>BBC already talking about hard brexit not possible anymore
this is what the elite wanted...
>BBC already talking about hard brexit not possible anymore
this is what the elite wanted...
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stop talking about big black cock you abbo cunt
If English men have any manhood left in them, there will be civil war if Brexit is denied.
Don't reply to my thread if you've got nothing to add retards.
Are you seriously convinced this would happen?
I've got you senpai I agree with you
nigga your country doesnt even exist lmao
Pretty sure the Brit rulers have noticed by now that the bongs aren't going to do shit. They'll take all their rights and import the muds and the majority of them will just cheer it on
DUP pledging to protect a hard Brexit in any coalition government.
We are saved lads.
Socialism is destroying what remains of our economy, free speech and privacy are denied us, mass immigration is causing the genocide of our people. If they deny our Brexit, democracy in this country will be dead as we know it and the blood and toil of good men will replace it. If not, expect the death of Britain.
>intentionally losing the just the majority so that SNP and Lib dems get majority with labour.
>SNP, lib dems force labour to reverse brexit.
>UK end up in norway type deal
>all according to plan
I fucking hate globalist scum.
If this happens then the UK can die a slow death by Mudslimes for all i care.
They don't have any manhood left so no
This. Under NO circumstances should you limey counts give up. Brexit happened.
No. People want to stay in the single market and take on immigrants from the EU rather than the likes of Pakistan. Part of the Brexit deal will be a visa system and only taking people needed to boost our economy. Even Macron was talking about this policy.
We will still control immigration and will probably pay a fair divorce bill but it won't matter in the long run as we will have trade routes open up around the world and this will make up for it.
Also staying in the single market is vital because over 50% of our exports go to the EU, anyone who disagrees is a retard who probably doesn't have a job.
A few years ago I said that you can't leave the EU. You can vote on it and win, but you will not be able to leave.
I said the EU would either make it difficult to do so (stuck in limbo), or cripple you so badly that no other country would want to follow suit and leave.
A bunch of poltards didn't believe me
Its time to pull the plug on dad's life support machine, lads
Its what he would have wanted
Can Cali exit the Drumpf's Amerikkka then? NYC anyone?
They've had decades and decades of these power hungry elits to insulate the system with obedient plants, I'm sorry but as people have been asleep they burned the midnight oil to solidify their strength. I say you take the US route, revolution, don't be ruled, you the people are the deciders of your destiny, you are not cattle.
5th largest economy in the world. We get terrorist attacks because we are the worlds second largest arms dealer and also jump into wars with the war mongering Americans. Hopefully with labour taking more seats they can take us out of wars and stop selling so many weapons to the Saudis.
Yeah, that will stop them.
Three million Muslims are why we get damn terrorist attacks.
Also the fact labour want 10,000 more police on the streets. The fact that the guy who bombed Manchester was on the MI5 watch list and also was reported 5 times by his community says a lot about police being dangerously understaffed. They need to put more money into the police, and Corbyn is right in saying we also need to change our foreign policy. Not "hurr kick out all the pakis"
Reminder that Stormfags helped fuck this up by endorsing Corbyn.
Funny how we get so many more now since joining in the invasion of the Middle East, maybe it's just a coincidence. Maybe if we didn't supply huge amounts of weapons to middle eastern terrorist indirectly we wouldn't have hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees running to Europe. And no doubt within those refugees are terrorists. You have to cut the head of the snake, not the tip of its tail.
I bet it will die.
This was when you should have acted. Lost your empire, now it will be made clear that you already lost your political voice.
England is dead, and it doesn't marches on anymore.
Don't give a fuck. Turn that shit island into prison for shitskins and goatfuckers already.
Do you even know what isis is? Or what they are trying to do?
>tfw survived Napoleon
>tfw survived Hitler
>tfw most glorious battles for all or nothing repeated in the most dramatic style again and again
>tfw never conquered
>tfw rule the waves
>tfw cucked to no end from the inside, but can't and won't react
>tfw England will never be english again from now on forever
Places like Brazil are fucked. The UK like I said is still the worlds 5th largest economy. The British Empire although doing some great things, and is something to be admired and every Brit should be proud of it, it was built on some terrible acts of savagery. You can't get away with that kind of shit anymore, we actually used to be an industrial powerhouse and when that fell through after the war, the brilliance of the British came shining through again and we funded brilliant education and ended up taking on our services sector. Which is now one of main exports and brings in huge amounts of money into our economy. The British will never die and England will always live on, not as an empire but as an independent and innovative island.
