Why Are Public Showers Legal?

I just entered University and all the showers are like this. WTF I can't shower in front of people they will see my dick. I don't understand why this is allowed in the civilized era.

This made me realize BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldeus Huxley. Basically the elite want everyone to do everything collective. Life together, do this together, eat together, all that. They are trying to force us all to become one and this is the elites plan eventually. By elite i mean the banker elite.

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Or maybe you are insecure af.


>2 hoses in the same corner
>literally have to be butt buddies to bathe

Most places have put in stalls by now. Fuck you for ruining my favorite time as a gay guy. They added them halfway through college.

i never understood fear of public showers. unless you have a micropenis you have nothing to worry about. its not like people stand there comparing cocks. hell, looking at someones cock and judging it is pretty fucking gay

get on my level.

Well here's a question. I don't know if i should shave my dick or not. The thing is if you don't shave that's gross but if you do then that means your insecure and that's laughable in itself. Also if you have warm showers your nipples get big and hang over and that's embarassing but if you take a cold shower then your dick shrinks up. LOSE - LOSE

>do everything collective. Life together, do this together, eat together, all that

This is the natural human order in a tribe. Modern life is unnatural and alienates people from each other, and creates people such as yourself

Are you a neckbeard by any chance?

Jeez, We all had to shower in a room like this in highschool after sports and gym. Get over it. Every guys got a dick, just go shower and get out.

No actually high-schools don't do that shit

Well i like the modern life.

>WTF I can't shower in front of peopl
Quit being a faggot and come out of the closet. Either poor troll, or insecure queer. Either way, you are going to have to get used to it.

>tfw no gf

Just say you are trans and use the womens showers
That is what I did back in highschool

you're a bad troll

user i don't know if youre trolling for (You)s or not by agree with you 100%, if you have ever, EVER placed yourself in a setting where you could have seen another man's penis outside of medical field you are a raging faggot

>muh banter horseplay


Thank God for the Army because I have no shame to shower or shit in front of anyone. Additionally, I have a bigger dick than most guys I see in the shower. I don't make a point to catch a glimpse of their dicks, it just happens.

I show people my dick all the time, even when i shoudn't.

>>your nipples get big and hang over


my hs gym shower was fucking nasty. Guys spitting and bleeding and jazzing and shitting in the showers. You couldn't walk barefoot, a breakout of plantars warts took out the senior team.


wah why is college hard wah why is everything not accomodating me wah wah wah

I would also like to know what was meant by this.

I was always uncomfortable about showering because I'm a homo. If you're not gonna pop a massive erection, there shouldn't be anything to be nervous about.

DO NOT SHAVE YOUR DICK. trim your pubic hair but do not cut off your dick.

>wahh wahh i saw a thread i didn't like

mfw this bread

Boot camp got me un-scurred of showering in front of guys. I actually played towel jockey with em afterwards which made the awkwardness light hearted. We cuddled in the bunks at the end of the night to smooth out the kinks too

I used to work at a smelting plant and everyone had to take showers together after the shift. All the closeted niggers were always checking me out, but that's not my scene.

I wouldn't be able to do it because my cock would get hard thinking about other people seeing it.

Not even gay

Bongs actually have instructions on showering at 4:00


Loads of high-schools in the civilized world do it.

>live together, shit together, shower together, eat together, die together

Literally this OP, get over your body issues and take a fucking shower.

whats wrong? they have showers like this in gyms etc

Or maybe it is for those fat americans that need to use stick to wipe their ass... those would need double shower.

single mothers/over bearing aunts teasing their tiny dicks before they reached puberty most likely. women are evil, not let them around your sons unsupervised when they are little.

top kek, this thread contains literal cancer.

its only gay if the tips touch.

I always found it strange in highschool before swim class. Everyone would be staring at my massive cock.


>unzips dick


Was it the same when you got assigned to your ship, Navy boy?

Nice Arabic numerals.

>I don't look at other guys dicks in the shower
>but actually I do

This is the gayest fucking thread I've seen in a while. Take your homosexual masturbation fantasies to /lgbt/ or Sup Forums, faggots.

Just wear bathing trunks you faggot.

i actually think this is good.
it's the way people have always bathed.
you are meant to do things communally.
eating together is actually a lot healthier.
laughing together over a meal helps digestion.

today most north americans commute and go everywhere by car.
they are sealed off from their fellow man completely. i wouldnt be opposed to bath houses, and that's saying something since i have a small dick.

Are you too insecure to get in the cattle stall and group shower with the other goyim? Should have paid more for a private room.

Shamed you for insecurity and being cheap, oh the irony. :^)

Just use a fucking leaf

Showering with other men is and always will be very gay. I agree with you, OP.

Envy? Or maybe they're just curious. I know I sometimes get curious about it, as my dick isn't the norm because I wasn't circumcised. Which I'm glad, but curious about the same sex. Probably because I wasn't formally introduced to it, only found out how everything worked through porno magazines and online shit (And instinctually at eight started to masturbate while I was trying to clean my foreskin).

