It's not American's fault they're fat.
Explain this shit
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It's their fault because they don't go to the grocery store.
free market pricing. more money = more education = know how to eat better = pay more to eat better. would you prefer the government mandate prices of salads and hamburgers?
Burgers aren't cheap at all where I live, they're about the same price as the premade salad.
The problem is lots of people in this country, given the option because it is their choice, would rather drink soda and get fast food than drink water and make a meal at home
A salad that's the same size as a $1 burger would cost less than $1.
Eating less doesnt cost more
That image summarises the stupidity of burgers pretty well.
They're priced higher because of the higher cost of ingredients. Think about how many more ingredients go into a salad than a big mac or a mcdouble or something. There's a huge supply of the beef, cheese, etc already available that's extremely cheap because that's what people want. Not as many people want lettuce ingredients so they're all individually higher priced and together equal a much higher price. Basically, stop being fat assholes if you want cheaper salads. This meme is so dumb.
or you could eat half the burger.
or you could go to walmart and buy chicken, vegetables, rice, beans and make 20 meals out of it.
its not the burgers, it's the soda
>type of food
A salad actually has nutritional value
fuck salads. shovel a handful of spinach into a bowl and fucking eat it. put on a glob of dressing if you must, but know this is a weakness.
a pack of spinach costs $1.50 and lasts at least three days if you eat a shit ton of it. a week if youre normal
Stay home to eat and salad is way cheaper
now compare soda to free water dumbass.
Agricultural subsidies primarily benefit corn (corn syrup, feed for cattle) and beef industries. A garbage burger from some fast food place would cost 4x more at least if it weren't for subsidies.
I'm poor and live in my car in a WalMart parking lot and I don't eat McDonald's. Yeah it's cheap, but it literally just goes right through you.
Beans and rice is where it's at. On my lucky days I'll add chicken. Yumm
Wendy's side salad is $1.49. Junior cheeseburger deluxe (closest thing to pic w/ lettuce and tomato). is $1.99 Fake news.
Seriously though, that's fucking disgusting
How much is lettuce?
just go on keto if you're fat
it's cheap and you can eat all you want
The elite make it cheaper for the goyim to eat meat so that they can perform more black magick blood rituals. The animals live and suffer so that we may ingest their agony.
fuck lettuce. eat spinach, you fruit
>explain how prices work
every fucking time
A "premium" salad with a drink is roughly the same price as a Dave's single with cheese combo meal.
fpbp as usual
Double Cheesburger at McDonalds costs $1. A Garden Salad at McDonalds costs $1. You can find a salad that costs $7 but you can also find burgers that cost $7.
Why do people think healthy food is expensive? Fucking cook some rice and toss some mixed veggies and spices and butter in it, cook it up, then add some protein, scrambled eggs cheapest. Every possible nutrient there for a buck. Or a buck fifty if you pick the organic vegetables. I can make a whole pizza for $2.50. People are lazy and stupid as fuck, they deserve to be fat and broke. Just don't make me pay for your healthcare you dumb cunts
>Buy McDouble
> Split into 2 sandwiches
>eat one
>lift for 3 hours
>eat other
> you just got jacked and fed yourself for $1.29 a day
who else here took the Golden Arch Pill
ackshully, a mcdouble is $1.50, and a double cheeseburger is $1.70 or $1.80. besides, mcchicken is leagues better and is actually $1
You can't eat all you want on keto, and lose weight. To be effective you still need to count calories and macros and be at a deficit.
Not a great diet but yeah, moderate calories and you won't get fat.
Better yet, lift weight and don't moderate calories, become stronk.
Exercise is free you fat shits
Anyone claiming they are so poor they have to eat shit fast food... Well I guess it shows why they are poor. They are dumb... or perhaps just looking for a convenient scapegoat to justify their fatness
pop OFF james
Corn and soybeans are heavily subsidized in this country, and so are the cattle reared on these grains by extension. These overweight cows get turned into the 60/40 beef that makes up your dollar menu McDonalds cheeseburger.
Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. on the other hand aren't subsidized for shit.
Government subsidies, my friend.
Plus indegredients of salad spoil easily. You can freeze cooked patties and buns to make them last longer and reduce the waste and make production more efficient, but freezing a salad would ruin the structure of the vegetables. When you pay higher price for salad than a hamburger, you are mostly paying for inefficient logistics.
I want to see stats on how many people in my generation actually cook at home the majority of the week.
Not instant or frozen food, real cooking with whole foods.
>Burger 1$
wtf, the cheapest possible burgers are 3 dollars in my country, I never saw a burger this cheap
$1 hamburgers are gone in a literal sense, but $1.50 burgers exist. not sure about white castle, mostly because few consider those proper burgers
The problem isnt the cost, its the amount.
>Growing up.
>Perfect weight, muscled the fuck up teen.
>Pack away 4 burgers for a meal.
>Old as man, fat as fuck.
>Barely eat half of one and swell up like a fucking dead body in a river.
