Could you imagine a boycott of McDonald's over illegal labor?
Could you imagine a boycott of McDonald's over illegal labor?
>pointless retarded
SA is fucking finished. It's only a matter of time.
Reminds me of zimbabwe. SA is next.
I am genuinly worried for the safety of my family living there.
Even gated comunities have been getting dangerous.
Why isn't the EU doing anything about it? This was a European colony wasn't it? They can't just watch all this and do nothing.
How is it that the EU can import arabs who aren't Syrians because "life sucks there" but won't help whites in SA that are being discriminated?
They should move out ASAP.
Because the EU is Jewish.
Because it is happening to white people
And intervening would mean that the miraculous post apartheid SA has failed.
Look up the founder of EU's view on white people and you have your answer.
And of course it is a traitor white taking the side of niggers even in a third world hell
I know South Africa is/was supposedly nice but it's still Africa. Why the fuck would anyone want to live there?
Take a wild guess
is south Africa socialist...?
(yes)Well there you have it. There isn't a strike here because we're capitalist, and mcdonalds needs to compete still. I guess they're one of a select few burger stands in south Africa though because: socialism...South Africa needs illegal labor: because legal labor under socialism is a crock of shit...
I wish Trump would offer refugee status out of no where.
Imagine how fast the overton window would move then.
Because their families have been there for hundreds of years and they are responsible for South Africa actually being a thing, It's their home.
With that said White South Africans are leaving though and have been a for long time
GFC slowed down the emigration but It's still occurring. Most come here, UK or Netherlands. New Zealand also receives a fair few but most just do it to then immigrate to Australia from NZ because our immigration agreement with NZ.
>Helping White people
Can you imagine the fucking uproar If White South Africans were eligible for refugee status? All the subversives in our society would be furious that the "oppressors" are receiving help and you'd have to acknowledge that the country went to shit post-Apartheid.
we let in one as a refugee
upset the normally pro refugee group
think he made it because he had been stabbed
It's always been dangerous so what
Nah he was eventually deported because (((appeals)))
I got a question for you: If the EU, Australia, or USA offered refugee status / relocation or even citizenship I guess, would that create a kind of prisoners dilemma among SA whites? Like some would want to stay, but feel pressure because they think others are leaving and they don't want to be the only ones?
Idk its just a thought I had. Sorry if this question doesn't make sense, its kinda late in BurgerTown, USA.
bump again
Seems the Rhodesian situation is looming again
>try to remove whitey
>whitey removes your livelihood
every time
Whatever happened to the college protests?
If we opened up the US for white south africans as refugees, how many do you think would come?
>they claimed I had white privilege so I took away their privilege to food
It's the sweetest form of karma.
Not like it matters because none of them will offer anything of the sort unless we get some actual genocide going down.
There are not enough curses in all the tongues of Western men for me to express how much I fucking love that "AAV" (ebonics) is now recognized and taught as being just as legitimate of a way of speaking as American English
He got caught. He done got court
Standard English: he does welll in school
African American English: he be acting white
Standard English: we once were kings
African American English: we waz kangz and sheit
South African whites only chance is if Trump can let them in and only them in. And that all depends on how to Supreme Court rules on his travel ban this fall.
Every other western nation is cucked beyond belief. They'll toss them to the niggers. I don't see any other nation potentially letting them in.
They cant mate, the ANC wont let them or the Boers leave. They are hostages in the nation their fathers built.
Truly fucking tragic.
niggers aren't human
if shtf i see south american and eastern euro countries helping.
How can we help?
Is there anything we can support? Anywhere to Donate? Volunteer?
Or are the White South Africans just absolutely positively screwed?
>implying they want to live in USA, which is South Africa light
>inb4 but youism
They should be helped where they are. Would you want to run away and start a new life beacuse apes harass you away or would you want to save what your ancestors built for you?
>Or are the White South Africans just absolutely positively screwed?
Not really. Whites were once mostly employed in government jobs. That has now changed and most are self employed or in the private sector. Unemployment amongst us is very low at around 5%, murder rate of whites is about 6 per 100k. Current ANC government is failing hard and fast. White liberal party has regained control over most of the mayor metropolitan areas again since last year. All in all not such a shitty place to live in still.
You lie.
I was confused until I actually read the article. "Ban the white man" seemed like they were banning all whites, but it was just A white man.
Nigger, have you been paying attention?
The EU hates all white people, save for self-flagellating, grovelling Marxists and their own tiny, wealthy, lefty elite. The EU does not stand for Europe. It wants to change Europe into some new hellhole superpower. They say it'll be like the US, but they're steering for something like India.
