It's official /pol, ((they)) have prescribed me 20mg of prozac a day for anxiety. Is this a tool used by the government to turn their citizens into mindless sheep? Has anyone on here actually had their anxiety problems helped by this drug or is the whole thing just a lie?
Prozac thread
Don't take it man. You'll think it's doing wonders for you for a month or two and then it'll hit're an emotionless zombie and you won't be able to have an orgasm.
the whole thing is a lie.
That's pretty much what I figured. I've heard you get brain zaps after not taking them. Into the trash they go
If you start, you will always need more. You will start to need heavier pills...They'll have you
You got this, bro
I'm on lexapro for panic attacks I was having a few months ago. So far I feel significantly happier and I haven't come close to actually having a panic attack since I've started. It truly is a life changer for me.
The only downsides I've noticed is that I have a harder time orgasming and I stay in bed a whole lot longer than I used to. Totally worth being able to live happy again though.
Just try it and see how it does. Its no ADD med so I trust it far more.
I wouldn't take that shit, but do you, user
Don't listen to these fags. I don't have experience with memezac but I took a similar ssri and it helped me a lot. Currently weaning off and not having problems. Do what you gotta do brah, trust me. It's way better than living with anxiety and depression shit
Same here, been off it for years.
Just meditate and set some better life goals brah
Why don't you seriously try meditation and exercise before taking that stuff
I told doc I suspected I have adhd.
They never gave prescribed me, gave me prozac.
In less than a week i turned into a mindless zombie who had no will to get out of bed. By day 10, I was forgeting to turn off the stove, and glass that I held in my hand would drop off. Because I forgot that I have it.
Also developed anterograde amnesia. Day 13 and I was having uncontrollable tremors and ended up on a floor.
Oh yes, couldn't eat for shit and had dry mouth.
Also yeah, try this shit first.
Don't take the pills, let the anxiety hit you hard. You can learn to handle it without drugs. If you can accept the anxiety and stop trying to resist it, it will begin to loosen up.
prozac can help you if you genuinely have chemical problems
if you just told them you feel sad and they gave you prozac then don't take that shit
Prozac allowed me to separate myself from my feelings and objectively figure out that my anxiety made absolutely no sense. I quit and kept the knowledge.
wtf. amphetamine and ssri isn't even remotely similar either, what's the logic
This's what I'm thinking. I mean how can you not have anxiety and some depression? The whole thing seems ridiculous to me. If anxiety and depression are the reasons for it than anyone with an IQ over a 100 would be on it
I didn't even originally tell him I felt sad. I just said I was having anxiety attacks. He then asked if I ever get depressed and I said of course everyone does. Next you know 20mg prozac
The thing about meditation is alot of people don't really get into to, or understand it you have to really learn how to do it, but after a while you'll start to love it and look forward to it. Im gonna sit down and med for 10mins now after reading this thread
hell no fuck that. I don't think ssris are something to be taken lightly like that. Sad that he prescribed them so easily like that
Hey not even memeing here but can you describe an anxiety attack?
They come outta nowhere. I start sweating, shaking very badly, then I get very bad vertigo and my heart is beating so fast it feels like I'm about to have a heart attack. It's weird though because my brain doesn't race. Mentally I feel fine.
Take that shit and you will literally want to kill yourself and/or others within a couple months maybe sooner.
My dad has been on prozac forever and I think it gave him permanent blue balls.
I mean, I live with my mom and dad and they never seem to fuck. They are both zonked out on these meds and I think they just stay happy mowing the lawn and stuff. I think prozac and blue balls is quintessential white-collar america. Middle aged, burly (and usually married) white men suffer from atrocious blue balls because they are ready to go when they get their Boomer check but until then they are literally cucked into thinking Prozac can replace the genuine heartfelt touch of a ripe pussy.
I just did about a 10 minute meditation, Janet done one in a while and feel genuinely more relaxed you really should give a serious look into if you're feeling over stressed, which is alot of what anxiety is, too much stress too long
Not trying to its a cure but if you can teach your self to relax, breathe in thru nose out thru mouth, and clear you mind, it's a good feeling. And it's something you can get better at
Why were you prescribed Prozac? Do you have a disorder?
My combo has honestly been dexedrine prescribed for ADD and weed to smooth the edges out. Been rolling this way for a few years now but the wed was recently. I found myself being able to eat and get some shut eye. I was on some shit called cipralex for a couple months cause of OCD. When I took that I got really fat and slow and I felt like an old woman going through menopause --NEVER again.
To you OP, if your ears may hear the music of my voice, I would avoid such treatment of your ailments at such cost. But alas, who am I to tell you what to do? I do not know your situation, you are just a man staring into a flickering computer screen.
