Samantha Bee in hot water

>"This is basically a domestic abuse case," the account for the TBS show "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee" tweeted Thursday.

This is basically a domestic abuse case.

— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) June 8, 2017

>Bee retweeted and then deleted the message from her personal account as fans began to respond, calling the joke distasteful.

>As someone who has friends that have been victims of domestic abuse, you should be ashamed of yourself for drawing this correlation! #SHAME

Did she go too far?

The left loves their hyperbole. Fantasy is easier to cope with than reality.

What do you expect from a woman who doesn't want poor black kids in her kids school

needs some children's fiction references.

>man hands

Hmm. Trump jokes are getting so little viewers now... guess Colbert and Oliver will attempt to take more of the pie?.. will Colbert half be a la mode?

Samantha Bee is hot as fuck.

this is why leftism will never work, they hate each other more than anything in the world. same for feminism and any other female group.

It's amazing how easy the modern left can turn on their own over stupid things like this.

A la mode is only ONE SCOOP!!!

More like you're a domestic abuse case

Who cares but with enough backlash that bitch will get fired too

The fact she retracted the comment proves she is not a comedian. Confirms my long-held suspicions that the regressive, bleeding-heart left can't be funny and clever at the same time.

The right does the exact same thing though. Just on different topics, like abortion.

Well she's not wrong.

The narrative of the left is being beaten like it overcooked a roast.

Notice how they only ever have that one picture of her cause nobody has actually ever seen her show.

God I love watching pigs eat each other.

Garbage people. She's like a 2nd rate Amy Schumer

Jesus Christ, WTF is strong with that Bee bitch?

What does that even mean?

Son, we need to show you a night on the town. And if this is a Miss. Well yeah, sure. I think you could do better, but your fantasy. Who am I to fuck that up.

A la mode is 'in the style' and what's in style at the Colbert lair? I'll give you TWO guesses.

You talking about Samantha "Zyklon" Bee? The Samantha Bee that voted against having black kids in her segregated New York City school? Talking about ...

Samantha "Keep black asses out of my kids classes" Bee
Samantha "No darks in my schools parks" Bee
Samantha "he's a nig? can't learn trigg" Bee
Samantha "IQ test say whites are best" Bee
Samantha "If your kid isn't white keep it out of my sight" Bee
Samantha "a gib a day keeps the nigs away" Bee
Samantha "if your kid is brown get out of town" Bee
Samantha "Bix nood not in my hood" Bee
Samantha "No white skin? Don't let them in" Bee
Samantha "no diversity for my kid's university" Bee
Samantha "black fools ruin schools" Bee
Samantha "without a doubt keep the niggers out" Bee
Samantha "in my kids school, white kids rule" Bee
Samantha "Can't be a scholar if your ancestors wore collars" Bee

What the fuck are you trying to say? Are you on drugs son?

Sorry, I dont quite the joke?
Is she inferring that Comey is an abused spouse?
If that is her attempt at humor, I'm having difficulty understanding how she stay's on the air?

no liberals were saying it was like domestic abuse because the people interviewing comey were asking comey why he didn't do anything to stop trump doing what he did, despite trump being the only person responsible

like when you ask a girl why don't you leave when she gets beaten

you are worse then kathy griffin, please leave

leftist education everyone

OK thanks


>If that is her attempt at humor, I'm having difficulty understanding how she stay's on the air?

She's only still around because libs can't help but circlejerk about how evil muh drumpf is. I can't stand the woman. Her particular brand of "irony" (naming her show Full Frontal, etc) is just shitty.

Totally. I can't wait until the fall semester starts. She'll have her kids in a private school. Just watch.

They switched their tune from "THIS WILL BE THE END OF DRUMPF" to "DRUMPF IS STILL RLLY MEAN!!!" pretty quickly.

OP stop posting this shit no one cares what some "female comedian" thinks.

>this "joke" is offensive enough to trigger liberals

Couldn't have happened to a better gal

Bill Mahr, Kathy Griffin and Samantha Bee vs the SJWs, Muslims, Feminists, Fags.

sad, what is happening to our wonderful comedians, if something happens to colbert or john stewart im gona kill myself