Tends to disenfranchise people from their sex as well as the opposite sexes. Essentially, it's not a healthy relationship.

Brazil gets a point. Nice digits.

If I could shower with women I'd do it all the time (assuming they're at least mildly attractive and not fat)

>i wouldnt be opposed to bath houses

You're that kid in gym class who never showered, right? Or didn't change and just stood in the back with the 3 fat chicks while everyone else had fun?

Hot spring is heaven


looks like a gas chamber disguised as shower. i'd sue that uni.

thats not the pic i tried to post

Communal showering is how queers in Greek times and barbarians bathed. Americans bathed in single tubs until the brilliant idea to boost the spread of fungal diseases and degeneracy was birthed. And my Dr.Scholls stock thanks you stupid gentiles for every itchy burning sensation.

This desu

This is nothing new. All showers (male and female) in gyms, schools, and other such areas used to be communal and people used them often. In some regions they're still the norm.

nigger tier university



>Showering with 20 other men

>penises everywhere

>can't help but look

>guy bends over

>Get glimpse of asshole

no thanks,

>tfw bifag but young guys are prudish nowadays
>tfw hear about the days when nudity was casual and get frustrated that guys today fucking change under towels

>I don't understand why this is allowed in the civilized era.
I agree. You'd think it'd be different by now, especially with all of the fluid gender bullshit going around.

I don't think this belongs on Sup Forums my dude
But anyway, this is normal. It's been this way pretty much worldwide for over a century. Old men with shriveled, limp microdicks have more confidence than Chad getting undressed because they know how it works and don't care

But what if your dick gets massive, but only after an erection? Otherwise it looks like a chub, and then others ask about why you're not circumcised? I heard frat houses make fun of people that don't have mutilated dicks, is that true?

Gay men need a place to deposit their poz cum user.

what if you get a nervous erection.

oh okay i was trying to rationalize it, some kind of gay detection robot?

Probably because you're a degenerate and no one wants a fat slob wanking it to another man's body.

after my time in the army i a public shower is nothing mate. you see everybody naked that you work with in the army, or at least in combat mos

>tfw I've never had this happen

You can't help but look because you are a normal gentile, and gentiles are faggots. That is why you are going extinct.

Shit, just touching my dick or even thinking about it gets me hard.

i've been thinking on this and i changed my mind, starship trooper communal showers with men and women are okay, only people banned are fatties

>they will see my dick

Are you serious bro?

Well, if the bankers want people to see your peepee then you better get used to it because they are very powerful.

You've really never used a public shower? That's all they had at the gym in high school, and at the Y I used to go swimming at as a teen. I mean really, it's not a big deal. Unless you have an extremely large or extremely small penis no one will even look at it.

That's how our high school showers were. But when I went to college we had stalls. I didn't really care either way.

>tfw u never onsen w/oneesan

why live

How the fuck do I know if I have a micropenis or not?

what if everyone in the shower gets a nervous erection upon seeing your nervous erection?

Dude are you fucking serious? Wtf is wrong with you? I made it from middle school through college like this. You'll be ok

you must be insecure... who cares if they see your dick and ass? we're just human

You have no secrets. Your little peepee is not special.
Are you sure it wasn't just about selling more tubs? Amerifats do like to be seen consuming.

>my dick
you have a lot to learn, leaf.

How can whitey even compete

I'm not gay but I always get a boner when showering around other guys. Something about the nudity turns me on.

I think that might work, because it is essentially a disassociation. Everyone gets grinded into the shower system, as no one has time for each sex getting butt-flustered. When we're all going die to giant bugs.

If I see a persons intestines ripped out of their body. I can see some vagina and penis no problem. Well, that's solved.

>all those perfectly filled pee bottles
I'm calling bullshit, there's no way a chick could fill them up like that so perfectly.

Nobody cares. Do whatever you like and don't worry about it so much. Are you like 14?

Wear a couple of Hefty trash bags in the shower to retain your modesty.

Beautiful, is it really as great as they make it out to be?

This happens to me around naked girls also.

Oh you said guys?

So, when did you first realize you were gay?

The best is getting drunk and showing randoms a monkeys paw or the cock watch

>If I see a persons intestines ripped out of their body
that argument works in the fictional world of Starship Troopers, not at Faggot Uni where OP is at

>in a multicultural nation full of spics and nigs

Be prepared to step over piles of shit and have bbcs accidently slap against your legs

ey yo my bad mayne (dat dic doe )


So easy. You see those shower heads are on the rope cables. Just take them all down from up top and lay them around you, so they spray you all over in a glorious fountain of misty goodness.

If anyone comes in scream, " I DON'T FEEEEEL GOOOOOD! "
The combination of all the shower heads sort of spraying you in a fountain and that statement will be too much to comprehend, thus creating doubt and fear in the other shower goer. And you can shower in peace.