Here's another thing op,
Go see another doctor, don't tell him you been prescribed by another doc, see what he suggests you might have a lazy doctor who just puts everyone on Prozac
It was because I've been having anxiety attacks
A good one for depression is tianeptine. It has a short half-life but it was the only thing that worked for me. You can find good sellers on places like Ebay but they might have changed the rules on that.
Does everyone on Sup Forums have psychological issues?
I wish weed would help me but it unfortunately gives me really bad anxiety. Even pure indicas. I live in Colorado too. Feelsbadman
evolution.. human don't need drugs to live a normal life.
Weed gives everyone anxiety and if they say otherwise they are just new-fags. Weed amplifies your feelings. When you get high you need to control your thoughts so they are inwards. Do not think about the past or the present. Choose any activity where you find yourself being in the moment and enjoying the flavors, the smells, and the beauty of the moment. If you smoke a bowl out in the forest and pop a bowl of chittos for dinner and sneak around like a little bitch, you are gonna have a bad time; but if you take matters into your own hands and create a clean environment where things are in order and you smoke you can relax and entertain yourself with music, literrature, cross-word puzzles. Also, controlling dosage is key. With weed you should smoke little amounts throughout the day. As the day goes longer you can smoke bigger bowls and it will not give you anxiety.
Follow these tips to forsaken you sins.
You have to get used to it man.
Micro-dose with it then up the dosage as you go and you should be able to kick the anxiety thing with weed.
I'm 23 and i've smoked since i was 15 and i STILL get it if i smoke too much or eat too many edibles.
that's called an orgasm.. relax
i prefer bleach, really takes the edge off.
>its a "depressed /r9k/ posters who don't actually want to improve their situation and have never taken an SSRI before tell OP that they're zombie pills" thread
you know how many of these drugs there are? If one doesn't work try another. And actually take it for longer than 2 weeks you fucking retards.
>Having Anxiety and Depression
You mean being alive?
You need to appreciate the general retardation of your average weed smoker.
They generally pack massive bowls or lit thick wicked joints and plow through like three games in half an hour and go out on a massive thought spiral panic attack. Calculated white men like me take a different approach: treat the herb as if she were a tea. With green tea, you are delicate not to burn your flower. The average tea-fag pours a hot boiling cup of steaming water that bears oppressive burns on the tea and makes it bitter. Do the oolong approach: start with small amounts of weed. Do one puff. Go sit and scribble some notes and come back half an hour later. You will notice you got high too because you didn't torch the bowl. Then keep at it and by 4pm you will be able to light a big bowl and smoke it and feel groovy without anxiety.
>They generally pack massive bowls or lit thick wicked joints and plow through like three games in half an hour
I've never understood how people can do this, at my peak i was smoking maybe 1.5 grams A DAY. How these niggers can sit there and waste like 2 grams in a fucking single smoke session is way beyond's pointless, stupid, and it makes tar form in your lungs you have to spit out later. Stupid.
I know I started smoking when I was 13. I was in Texas though so it was mexican swag. We used to smoke ounces at a time and it never was a problem. Now one big bowl and you're paranoid outta your mind
I have smoked weed for years and never learned how to smoke joints because they are literally made just to look cool to other people. They are basically like a Starbucks drink. I prefer the pipe because it is quick and easy. Vaping does not do a good job of getting out the CBD either by the way. Smoke the herb and do not modify it into some other form to get some super high.
I've never taken meds, not planning on it ever
I'm not a fan of chemicals in general
Yes, they have helped immensely. The problem isn't the drug. The problem is doctors will prescribe to tons of irresponsible people. In order to take the medication correctly requires a little bit of self discipline and maturity.
You MUST take them everyday, at the same time, and continue to take them through the initial break in period when side effects are most extreme.
You'll notice within the first week that some of the anxiety attacks will be intensified, that sleeping will be difficult, and that depression can be unrelenting. This is the period of time when your body doesn't know what the fuck is going on and trying to, 1st, fight the drug and, 2nd, adapt to the drug. It will take a couple months for the drug to kick in but you will feel 100x better once it does.
Psychoreactive medication is not something to fuck with if you don't follow the directions to a 't'. If you continue to miss doses, or take them at unprescribed times, your body will continue to adjust as the side effects intensify. This is where people start to fuck up and do stupid shit because doctors normally don't explain this thoroughly before prescribing these drugs to the patient. They don't say anything because doctors get fuckhuge kickbacks from big pharma for recommending their drug.
Just be very careful when and how you take the drug, take it on a religious schedule for at least 2 months, deal with the side effects in the meantime, and once you get through the breakin period you will notice you will feel the best you have in your life and will be capable of dealing with the issues that contributed to anxiety/depression in the first place.
You will put on weight though unless you take a drug like Welbutrin. And and all SSRI's will cause your ass to gain gelatinous fat just by smelling food.
