This Saturday, One People's Project (onepeoplesproject dot com) is funding a pro-Sharia rally in Occidental Square in Seattle
Sharia Muslims are the same Muslims that make up ISIS. And so far Seattle's Sharia Muslims have not disavowed ISIS.
One People's project is obviously supporting/funding this Sharia/ISIS brand of Islam.
Seattle already has a history of requiring some businesses, such as home lenders, to adhere to Sharia practices.
Is One People's Project a radicalized Islamic group disguised as an anti-hate organization? You be the judge, but you better hope you don't get on their black list. That group is collecting names and addresses of anyone they can label fascists, and harassing them.
SHIA is a sect of Islam SHARIA LAW is set of rules
This is poor conglomeration as well (unless you meant it lol) because SHIA muslims are not the source of extremism.
Wahhabi/Salafist sect is the perverted ideology that continuously spawns groups like Al Qaeda/ISIS/Boko Haram.... also funded by Saudi monarchy
If you don't make clarification you're honestly just doing some really fucked up shit for actually trying to solve problem
Brandon Cooper
Excellent, take pictures and post them on social media. Show people what moderate Islam really looks like.
Don' confront them and give them a chance to like victims. If you feel like doing anything, try getting the pro-muslim LGBTQAZ snowflake involved as well.
Luke Ward
"Sharia Muslims" is obviously poetic license to mean Muslims who practice Sharia Law. Sharia Law is what ISIS practices.
Andrew Adams
What could go wrong?
Levi Foster
The brutality of Sharia Law means they're going to act moderate in the U.S. you jackwagon.
Look up Sharia Law and see what rules are involved.
• Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above). • Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death. • Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death. • Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god). • A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (compulsion in religion). • A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death. • A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death. • A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old. • Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251). • A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more. • A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Religion of Peace). • A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce. • A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it. • Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman. • A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s). • A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's. • A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Errors in Quran). • A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval). • A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative. • Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal". • Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
Cooper Torres
And this is why Sharia Law needs to die off for good.
Landon Long
Those Seattlefags are probably going to elect an ISIS mayor next.
Parker Gutierrez
Might as well start a battle in Seattle. Attack those Muslims during the rally.
Don't. They want to be victimized, protest like this is probably bait for some dumb MAGA cunt to confront them and make them look like victims to progressives.
Gavin Stewart
People like CAIR are expert at playing the victim game. Look them up, they're a pretty creepy bunch.
Dylan Jenkins
Seattle mayor approves the rally permit. Maybe he's already supported by ISIS. Probably accepted money from ISIS for his campaign and didn't even care.
Camden Kelly
He should get arrested for treason and act of terrorism then.
Tyler Cooper
come on now OP, you made a typo, you can try and make the best out of a bad situation but i think you should just come clean
Aaron Lee
Get some black fabric and make yourself an infiltration burka and hold up some crazy as fuck radical Islam signs. Ruin their PR.
Zachary Ross
>you made a typo I kind of like OP's Sharia Muslims. Good a name as any. of course if you insult them by writing ShariaFags or somethin else they'll kill you for it.
Might as well wipe out Muslims before it gets even worse. Better yet hope the President stops this shit.
Isaiah Martinez
"One People's Project's mission is simple: to research and report on who's who and what's what regarding right-wing groups, individuals and activities, and encourage society to be vigilant against them in an effort to diminish their ability to function and cause that society harm. We have been a go-to source for anyone wanting to learn more about the hate politics in today's society."
Adrian Scott
Murray is a Pedo and was into boys when he lived in Portland. He has announced he will not seek reelection because if the accusations leveled at him.
I am in Seattle, might be free Saturday to go down and stream it.
Cooper Perez
so if they think ur in a right wing group they interested ... thats fucked up bro
Nathan Gonzalez
one of you normiefags should post this meme on twitter
Jayden Garcia
>Sharia courts are one thing Sharia courts are where we draw the line. The first amendment explicitly bans ALL laws based on religion. The only valid courts are those that follow US law.