The problem is more so, people going in and eating tons of the shit. A salad never fills me up, so I dont even bother, instead ill put veggies on stuff I can enjoy or eat small amounts. Still fat as fuck because garbage food. Being around people who buy and eat garbage, you get hungry, you give in to temptation much faster.
desu I understand this meme a bit
There was a time when I was really poor, like "not getting enough money to eat" poor, and the McDonald's dollar menu saved me. It would have been cheaper to get cheap food in bulk at a store but I rarely had that opportunity, saving up to buy groceries would have required starving for a couple of weeks. Instead spending a few bucks a day at McDonalds gave me enough calories to keep going
how on earth does anyone live with themselves like that? absolutely disgusting
you can a giant fucking ripe wonderful watermelon for like $6. stop this eating healthy is hard meme. the healthier you eat the more nutrition there is in the food you eat, and thus less actual food is required for the same amount of daily energetic output. stop falling for the animal product jew.
six sigma engineering hasn't reached your country yet huebro
Even a double-burger for $1.49
Land of opportunity to blow the fuck up
Can't freeze a salad for shipping
because unhealthy people will pay more for something they think is healthy, then will proceed to dump 900 calories and 100g of sugar on that salad via the dressing and be worse off than having eaten the burger. Veggies on that salad are void of nutrition, mostly iceberg lettuce and a few stale tomatoes dyed red to cover their grey appearance. Oh maybe some carrot shreds.
Just because the burger costs 1/7th the price of the salad doesn't mean that you should eat 7 burgers in one sitting.
If you ate 3 those burgers per day - one for each meal - you would lose weight and save a ton of money.
Youll thank me
The salads at most fat food joints have less nutritional value than the burger and often have higher calories
In fact a fat food burger is not really a bad choice as a meal. As long as you don't get fries or pop along with it
Stop living a low-T lifestyle
>fucking lift
Get your shit together
>Get injured in a car wreck to the point lifting hurts like hell.
>Miss lifting.
My shit got blown the fuck out user, there is no more hope for me, but there is for you.
Never let your woman drive your car with you in it user, never let it happen.
it's the same thing in a lot of western countries : the poors eat cheap food with too much calories
>Please don't write another article on obesity telling me that going to the grocery store is cheaper than relying fast food, giving me budget-friendly healthy meal ideas, or saying that I can grow my own fruits and vegetables, I don't actually want to put in the effort to be healthy or responsible for myself, I want to pretend I'm a victim of everyone else.
enjoy your breath
Are you retarded?
You could spend a few bucks a day and make your own food, you'd get more out of it than you would at McDonalds and if you spend smartly over the course of a week you'd have a large variety of food simply due to excess food from a day (you don't eat half a burger then save the rest for the next day, but when you buy a bag of rice you wont be eating it all in a day, it'll last you days if not weeks).
If you can barely consume enough to keep from starving, you can't possibly consume enough to get fat. If you are somehow buying 2500-calorie burgers off a dollar menu, you could have cut them into quarters and fed yourself the entire day with enough left over for breakfast tomorrow.
>go to a restaurant that primarily serves burgers
>be surprised that a salad is more expensive than a burger (not to mention the fact that the salad probably has more chicken in it than the burger has beef)
I guess I can't speak for everyone, but at my supermarket, lettuce is quite a bit less expensive than beef.
Tell me what excercise is free. Jogging and running wear out footwear and clothing. Cycling requires that you do maintenance to your bike. All excercise costs something... well, maybe naked calisthetics is free to do.
not me, i've lost 28 pounds just by cutting sugar
i know i will have to exercise to get to my goal but it's nice losing weight while still eating meat
Please don't write another article on obesity until you explain to me why a burger is LITERALLY FREE and why I have to take out a mortgage just to buy a SALAD
They dehydrate it
Where can you get that burger for a buck?
>inb4 mcdouble
>no tomato
>no lettuce
If it means our country isn't filled with disgusting landwhales?
Yes obviously
the twizzlers are actually a good deal
>red onion
holy hell, that must be an old video
Pop off james
What is "economy of scale"?
It takes a good deal more water and vegetable to raise a cow than some vegetables, duh
One $1 hamburger wouldn't make anyone fat. It is eating 4 of them at a time that is the problem. It again boils down to self control.
My precious gains are safe.
>thought it said thicc and not tlc
>Checked Chinese number for death
Really sorry to hear that user, I'd like to recommend swimming in that case, which is amazing for your health and physique.
Don't worry, my wife will never drive a car.
hahaha economics 101 all over again hahaha econ111 was a fucken painful course to get your head around
have you ever heard of rice and canned meat and frozen veggies?
rice = less than a dollar a day
canned meat 1-2$ a day
frozen veggies- 1$ a day
This wouldn't be an issue if we had socialized medicine. Countries with that don't have fatties like this.
>Buying cans of coke.
>Buying a case of cans.
Why the fuck would anyone do this? Unless you're melting the metal and reusing it there is no reason to not buy the cheaper bottles instead.
The salad probably has more calories than the burger
i get the point but cranberries taste like shit
You taste like shit fatty.
>20 second snack
>BIIIIG SALAD t. Costanza you can eat on all day.
as soon as i saw it was a youtube link i was getting ready to rail on you for probably posting some ted talks FUCKING GARBAGE VERBAL DIARRHEA. then i listened to a minute or two and i was ready to tell you "not bad for a ted talk, very based". then of course it turned out to be some pastor from a baptist church, and not a smug "techie" hipster glasses wearing liberal from the silicon valley.
very nice sermon. i'm a bit mad that your food isn't even more expensive than in bulgaria.
This. A McDonalds burger is only ~250 calories.
The problem is fatasses get three burgers, fries, and a large coke.
if i could play devil's avocado, i buy a dozen cans of club soda so i dont lose carbonation from infrequent drinks. i might not go through a liter of club soda in a week, but ill go through a can in two days
you can get a salad at McDonalds for $1
Asked and answered your own question. Pushups, situps, jogging, burpes, etc... All free faggot.
>It's not American's fault they're fat.
Premium salads vs cheap burger.
Cheap salads vs premium burger.