This is what happens at rap concerts.
Nigger music
explain to me why the crowd is all white?
>explain to me why the crowd is all white?
Exactly. White youth is brainwashed and fed this degeneracy by the (((entertainment industry))).
>White youth is brainwashed
>implying they werent shit to begin with
generations before were the ones brainwashed with christian sensibility, m80. this is their true state
The king of the niggers. He got knocked out at his own concert.
sometimes this happens though
This is nigger concerts
This is what happens at rap concerts.
here's some quality music lads
The funniest part is that the song keeps on going exposing his lip-syncing.
Degenerate shit has gone on at every major festival theres ever been
Pretty sure hippies were fucking in the open at the woodstocks
Looking for decency at concerts/festivals is a bit retarded
>the fucking chill ass music while everyone chimps the FUCK out
top fucking kek
>the kikes have been at it for awhile, it's cool!
>nigs gonna nog
Guy looks like a JoJo character
anyone listening to modern nigger music is an audio cuck, the "song" is no different than a cuckold porn without the video and only sound
my mom gives the same argument when I bring up terror attacks
>terror has been going on forever!
>it's nothing new!
really infuriating and difficult to convince some people that they are responsible for what happens in the world, and can and should care about what happens
You've obviously never been to a rap concert. They are all like that except for the major productions like drake or something
Lol not just rap concerts. Most white women's bedrooms. White men can't protect white women anymore or their white children, so the white women are doing what they have to in order to find strong men who can.
Just like that five year old blonde white girl in Idaho who was just raped by a pack of Muzzies. Where were the white men then? Where was the white father? What about "muh gunz!!!"?
And of course as everyone expected white men failed to do anything except whine on the internet.
I don't blame white women at all for going after strong black and brown men. They are in survival mode and doing what they have to. White men are fat, cowardly, and pathetic. This isn't the fault of women. They're out of control because YOU lot can't do your fucking jobs and aren't willing to sacrifice.
Here is an educational video of the average white Christian male:
I bet she has a boyfriend.
I have zero qualms with the female hate on this board. It is 100% accurate and so are the arguments that they destroy civilizations.
>rap concerts
im fucking insulted.
CaN't kEep My DIcK iN MY PaNTs
It cost more than $2.30 to get in.
honestly man that happens at a lot of concerts, live music turns chicks into turbo sluts
This. plus you add the booze and the crowd mentality. Even your virgin waifu will succumb to any degenerate shit if exposed in that kind of environment
I've always wondered why this is
Fuck, is $100 a lot for stadium tickets to Iron Maiden?
her argument makes it even more rewaeding to stop this shit. something bad going on for so long and one could stop it finally.
ask her if she thinks pedophilia should be fought against. that shit is happening longer than organised terrorism, i guess.
or since she's probably a bluepilled normie ask her if letting people starve shouldn't be stopped
hahahah that star of david necklace... oh dear
>hating xxxtentacion
Go to bed grandpa
Obviously staged.
Not hard to hate him. Didn't he go to jail for beating his pregnant girlfriend?
Never did I imply it's cool, just that it's not shocking whatsoever
You might as well make a thread like "black men rape you in prison if you drop the soap, holy shit wow so degenerate"
It would be more thread-worthy if this kind of shit wasn't happening
This is what I thought OP posted. This was actually breaking news during local LA news last night for some reason.
All remotely pretty white American women are constantly fucking around with multiple dudes, choosing the best ones among them for on and off semi-relationships that may or may not qualify as a "bf/gf" relationship
Whether or not she is deliberately breaking a monogamous relationship is unknown but I wouldn't put it past her
This is old news user, ancient news in fact and there's no point in getting mad about it. It's just how women operate. You wouldn't get mad at someone else's kid for acting like a kid - the same goes for modern American women
>cuckold porn
I see a connection there.
They don't have anything else to do in their lives.
The system has been locked down, select families are given large investments of money and illegals are hired to do the work.
The white kids are told to just figure out how to take care of themselves.
Socialism is shit... we live in a socialist's dream.
Children among themselves.
Your moms are right, though.
tickets are free?
He said WHITE, not black
Your mom is a liberal cunt who probably blames men for all her failures in life.
quick run down plz
do they chant fuk up something?
his chest tat says "cleopatra"
Truck of peace when
She lied, he has the hospital documents proving 1) she wasn't pregnant and 2) she didn't need surgery like she claimed in her gofundme
She got jumped by some bitch and framed him, I don't know what the evidence for that was but the court dropped all the charges
He's just an edgy hot head, but his music is superb as he makes more than just shitty rap
Black user here.