The worst part about them is getting resin all over your lips
Fluoxetine is fine, took it for half a year for depression and personality disorders. I was constantly nervous and that shit helped me calm down, the thing is, it only really works good if you pair it with psychiatric help. Lost my virginity thanks to the confidence and self esteem it helped me build.
Clonazepam is the one you want to really avoid, can cause dependency in less than a month and the effects is literally to kill off all your feelings.
Did anyone ever find out who that grill was?
Good God
learn to control your dosage faggot
Conazepam user here, not true.
Yes but don't remember who. There's a screencap rolling around about it, but I didn't save it.
take them for a while, stop taking them suddenly, then listen to the urges to kill yourself bud.
she looks like a superficial roastie anyways
Thx for the info. Yea he said nothing about taking it on the same time everyday. He did mention welbutrin though as an alternative to the prozac
Don't take it. Its not the way out. Diet and exercise will set you free.
Dear lord that shit knocked me out like a fucking horse tranq. I fell alseep standing up at work once with it.
Welbutrin (Buproprion) is an amazing drug. It acts as an antidepressant, anti-anxiety, stop smoking, and as a diet aid, and it has hardly any side effects. The shit is expensive as a motherfucker though. 1 bottle of 125mg XL 24HR release capsules is like $115 at Walgreens.
This is bullshit for many. I did that diet and exercise shit for years and still wanted to get into a car crash everyday if I could even bare to leave my house, then I got on zoloft and after 4 or 5 weeks I felt on top of the world. Hardly any anxiety now.
Like I said man it was Mexican swag. We used to roll big ass bob marley joints
I'm glad that worked for you, but from my experiences taking it and watching many people around me take it, I just can't support people taking it.
>Mexican Weed
That's where you fucked up
I wish I could explain to someone in real time what a big shot of meth was like. It still burns a memory deep into my brain; even thinking about it feels like I snap into a dream almost like a flashback they talk about with psychedelics. After you do a shot you feel a massive burn in your chest and a desperate need to cough and gasp for air. Your eyes spin and your ears ring. Time and gravity shift and spin you into a tornado of warm erotic pleasure and you feel like each moment is like hitting the holy grail for at least an hour. Then the rush ends and you regain your ability to stand and you jet into a hypersonic rush that crosses the capacity of reality and enter into the superman limitless state. I haven't done that stuff for three years but it kills me thinking bout it.
that wall of text thougj
>took valium for anxiety for 2 years
>couldn't do sports, side effects were bad, was jaded and distant around girlfriend, grades slipping
>quit and used weed instead (vape)
>get anxious play rugby, lift, relationship of 4 years on track and 3.8 GPA
Not trying to shill I swear. Meds almost ruined my life, weed worked much better as a substitute. It's different for everyone though, I would never recommend it across the board but it worked for me. Just a suggestion
Why would you ask pol for mental health related advise?
Are you a government agent trying to track down who is on psych meds and who talks about guns and Jews? Or are you a share blue / jidf / Russian spy gang stalker building up a top secret database to use in Operation Shitpost?
Also Welbutrin is not an SSRI, so it works in a totally different way. It doesn't act on seratonin, it acts on dopamine. That's why it can be used as a stop-smoke aid and a dieting aid. The side effects are trouble sleeping (so take it in the morning) and you get fucking pissed off at life if you stop taking it. The only times me and my gf fought like drunk mexicans was when I had stop taking it for a couple days. If you miss a dose, make sure you get the next one in within 24 hours or your skin will turn green and you'll be punching niggers in the face just for smelling like shit.
Doctor's are generally retarded and swing one way or the other. They have no idea how the medication they prescribe works. They simply throw out a name for a drug because they like it.
Do your own research before you take something.
Kratom is a cure for depression but it has diminishing returns. Do not go there if you want anything long term.
It was Texas bro, didn't have much of a choice at the time and $300/lb vs $3600/lb during your teenage years. Wasn't really a hard choice
Mexican brick weed is dope.
i still space out when i think of a good shot of heroin or a strong speedball. sobriety never gets any easier
For joints/blunts only.
>taking ssris
>deliberately killing your boner
the boner is the source of vitality my dude
you should do everything to strengthen your boner - lifting weights, avoiding alcohol and masturbation, not chugging soy milk etc.
unless you absolutely cannot function without ssris. Which i find hard to believe since people lived for thousands/millions of years without them
How deeply lodged is your head up your own ass?
I'm going to look into this. It sounds better than prozac to me
Yea I've never done that stuff but heard it gives you horrible withdrawals
I have no problems with erections on sertraline, in fact I'm hornier than ever. I do experience delayed orgasms, but I can still get off.