Do you know who the Saudis give weapons to? Do you know who sell hundreds of billions of pounds/USD of weapons to the Saudis? UK and US. We fund ISIS. For people who are supposed to be red pilled you people know absolutely fuck all about the world. ISIS are destabilizing the middle east which is in the wests interest.
Dont bother him, cheeto in chief is all buddy buddy with the saudis now, so are his supporters
So no, you don't know.
WTF do they mean "hard Brexit not possible"? Either you're in or you're out. Swear to god just get it over with you fucks, im done with you people ive had it to here you're seriously fucking with us, pretty sure this is some sort of "British humor" that i dont understand
NO... NO
>Brexit cancelled
>Trump on the verge of impeachment
>Far Right wingers keep losing elections
Are you ready for the socialist uprising Sup Forums?
Did Saudis provide those trucks and knives last week? No? Get fucked, Akhmed.
Wait, what's going on? Isn't pic related good?
He's more right than you are.
How do you think those muzzies got such competent commanders to establish a proto state
P.S. it's cause the guys who used to be our allies joined em when they got kicked out of power, by us
fake news
Scottish Independence has been destroyed, and 10 DUP MPs in Northern Ireland, who are hard Brexiters, will mean Brexit should be pretty smooth.
remember, Corbyn has been against the EU for his entire political career, more so than Theresa May
>it's a "gullible Eurotards fall for a non-binding referendum and get screwed" episode
Normally I hate reruns, but this one just gets funnier every time
You realize the main reason why the establishment couldn't go through with Brexit is because they lost your support(assuming they weren't going to do the kikes bidding anyway).
After Le Benis failed, the UK can no longer serve as your strategic partner because of the conflict it would create with the EU.
As per usual, the jewish burger empire picks the side of kikery. Just like after the war when you left every european political seat of power in bonds to the bignose tribe.
in the Ted timeline, the last homosexual was put on trial this morning at 10am.
I have said since its inception that I couldn't see brexit happening. We will see if I was correct after all. All you fucks didn't realize it was just a scam to cool down the ethnic white males from getting pissed. Basically so you would say "omg look we have the power! globalists btfo!" You fell for it. Same with the refugees. Even if brexit happens, you will NEVER get rid of refugees. That I promise.
It's a game to these oxygen thieves. Game of thrones as it were.
What the fuck do you know about British politics, sitting in the US you arrogant fucking prick. People tend to get mad when you invade their countries and kill their families.
Look at Libya.
Oh no, we are losing the war, our countries are burning, someone save us. You have no idea. We have a few attacks with a bloke with a van and we totally annihilate their entire economy and throw out their governments.
If this is a war then we are winning. These so called terrorist refugees are living in fucking tents.
I also don't doubt the rise in crime with the Muslims, i don't want them here, but to send them home we have to let them have a home to go back to.
>He's more right than you are.
No he's not. He probably doesn't even know what a Caliphate is.
May was against brexit before the referendum. They wanted to lose to labour in a hung parliament so they can blame our failed brexit negotiations on labour and stay within the EU single market.
The conservatives were playing 3D chess. They never wanted Brexit, this way they can get a soft brexit without looking weak.
The MPs vote on brexit, and they'll honour what their constituency voted for
how can that be? the socialist dream is increasing the socialism at the expense of everything else, that means he is more nationalist than swedish national socialists nordfront (who want one big scandinavian country but hate the eu...)
wtf i love commisar corbyn now
I know what the caliphate is but it doesn't effect us if the people fighting it have 50 year old guns as apposed to brand new top of the line military equipment and funding for training camps.
Libya was destroyed because Gaddafi tried to introduce a gold backed currency.
They'll buy the weapons from China or Russia. Trump already said stop funding terrorists, and bam! They're blockading Quatar.