You know the drill.
I am very well versed on rap and hip-hop but grew out of it as I got older and as the genre began turning away from red-pilled grown men speaking honestly and deeper about their struggles to main-stream fucboi drug and degeneracy bullshit.
> Most white women's bedrooms.
You speak about degenerate white women as if they have some how valley that would make a man want to pursue them to a high degree. They're just cum sluts as most black men treat them. Non degenerate women aren't but that's not who were talking about here...
> White men can't protect white women anymore or their white children, so the white women are doing what they have to in order to find strong men who can.
It's 2017. Wtf do you mean protection? When's the last time you got into a fight or needed protection? gtfo here w/ this throw-back nostalgic bullshit.
Also, with the brazen women who talk shit now-a-days, why would I defend some random thot at the risk of my health/well-being? I personally carry. It's for me and my loved ones. Not for some mouthy hoe who claims she doesn't need a man.
>I don't blame white women at all for going after strong black and brown men. They are in survival mode and doing what they have to. White men are fat, cowardly, and pathetic. This isn't the fault of women. They're out of control because YOU lot can't do your fucking jobs and aren't willing to sacrifice.
I'm an actual black male. I don't want some thirsty ass brainlet white chick who wants me because she thinks i'll live up to her jungle black fantasies meanwhile offers me nothing but some used pussy. I'm not going to lower myself and behave like a thug so some dumb roastie will deem me tough enough to slam her pussy. I don't blame white guys who rise above such women. I don't think they're lessor men for not defending them or pursuing them. So, from a black man, gtfo w/ this bullshit nigga.
And here I was thinking they were curing cancer. What a worthless post.
they're chanting "fuck rob stone" which is the nig who sent the guy that knocked him out
*oy vey
As a black user who the fuck is Xxxtentacion
Good to know.
No it's a Jewish utopia.
My thoughts exactly.
Looks like a tat'd up SJW whose reeeing about self-inflicted wounds
The fact is we are a sick society. Racism, white privilege, political extremism, xenophobia, a culture that sees guns and violence as the answer, the means to an end, for everything - this is our nation's prevailing mentality. We have become the example of what civilization should never become; the obscenity that every other industrialized nation points to in horror.
one of my favorites
holy fuck check this
>IᖴᑌᑕK TOᑎIGᕼT .ᑕOᗰ
Bitch with tattoos is the most obvious and often an instant red flag a man can get. If he is still pursuing such a woman then let the cuck be.
>all dat jibba jabba
wat did nigger chappelle mean by this
Leaf, you're the worst ever.
That, or you got some gr8 b8 there.
Pls clarify.
I have never even heard of this nigga
You are the epitome of a beta male,a cuckold and a degenerate.
Those wymyn you want to protect, openly protest against you, tell you they don't WANT NOR NEED YOU, and import terrorists and crimecucks.
You still want to protect your lady like a white knight cuck you are. Just like in school when Chad slapped her ass and she giggled, you went in to protect your lady from Chad, got beaten up, while she dribbled on his cock in bathroom.
Then you came back home and cried like a typical burgerpussy how she is just confused and needs help.
Wake up, she doesn't need your help nor want it.
And the meme about black men being athletic.
Most of those in porn are flabby 25% body fat male pornstars. You are just talking about your cuck fantasies again.
>Inb4 why using porn bro
Im on nofap now, but i remember
> Inb4 how u know about black pornstars bro
Because any porn site will feature most of the time a black dude with horsedick banging a woman.
You got that right dude
There's an Ultra Europe concert in my hometown and it's been here for last 4 years and many of girls just go total slut style when the crowd gathers.
Me and my friend worked as a stadium security one year so we could hook someone with a free pass and I'll never forget Aussie slut that offered us sex to let her in..meanwhile two of her friends tried to get her in normal mode but bitch just started to yell about how you can cum inside her if you buy her a ticket and there was like 5000+ people there
Post moar tits getting sucked at concerts
>the fucking chill ass music
kill yourself
I was there ama
At work right now. Can somebody underline this with chimp or baboon screaming ? would fit.
((you)) faggots deppress me
Here is the same Video from a different angle
Nigger music is popular among women because they love feeling they are in stone age again - it's their natural state of mind. Women love wilderness, they hate civilization because they don't receive this savagery. But, on the other hand, civilization gave them comfort, so they are in the perfect position these days. 21 century is the best period of history for being a slut.