>November 9, 2016, Winner was using her work computer to search Google for questions like “Do top secret computers know when a thumb drive is inserted?”
How does someone like her get a job in IT industry, and a top-sec clearance?
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gee I wonder
It's not hard to get security clearance. Just pass a fairly noncompetitive interview and don't get arrested or written up at university. It's not like she was an important member of the NSA. She just had access to documents that she was hired to copy, paste, and email
Sucking dick like a champ.
Charging her is another way for Trump to show how badly Obama corrupted every aspect of our government.
Being prior military intelligence and completing a four year degree while in.
why would she think google can answer that question lmao
she is former Air Force - these 'contractors' get paid more by the government for hiring veterans and women
Because we NEED more women in tech
That's why
>these 'contractors' get paid more by the government for hiring veterans and women
not always true. Veterans get major hiring preference but their wage is the same. Women may get some preference depending on the job
Her name isn't real. It can't be real.
Reality Winner.
You better watch your mansplaining or the thought police is gonna get you!
>Do top secret computers know when a thumb drive is inserted?
Have you seen the requirements for even a entry-level jobs at Pluribus Intl?
How the fuck did she get a job with them in the first place?
It sounds like a horse name....Triple Crown- Reality Winner 2017!
There are well over a million people with that clearance, it's like they put Opera in charge of handing out that shit.
>How the fuck did she get a job with them in the first place?
She appeared normal in a noncompetitive interview, was a female veteran, and had a clean record.
Chair Force and affirmative action
Don't tell anyone I told you this but white Americans with roots in the country are the easiest and preferred group to give security clearances to, she knew Farsi and dari so that's pretty much all she needed even if she was a total shit for brains.
>reality winner
So uh is this the white people version of names like Taykwaysha or Detravius?
The whole story is probably fake. Just spooks fucking with us again.
Who are you?
>Have you seen the requirements?
Even a 19 year old kid who puts fuel in aircraft on a daily basis on my ship knows if you plug a USB storage device into ANY gov information system, somebody is going to know about it. SAD!
Sara Winners @Reezlie Feb 25
@kanyewest you should make a shirt that says, "being white is terrorism"
Sara Winners @Reezlie Jan 15
This is not the week to remain silent #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/YQTcH7rjvt
Maybe she was identifying as Black to qualify for Affirmative Action preference?
post pics of her sister, she's a qt
It really doesn't matter what their online marketing says. She's a female veteran and she probably had qualifications to do her low-level job properly.
pass a drug test and have clean criminal record. it isn't that hard. I had top secret when I was 19.
>Hello admiral...
Somebody watched Snowden on NetFlix and thought it was a How-To documentary.
This. It was her language skills that got her the job. There's a major shortage and has been for decades. Also, I don't doubt that white Americans with longstanding roots in the country are the least likely to have their loyalty questioned.
How hard is it to learn those languages?
there's your answer
a friend of mine worked for the DoD and he said the way they monitored google searches was that they made everyones searches scroll on the desktop so everyone else could see what everyone was googling, that way youd be careful what you did on DoD computers.
He was DoD, so he had access to every branches systems, navy, army, etc.
also he could only have a dumb phone with NO camera on it.
Probably not that difficult but demand is much higher than supply. Americans simply don't like to learn new languages and if they do then it's most likely to be a European language. It's become trendy for some kids to learn Chinese but it's completely unnecessary as English is already the international language of commerce and diplomacy. China is joining our world and they're adjusting accordingly. When it comes to languages like Russian and Chinese, we have immigrants and children and grandchildren of immigrants who can be vetted very thoroughly. With languages that this Reality Winner chick new, we simply don't have a lot of immigrants to pick from. They're relatively obscure.
From the reports so far, it seems like, she could not read nor write in those languages. So they were literally picking muck out of a garbage bin.
LOL dumb bich
>camera-less phone
Wrong. You can't take ANY electronic device into a SCIF. If he took a TracFone in there, they'd destroy it and probably pull his clearance.
t. former NSA goon
>could not read nor write in
So what did they fucking hire her for in the first place?
She was hired specifically to become scapegoat for leaks.
Leaks started long before she was even hired, but nobody cares now, it seems.
how can a literal autist like this be behind a leak
i know niggers (read: not educated black people, uneducated niggers) who can go further with computers than this shitlib
The company you fag
Knowing middle eastern languages is a plus.
Should be
>How does someone like her get a job in IT industry, and a top-sec clearance?
Google USIS
government intelligence contractor takes OPM background investigation contract for extra dosh.
Proceeds to defraud OPM by dumping loads of work on overworked field investigators and not hiring/training any new investigators for maximum shekel return.
Overworked investigators start pushing background investigations to the side and start paper pushing to meet their quotas.
Edward snowden
Navy yard shooting
Finally DOJ files criminal charges against USIS and sues them for fraud.