Yes and no. Doctors know how the drug works. But the variables are so amazingly complicated there is nothing that can verify which drug works better. Therefore, instead of taking a theoretical approach, they have to take an experimental approach and slowly increase the drug or different drugs until things stabilize. There is some credence to anti-trust issues among doctors for prescribing certain drugs for endorsement reasons, but as a patient you have the right to request different drugs until you can find what works, which therein resides the reason I suggested the drug takes some maturity to take, because patients have to have the willingness to learn and administer the drug themselves accordingly.
Try prayer. Pour yourself out before Almighty God, be cleansed by his righteousness.
What the fuck are you smoking?
I've been smoking weed for over 20 years. Been smoking just about daily for over 10.
Weed is my mental health drug.
Smok it first thing in the morning to
>get my mind right
I get my shit done: have wife, kids, house, career.
Weed is a reflection of you:
You got your mind right, no prob.
If you are unsorted, your messy room will fuck with your head.
Prozac is an old a shit medication. They started trials on it in the 60's and administered it in the 70's. Same story with celexa (which is a pretty decent medication if you don't mind being a fatass)
There are drugs way, way better now. Welbutrin is still new, and thus fucking expensive. If you can afford it, or have good insurance, it can be a big game changer.
>They started trials on it in the 60's and administered it in the 70's
Which is why its one of the better choices. I don't trust mystery drugs.
Why are you fucking my sister
Had anxiety problems since I was a kid.. Self medicated with benzos and even opioid pills.
Finally went to the doctor to get a legal script and got 5mg Valium 3x a day and Cymbalta 20mg 1x day before I go to bed..
Well.. The valium I knew would help. I didn't take the Cymbalta for a few months and finally caved in hopes it would further reduce my anxiety issue.
BIG MISTAKE... It did nothing to help. After about 6mos of taking it, I stopped. I felt like I was going INSANE and the worst panic attacks I've ever had in my life that the valium wouldn't even help with.
So now I have to take this shitty "anti-depressant" (cymbalta) every fucking day to feel the same way I did before I started taking it. Talk about a fucking SCAM of a drug..
Doctors who prescribe anti-depressants for anxiety should be shot.
This isn't bad advice either. Look at it this way, prayer is free. It won't cost you a dime and for many it seems to really work. I would try it WITH medication though. Let's not be stupid, you brain chemistry has equalized to deal with stimulus and various shit in your life, hence the depression/anxiety. Don't go acting like you can just pray this away unless you intend on take up refuge in some convent in Idaho.
i am happy for your boner
No-one really needs to take that shit and i only makes everything worse. Anxiety takes patience and time but you get over it.
I was on it 7 years ago and it fucked me up I almost went and Sudokued. But it helps with the attacks and right around the time you hit the low point get off it and fight the suicide urge then everything else is easy to overcome. Just my personal experience.
Did you taper the cymbalta down or just stop cold turkey?
>What is research
If you want to take a drug facilitated by doctors that think shoving metal knives and chipping out chunks of your brain is a good idea then go right ahead and take it.
Can attest to this sage advice. Leaf here explained it perfectly.
I'm not even remotely close to an atheist. The idea that this's all just one big coincidence is laughably stupid to me
>What is research
What has already been conducted on older drugs, and not on newer ones.
Yes, Cymbalta is very prone to this. There are entire support site dedicated to help people dealing with the shit it delivers. I took it and can say the same (wound up in a hospital rehab center for it). Also experience brain shock like a motherfucker, but that is my fault for quitting cold turkey. You never, ever just stop taking medication like this, but at the time I considered cymbalta as a fucking medical mistake from satan's asshole and just wanted off them.
don't fuck with dr. goldbaum's pills. it's easier to fuck your brain up than you think, and a lot harder to get it right once you fry it.
that said panic attacks are fucking horrible, i've had maybe about ten, but luckily, they all occurred in a very similar set and setting that i will literally never find myself in again
Cold turkey..
Only take 1 20mg pill a day.. They smallest strength made is 15mg. So not a huge difference.. Plus, they are gel capsules full of beads. It not like you can slowly ween by cutting the pill smaller over time. I'd have to count the amount of beads after braking the gel cap open.. Which I guess I'll have to do and see what happens.
What a fucking pain in the ass.
Yikes, you have my sympathies. The drugs that came up were prozac and welbutrin. He never even mentioned cymbalta
You never, ever, EVER quit cold turkey on anti-depressants. I'm going on the record saying most of the murders and shit you seen on the news where assailants were on psychoreactive meds probably quit cold turkey. The shit is to be taken on a timely schedule and not fucked with.
It is full of fluoride and can be neurotoxic.
It might help you for a little but if you ever need to kick it, serotonin syndrome is likely and it is hell.
Prozac is absolutely one of the worst things you can take and will very likely fuck up your ability to ejaculate or get erections. Exercise instead.
Serotonin does not help anxiety.
Take it for a few days then leave it.
It's only good for short term issues, long term stuff is generally fixed with therapy and not medicine.