

Wars in Southern Africa

Playing ck2 as memezantium
Apologies for the shitty cam quality

Finished my 3rd EU4 campaign today. I hadn't played it in about 2 years but I pirated all the dlc and shit to catch up.

Watched hours of tutorials to learn new shit then decided to play on Ironman as Brandenburg. Pretty big jump in difficulty since my first two campaigns were colonial as far as I remember.

Ended as Prussia in the late 1500s with Poland with Lithuania in a PU allied with Bohemia and the Livonian Order attacking me and I barely won that war with an alliance of my vassals the Palatinate and Cleves, Austria+Hungary, Burgundy, and Hesse.

After that ridiculous war my old allies seemed to break our alliance then Burgundy hated me and invaded me to show superiority even though we had a royal marriage and then Poland reinvaded during that shit. I guess 10 years went by real fast but I got ground down. I just kept getting attacked by every random asshole around me and my alliances were drying up.

Kind of pissed me off actually so I felt like venting.

Red Orchestra

Forgot about Witchers one and two
A race war is one of the central conflicts in both games, right?

>Get loan from Jews
>Expel Jews
>King dies
>Let Jews back in
>Take another loan
>Expel the Jews again
Rinse and repeat

hit f11 for screenshot

>Brazilians in charge of printing screen

>juvenile bullshit
>mother goes fucking crazy
>household falls apart when good pure father dies
It's a sound message tho

I know that faggots
I'm on Sup Forums in my phone

I will actually burn the computer then.

WW2 videogames fans

needs more forgotten hope


>f11 or print screen
>put jpeg on phone
>upload jpeg from phone
Then we wouldn't have to see the cancer that is that photo.