USIS agrees to not accept payment for the contract and eventually changes its name.
Owner of USIS starts new company and gets the same OPM contract.
Seriously tho, good question.
Is it logged somewhere if you pop up thumbdrive or record on cd something.
This commie terrorist traitor got 10 years in the slammer, sad!
She's basically just an average white American woman in her 20's desu.
>afFEMative action
>security clearance
nigger are you serious?
>November 9, 2016, Winner was using her work computer to search Google for questions like “Do top secret computers know when a thumb drive is inserted?”
Its easy when you're young to get cleared. Once you're a bit older, actually have life experience and opinions, then you're less likely to get in.
>top secret computers
holy fuck im dead.
Who do you suppose is using her? Pls name drop.
Its super easy to get cleared period.
Although it slightly depends on who is doing your background investigation.
For the most part investigation goes like this.
>criminal history
>interview with applicant
>interview applicants refrences
>interview a few cursory people the applicant might not know about i.e. former employers ect.
Its a bit more substantive if the FBI is doing your SSBI but if its a private contractor it more or less goes as above.
obvious cronyism
you can bet some bitch in HR was her friend
I would think anything can be tracked on a PC if you are using someone else's OS that companies usually specially make. Could have a keylogger or screen capture software built in or even have some way of document what you do in the file explorer
Most requirements in tech jobs are fluff. Apply and you'll be surprised how far you'll get. You need to know some things, but you don't need to tick off all boxes.
I'm an SE1 at a game studio, friend went from University to a SE3 project manager as an iOS developer since him and I did side projects during our studies. All that "required 3 years experience" mumbo jumbo is to scare away all the little boys who don't have balls.
She's simply the scapegoat anyways.
Yes, but you left out poly, and a good operator will pick up on subversiveness and other issues that may arise. It's the perfect time to dig deeper into this shit.
But she was hired under the Trump administration
U>posting the plot of the borne supremacy
Nice try loser
They how the heck snowden, manning and this rl winner do this.
If it was logged I imagine they would get found out much faster.
By obama appointees
She's tweeted:
>being white is terrorism
Self-hating white people are disgusting.
She's Jewish, so there is no self hate there.
>Could have a keylogger or screen capture software built in or even have some way of document what you do in the file explorer
>windows 10
It's probably a feature common in the admin sys
log from the windows XP days I'm sure.
It's a bit more sophisticated than that but one thing you need to keep in mind: If it can be monitored, tracked, hacked - you always have to assume that it is.
This is a golden rule in infosec (or IT field in general ) and someone in her position should've known better. It just amazes me that she didn't know that everything gets recorded, never mind the childish style in which her question is written...
Yeah since before XP every system action is logged (like mounting a USB), it's novel to grab this information.
I sincerely doubt the fucking DOD or whatever is relying on inbuilt windows functions though.
This woman is an incompetent idiot.
LMAO. What a goddamn google search. Is she fucking 5 years old?
you don't even need a keylogger. the operating system itself keeps track of all that shit. how do you think the "recent items" list works?
He was the one in-charge of "logging"
> manning
It's 2010, people are still using XP, and firmly believe that eset/norton is all the security you need.
Liberalism is a circlejerk. They are always promoting each other into positions no matter how unsuitable they are.
Her name for gods sake is a play on a retarded liberal meme stolen from rational non-liberal people.
Hippies man, this is what happens when you have hippy parents
subconsciously she wanted to get caught because if she leaked successfully no one else would know that she's a "hero"
these people are always insane narcissists
You're probably right...
This is most likely, especially taking into account to all her shitty twitter comments and rants, she was an incredibly biased and childish person
>Hippies man
Rednecks, faggot. Look at her parents the the house she lived in.
Nice source you got there.
>>November 9, 2016, Winner was using her work computer to search Google for questions like “Do top secret computers know when a thumb drive is inserted?”
The answer is no, because a top secret computer doesn't have USB ports on the outside and a tamper proof case.
NSA fucked up.
People in intel are generally pretty fucking stupid to be honest. I've seen them
Carmack googled how to wipe a hard drive
people google dumb questions
She wasn't "hired under the trump administration" Pluribus intl. was hired as a contractor. She didn't work for Trump, she worked for a company that was contracted to do the job.
interesting angle, my hacking friend
Yup...ain't she a real Winner...
Yes. On military networks, a few seconds after any USB device is plugged in, the screen blues out and your account is suspended. In a few minutes, you will probably see some comsec fellows in your office wanting to talk
Aha, well someone is vastly incompetent in their hiring practices.
>reality winner
Aha ha ha… I must say I liked the idea of The Intercept but how are they so inept? It’s beyond me… Now no-one ever will trust these fags.
Why do you think she was the only leaker Mr Simple Mind?