Ask me anything, before your fascist nazi website gets shut down.
Antifa member here
Other urls found in this thread:
are you an antifa member?
Why are you so beta
Just wanted to say, it's not worth it kid.
It's just not. I used to be a commie/anarchist just like you.
Look. It's just not worth it.
are you fat? do you enjoy having other men of a black skin tone fuck your wife/GF? Do you agree with flooding the west with cheap immigrants so businesses can hire cheap slave labor? Is Islam in line with feminism?
being a fascist doesnt make you masculine. You need to listen to all people of color, and all gender non binary people.
Do you recycle your own farts?
It will be when we take down this fascist site, and When drumpf is impeached
Pick one.
Do you identify as an active member of Antifa?
Don't use the n word
why are you a fascist?
He's not kid, face it.
You're wasting your time.
We are anti fascists
So you're saying you're against fascism?
Yes we must shut down hate speech. Even if it means violence.
I do want I want you nigger
Why do antifa wear masks? If you're the good guys fighting evil fascist oppressors, wouldn't you want to be recognized for your heroic efforts?
youre a fascist and you don't even know it. sad
You will get yours, Nazi scum.
If I ever see one of you faggots I'm going to ruin your life. You fucking pathetic beta.
are you a cuck?
Do you write letters to a Eric Clanton?
To protect our identities from fascists
Your close miss of attaining quads shows me you're fake
we fight the fascists
You guys aren't cool. Your "counter-culture" is mainstream and extremely try-hard.
Get with the times you spergs.
Then why do you act like fascist?
Eric clanton is an innocent man
What's your favorite food?
But I'm half Portuguese I'm non-white, I'm a Hispanic so you must bow before me white scum.
And face a whole country who loves this place with more guns and morale.
Don't think you will get back up from Canada or mexico, they are weak and cucked.
Just give up and let go, you cannot get rid of ideas, it's basic in nature
Are you an ANTIFA?
cottage cheese
My apologies, I should have checked my privilege
How come at a lot of antifa protests (riots) you antifa people have a lot of behavior associated with fascism?
Must suck to be a broke faggot.
Antifa are representatives of a fascist organization that will soon be rounded up and put into "reeducation" camps.
>we must stop words we were taught to believe are hurtful by using actual, physical hurt
do you actually not realize that you're satan?
2nd question: would you say that antifa are more scared to be bludgeoned in the face, or in the knees?
Well let me tell you something buckaroo. Under communism, you'll only get one scoop of cottage cheese. The true bourgeoise will get two scoops.
What is the definition of the word fascist as you use it?
we are defending ourselves from alt right fascists.
first rule of communism: accuse the enemy of what you are actually doing. fascist.
>post pic or gtfo you bait
Why do you hate Sup Forums antifag?
It is an ethnically diverse Ugandan wine tasting forum.
Why r u so pic related?
republicans, and people with conservative views.
stop bumping these threads you stupid faggots
Why do you guys get beat up so easy
So wait...are you a member of Antifa tho?
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Communism has never worked. Socialism has never worked.
>republicans are fascists
>the party that calls for the highest degree of individual freedom
100% backwards.
You want to fight Because I WILL FIGHT YOU KEK.You want to come to Canada fucker! also hahahah yeah this is from Japan they are not cuk losers.
You guys must think you're superheroes or something. Burglars wear masks too.
Why do you guys hate people and incite violence against those with a different political view? Isn't it our differences that make us great? Diversity shouldn't only be skin deep.
fascism isnt diversity.
its ok larper what do you think of pic related?
pls stop larping on my anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
fake quotes
No question, just keep up the good fight.
How long is a piece of string?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how depressed are you in general?
>fascism is anything that doesn't make my tummy have a happy tickle
>mom doesn't send money
>I didn't get the job
>glemberld gloophththp gets 2 scoops
Never claimed it was, but don't you support diversity?
Do you realize that using fascist that way is a huge change in the definition? Did you know that the old definition is "somebody who uses violence to silence speech"?
Do you realize that you have to prove from the ground up the moral status of this new concept of fascism? Did you consider that piggybacking off of the moral status of the old concept of fascism is logically incoherent and possibly, in itself, immoral?
depends on the material of the string.
Before commie/10 bantz
of course, diversity and affirmative action are very important.
Is this my antifa bitch exfriend?
Do you honestly believe causing permanent injuries to someone who might be supportive of Trump is acceptable?
Kek I know this is bait but..... what's it like being a nobody and getting your ass beat daily like a Cherokee drum? Also how does it feel to be the laughing stock of a country?
Shit troll
of course. Fascists must be shut down with force, if necessary.
did you eat your veggies and finish your homework, junior??
>private property prerequisite for free press
>free press prerequisite for free society
>thus communism = tyranny
Argue this
You have no idea what a Fascist is... because, you're indistinguishable form a fascists.
I am currently unemployed.
Nah, he guilty. Gonna get life sentence too. Lucky he did that thesis on the US prison system so he knows what to expect.
You're so cute when you say that
I'll let you live
Are you post-op or pre-op? Do you do ass to mouth? O-oh yea, how long have you been out of the closet?
t. faggot
Antifa lol "do and think as I do or I'll call you a fascist" pussy
You stand for a fascist group, you know that right?
I am queer, gender no conforming
we fight the fascists
>When drumpf is impeached
Obvious larper. Add sage for extra spice.
Ok thats great, then tell me this: If more than one color of skin is good for a country, then why not more than one political view? Sure their view may be very different from yours, but what harm is that? You don't mind if a muslim has very different views from you because of his culture and upbringing do you? If you accept them, then you should accept all. If you don't, then you're the fascist.
This really is a larp thread its a well known fact that all lefties have jobs.
How many penises can you fit in your butt at once?