Post YFW Tory-DUP coalition and troubles restart


What concessions would the Conservatives have to make, exactly, in order to acquire DUP support?

The DUP are more traditionally right wing than the fucking Conservatives. I doubt they'd have to bargain much to be honest.

Ah, I misunderstood the OP. The troubles would restart due to Sinn Fein taking offense to the formation of the coalition, not due to any discriminatory policies that DUP would seek to enact.


It's possible the DUP could push down on seperatism from a position of power in Parliament which might upset people.

Or they could request certain guarantees from the Tories in order to get their support - like a promise for no border polls.

>DUP win the election for us
>Their retardation continues to help Sinn Féin
>We lose Northern Ireland anyway

NI has been doomed since the GFA. DUP were just chemo.

Anyone see any 'happenings' in Ulster in the near future?


It'll probably join the Republic of Ireland in our lifetime unless there is some absolute political and demographic miracle for Unionists.

Right now, even a majority of catholics are pro-UK, but that's due to stability more than anything else. Tory austerity, DUP autism and brexit are not at all stable, and more middle grounders will drift to nationalists. (NI also voted pro-remain.)

There won't be a new troubles, since the paramilitaries are all just drug dealers now.

We surrendered the clay with the Good Friday Agreement, but it's a pity to see it go.

>in order to acquire DUP support?

DUP takes orders from Trump.

I'm not even kidding, the Paisleys are very close to the Trumps. Paisly Jr. met Trump and Pence on St. Paddys for meetings too.

Interesting times.

I believe Gerry Adams met him quite some time ago too.

>I believe Gerry Adams met him quite some time ago too.

Trump refused to meet Adams recently.

I think he went off him after 911 and all that shit.


Adams is in a weird spot.

Forever Sinn Féin have been condemned by loyalists for not taking their seats in westminister, but now that might be what wins the tories the election.

Will tories and DUP be enough to get a majority? You need over 325 in your caucus to get a majority right?

how can a miscalculation like this be seen as anything other than sabotage?

Who the fuck believes polls? Does anyone believe this was an accident?


mfw the cons already had a majority on their own and couldn't even make it work

325 MPs (member of parliament) in parliament, yes. DUP have 10 MPs, tories need 315 for them both to be 325.

Does Canada have FPTP or a PR system?

Sinn Fein don't take their seats so you can reduce the actual number needed

FPTP. Honestly the most retarded voting system. Thanks a lot Brits.

Give me proportional d'Hondt method any day

Yeah in hindsight it was a bad decision to call for an election, but immediately after it was called it looked pretty smart, like labor was going to be wiped out.

>wanting continental systems
Lad, I..

322 when u factor in Sinn Fein abstention.

However hasn't there always been the rumour that if DUP propped up the Tories, SF would take their seats? I still don't think they would but I have heard that for a long time.

>Will tories and DUP be enough to get a majority?

That's the projection yes.

Then Trump can use Paisley Jr as his inside man in the DUP (and therefore British gov).

Yeah now May looks like a retard and she's about to get btfo by her own party just like that other cunt witch Thatcher.

Based Corbyn ran a great campaign

>in hindsight
She could have made it work, easily, but she was being a nigger during the campaign. Whilst Comrade Corbyn was raising hell she was refusing interviews. She got complacent and as a result she lost hard.

wtf i love majorities that get 100% of the power with 36% of the vote now!

How else would you get anything done?

Will the Tories keep May? Or will someone else take over? From an outside perspective the Tories would benefit by getting someone who legitimately wanted Brexit and has a plan on what they can do with Brexit and how to proceed.

My body is ready. Bring it on cunts.

>coalitions don't get things done

Remind me what happened in your own country btwn 2010-2015

>SF would take their seats?

Gerry Adams said earlier there is no way in hell he's taking the seats, even if the DUP go into a coalition with May.

The DUP will get May over the finish line.

A huge amount of squabbling, one of the parties, our second oldest, being BTFO'd, possibly forever, and in the end neither party got what they wanted and the country went to shit.

The Tories had 330 seats. They were already over the finish line. They still couldn't rally all the right wing retards together


The coalition held together for the entire time. 5 years. That's impressive. Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems getting btfo later notwithstanding. Anyone willing to work with right wing retards deserves to be punished by the electorate

May lost her 20 point lead when she refused to be seen on TV, she honestly believed if she just stayed locked in a cupboard for a few months she'd keep her 20 point majority, it didn't work that way.

>May lost her 20 point lead when she refused to be seen on TV,
Yeah even I heard about that over here. Seems really dumb. Reminescent of Clinton putting out all these stories about how she doesn't even think of Trump anymore. Politicians always need to stay engaged. I bet if she would have showed up to the debate, even if she didn't perform that well she would probably have still done well enough to increase her majority slightly.

I'm talking about before the election. May called it because her majority was too slim to get shit done. The Cons have a hard time cobbling together all the right wing retards on the fringes. Have you ever seen the rural retards that the Cons elect in rural England? John Major had some of the same problems after 92

Haha. Those are the lads that the UK needs to send in to the shitholes to clean out the filth.

similar to the problems Republicans have with the "freedom coalition"

I'm from the the south of Ireland. I agree we need to stop the hate between us and destroy (((((Sinn Fein )))). "Brits out " sorry did you mean More brits in

Sure sight fucking more than Canada

pay your denbts

Hah, I remember that little mini me Paisley mugging us off for having a minority government.
You got yourselves a fucking hung parliament, now I am laughing at him.

Bit of a difference between a hung parliament, where we'll always get a powerful government in the end and a shambles of a rainbow coalition.

>mfw the cons already had a majority on their own and couldn't even make it work

this vote just the remainers crying and bitching about Brexit

they still lost (again)

>mfw when the DUP will only agree to a coalition if Sinn Fein is declared a terrorist organization and all registered members are executed

DUP is for soft Brexit so they don't lose their rights to trade with Ireland.

Looked up "Ulster" when I watched Peaky Blinders. Apperantly Great Britain still keeps part of Ireland as a colony. Lmao

its not a colony reeeeeeeeeee

Well our government don't call an election in which they get BTFO so at least we have that I guess.

Someone give me a quick rundown on the results, didn't the Conservatives fail to acquire majority of the seats? Why did they win anyway?

this vote was supposed to deliver May a stronger majority to negotiate brexit

And now a bunch of radical protestants in Morn Iron will be our government, whilst you have a gay president.

Working with the DUP is not a good thing, user. I know they seem based, but the DUP are the equivalent of a downie in SS gear.

>Morn iron

Learn to spell nigga

>didn't the Conservatives fail to acquire majority of the seats? Why did they win anyway?

because the ultra right party in Northern Ireland can basically do a deal with May and form a coalition to get her the number she needs

Ugh, it's Ulster Scots, air yea oppressing air celchair?
Better than Cerebral palsy in Soviet gear.

CHIPPIN away at tae culchure

but dont the north irish want a shitty watered down Brexit, nothing like Farage would have wanted?


>but dont the north irish want a shitty watered down Brexit

they just don't want a hard border between north and south, it would seriously hamper trade between the two

They will probably scupper breggsit jsut to have irish gibs.

i thought of this too

the IRA might be butthurt about the coalition and start chimping out

They recently killed a rozzer.