Bullshit. America has strong ties with Britain, brotherly ties at that. Its just the morons in Britain that are delaying it on purpose and making excuses because there will be some economic hardship and no politician has the balls to weather the storm.
Libya was an EU lead operation. They wanted Gaddafhi dead.
Qatar is a scapegoat, they fund Hamas not ISIS.
Trump looks like he saved the day and stopped the evil Qatar, who I don't doubt fund terrorism, but now it looks like Trump saved the day so he and the UK can keep selling weapons to the Saudis.
>but it doesn't effect us if the people fighting it have 50 year old guns as apposed to brand new top of the line military equipment and funding for training camps.
Fucking Wrong. 9/11 cost 100k to carry out, it cost the US 1 trillion dollars in damages.
And look who gets terrorist attacks. The guy who set the bomb in Manchester was trained in Libya.
9/11 was an inside job.
That doesn't change the argument. It cost relatively nothing to carry out an attack that cost a trillion dollars in damages.
I completely agree. You bongs need you fucking riot if they try that shit.
We've really gone and fucked our shit up tonight
Goodpie Sup Forums, UK is 3rd world EU proxy-slave now
England has been castrated by the Deep State.
Too many Stupid fucks betrayed the man who GOT you brexit in the first place.
"May called the election seven weeks ago - three years ahead of schedule"
She didn't want Brexit.
The chances of them carrying out an attack on that scale with your defense is nearly impossible.
What is 'soft brexit'? Remaining in the common market but with no say in it? That would be utter madness for an economy the size of the UK, to have ZERO influence over its tariffs and regulations.
>America has strong ties with Britain, brotherly ties at that.
You think brotherly ties are real? You think you fight wars for ethical reasons?
>"The world has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests”
Why are you even here? Your post is borderline youtube comment material.
>take on immigrants from the EU rather than the likes of Pakistan
but as eu countries are giving any and all shitskins european citizenship you will inevitable end up importing more and more mudshits, even if you do restrict immigration to "just the eu"
If it is denied, nobody will say so. It'll just be softened to uselessness.
Brexit is going through. You're looking at Britain's NazBol future.
the english stopped having manhood back in the 1920s.
I would say that part of the immigration would policy would be not to take on floods of refugees. They can't take on more and be dictated to by the EU at this point, every one of our political figures agrees on that. We won't be taking on unskilled people in the hordes anymore, I would put money on that.
England will never be english in the future. You will become another mixture experiment.
Of course you can commit savagery and get away with it, look at ISRAEL. They own your media, they own your political class, they own everything. Thats why they keep putting you on check: The entire of England works for the top financiers. Since Churchill.
Revolt or Die.
I remember Brexit night. It was about a year ago. I asked if Scotland would request to remain in the EU. It looks like they got what they wanted by a general election.
They just want to spread peace. One PCP pipe, and knife at a time.
First: No it's not. People have abducted planes in mid flight before and the Japanese happily crashed them into things to cause damage. Some on combining the two is not a great feat.
Second: You're still not addressing the argument that you can still cause great damage with relatively small amounts of money.
>You think brotherly ties are real?
Yeah, that's how the public views the British people so I'm positive our politicians would help or else.
>Why are you even here? Your post is borderline youtube comment material.
I'll ask your permission from now on sorry
>implying Qatar isn't a major tax haven/money launderer for every paramilitary group in the ME with over 50 members
It was called the Qatar- Turkey pipeline remember
Don't worry, the bongs can just revolt and take their country back by arming themselves with-
Was it all just a Deep State farce???
>Yeah, that's how the public views the British people so I'm positive our politicians would help or else.
How fucking retarded are you? I can't believe how dense you newfags are, do you really believe this?
Or did you just come here because you were bored and wanted to espouse whatever brainfarts you have under the illusion that no one would possibly see you for the vapid moron you are?
Fucking newfag tourist idiot, go back to lebbit.
>tfw never conquered
you know it was conquered several times, right? Romans, Vikings, Normans?
actually brazil is awakening from all that bullshit.
we just need to separate the northeast of Brazil and everything will be ok
Kitchen knives
but his party is filled with cucks from the tony blair era.