Aaron Roberts
Here are compiled lists of just some of the far-right/racist activists that we struggle against these days: D'SOUZA, DINESH HANNITY, SEAN O'KEEFE, JAMES ROBERTSON, PAT
Jose Moore
>Murray is a Pedo >Seattle mayor approves the rally permit. Maybe he's already supported by ISIS Child rapist Murray would have a lot in common with ISIS they're in the white slavery business, look for connections. Don't take violence to the mooslum rally, the leftists are losing and desperately want that to prop up their narrative. WAfags do need to act though, now's the time and if the degenerate violent leftist domestic terrorists can be exposed in Seattle and Olympia it'll be a stake in their heart.
Jaxon Brown
>Murray is a Pedo
Then why hasn't he been locked up yet?
Eli Brooks
an Imam was promoting genital mutilation for girls. they cut the fucking clit. that's part of sharia
the idea of Seattle citizens voluntarily welcoming sharia law is so against their own interests that its beyond hilarious
Please, some anons dress as ninjas and go there with signs like "welcome the religion of peace" and "sharia = diversity"
please let these cucks enslave themselves
Liam Hughes
that youtube video shows normal/moderate muslims. sharia law is the problem people who point to moderate muslims to say sharia law is o.k. are playing you a fool.
Blake Brooks
seattle mayor supports any fag idea if he get federal $$ for it. he likes to suck uncle sam's dick
Benjamin Reed
They are libtards. They cannot be reasoned with.
James Torres
Ehhh. General public will just get confused. And why attack sharia law instead of ideological source, Wahhabism?
Nolan Hughes
Ahhhh my bad. It's to protest a pro sharia rally. >pro sharia rally >is this a joke?
Isaiah Morris
He might as well protect the homosexuals because Muslims hate homosexuals and I can see that turn into a bloodbath real fast.
Gavin Gray
I patrol the wastelands of kekistan and dispatch justice upon libtards with a heavy hand
Henry Green
Didn't you know that, as a homosexual, if you stone yourself to death, it's seen as the ultimate sacrifice of equality to globalist gods. >but what do they get in heaven
Ian King
>• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman. >• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s). At least they don't have a problem with false accusations of rape.
Joseph Reyes
So, they're essentially the Islamic ADL or SPLC.
Asher Butler
please go shoot up a school for Kekistan, but make sure you shoot yourself first.
Gabriel Brown
This. Some ideas for signs:
>Death to infidels >Woman = 1/4 Man >Enact sharia law now!
> On Saturday, June 10, a recognized Islamophobic hate group is coming to Seattle to spread fear and divide our community. We are coming together in solidarity with our Muslim neighbors. We will say loud and clear that hate and Islamophobia are not welcome here. We will be peaceful and we will be resolute. We ask you to join us.
> Don’t deconstruct and try to counter ACT’s points or automatically assume the defensive position. Build positive messages, we’re here to uplift, support, and work towards lasting unity.
> Avoid “Not all Muslim” type arguments- people deserve respect solely on the basis of their personhood. We don’t want to contribute to the idea that marginalized folks need to prove themselves first.
> To emphasize the diversity and solidarity of the many communities who are coming together for this event, we suggests signs which read, "I AM (3 things about yourself). I STAND WITH ISLAM."
Ethan Evans
> got red pilled after I moved to Seattle >see trannies, fat pink haired fags every block >all girls shave their head and spout socialist and communist ideology >posters on every telephone poll in my town looking to employee people to fight transphobia and racism WITHIN SEATTLE >now Sharia Law rally taking place
Fucking end me
Bentley Hernandez
>a recognized Islamophobic hate group is coming to Seattle to spread fear and divide our community
Good, hope it escallates into war against Muslims.
Nathaniel Martinez
Might as well get yourself armed to prepare for a war that might happen.
Easton Garcia
They're going as counter protest to a scheduled anti-sharia free speech rally.
im praying for dead muslims
Oliver Foster
muslim truck of peace in D.C. get in here
Colton Myers
Islam is a tumor Honestly we need another crusade Fuck the sand niggers I fucking hate the world now the sub-human arabs are gonna brown our earth >Fuck
Levi Thompson
they'll step too far out of line and the scandinavians will wipe 'em out ... just like before.
Brody Stewart
>because SHIA muslims are not the source of extremism.
What is Iran? What is hezbollah?
Isaac Baker
Jack Garcia
Uhhhh the Jews' problem??
Jayden Brown
Ill just leave this here.
Julian Green
Whatever you say ahmed. Free palestine, bloodcookies, yada yada yada.