HAPPENING! Legal team to go after Comey!
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>no they won't.
You're going to need something more solid than Twitter posts alone
Are these guys making a comeback?
Not going to happen. Even if it were to happen nothing would come out of it except people hating the Trump team more.
Trump won't do shit
>people hating the Trump team more.
Don't offend the terrorists! Then they will hate us more!
>Trump ‘Obligated’ to Prosecute if He Believes Comey Lied Under Oath
i'm feeling E N E R G I Z E D guys
anybody wanna do some jumping jacks to get their blood flowing?
we've got a lot to read and archive today, so let's all get going and get some ENERGY.
feeling energetic let's have some energy this is a good feeling this could be a great day of happenings let's all find some energy
>unarchived shill
wow... literal authoritarianism
Go after Comey for leaking an unclassified memo that he wrote?
this. does Trump even know we have laws that protect whistleblowers?
>Trump wasting more time/energy on nonsense
Why am I not surprised?
Gowdy is now Chairman so fuck yeah.
This wasn't whistleblowing, and tell all the people Obama raped sideways for trying to whistleblow that there are laws protecting them.
You want legal protection for violating your own oath? Fine. Begin to try to actually make the case that not one Trump critic has sketched: what is the government crime that you are saving the people from by leaking?
Compfeys BTFO
of a private top secret meeting..
What as secret? The obstruction?
Even if the memos were unclassified work related memos he would have violated regulations, the punishment would be.... getting fired.
Considering the context was the president and director of the FBI speaking about an investigations concerning other nations etc., he might actually have something punishable with real time.
Proof that Trump was obstructing, we're fucked boys.
4d chess thats why comey said that