The EU is actively trying to extirpate white people from Europe through mass immigration and enforced political correctness. The best thing that could happen to both European citizens, and SA whites, is the fall of the EU and the perpetual gagging of their leftist supporters.
thank me later
>IᖴᑌᑕK TOᑎIGᕼT .ᑕOᗰ
why do SAs prefer Afrikaans over English? wtf!
>1 Post by this ID
Please spoonfeed me this information. I've been looking but can't seem to find anything.
I don't have the quote but it was an aim to water down everyone so that they could be more easily controlled. We're living it under the guise of taking in rapefugees. Why? Because don't ask.
because it's the language of their people?
afrikaans is basically a dutch dialect and South Africans of dutch (or associated group) descent prefer to speak the language they were raised speaking, the language of their ancestors.
>White people coming together and actually destroying the racist establishment
South African whites are better than Americas whites
I believe it's this one specifically
Oh yeah, this fucking guy. Yeah I know about the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan. Should have realized this was what was being talked about.
Let's see what you think if ANC loses the next elections. SA has been practically ruled by one party during the post-apartheid era. Do you think ANC would be willing to share power with others and disrupt their own corruption schemes?
The White reaction was a major whitepill for me though. The niggers literally shit themselves with the sudden and drastic reaction from whites.
>SA is fucking finished. It's only a matter of time.
The hwites there need to arm up and get ready to cut out a state for themselves when the genocide attempt there breaks out.
It says a lot about our mentality that not only did South African 'whites' vote to allow the destruction of their nation but, the rest of us, seeing what has happened, still bury our heads.
Also pretty telling that in spite of the shit going on in South Africa there isn't a large scale level of organisation to protect their interests.
Pretty sad, pretty telling, pretty fucking stupid.
>Whites, especially Afrikaners, responded with an immediate call for a boycott
>“Spur is bleeding from right-wing boycotts.”
Apparently just being white is now one and the same as being literally Hitler.
Will majority white countries ever stop acting like cucks and stand up in defense of their culture and history?
>The other element is “white flight.” Restaurants or bars that become “too black” lose white clientele. As an “affordable family restaurant,” Spur Steak Ranches have darkened considerably, and in many areas now probably make whites feel uncomfortable. One reason is the noise. For whites, SA blacks sound as if they are screaming when they are just having a normal conversation in their own African languages.
>For whites, SA blacks sound as if they are screaming when they are just having a normal conversation in their own African languages.
the day apartheid ended, it was written
thanks the anglo for this
>he was a fucking hapa
Hapa inferiority is timeless my friend
Remember not to racemix boy and girls, your offspring will create the European Union
>The boycott is particularly successful in white, Afrikaans-speaking areas where people in the late 1980s supported the former Conservative Party in its vehement opposition to handing power over to the African National Congress (ANC.) However, there are other factors. One is the tendency of corporate South Africa to bend over backwards to accommodate both our crazy Afro-Marxist government and the anti-white black middle class that thrives on government jobs and affirmative action. Spur’s ban against its white customer was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The sentiment on social media among whites is decidedly against Spur.
>anti-white black middle class that thrives on government jobs and affirmative action.
They need fucking government jobs that favor niggers to have a job in a mostly niggers country that hates whites.
Jesus Christ, Niggers truly are pathetic.
WE WUZ the welfare check man!
I really hope their hatred of whites sends their government into a collapse and every nigger loses their job. Let pol/ know when the white Ethno state is established in South Africa. A entire nation of based whites who hold back hordes of niggers that want to kill them, with machine guns and fortified walls, is a white nationalists wet dream.
What's illegal labor in MURICA? You cunts only get paid $5 an hr anyways!! Just sue McDonalds...
>the ANC wont let them or the Boers leave
What, how and why?
No archive sorry. I'm a old fag that is retarded with technology. But this has to be shared here.
There is Southouse African legal, pro white, all white town that screens people before they are allowed to join the town.
Archive or screenshot please
>Because whites are increasingly excluded from corporate and government sectors, they have to hustle to survive. They work long, stressful hours, sit in snarled-up traffic, and wives have little time to cook. That is partly why they spend a lot of money on takeout, and eating out. Spur got rich on the back of the white middle class, but is now betraying them by pandering to political correctness.
God damn. I want to help white South Africans so bad.
I don't. They can leave for somewhere better anytime but they just sit there and take it.
>implying anyone is willing to take in white refugees
Are you just retarded, or are you saying that they should immigrate somewhere illegaly?
3rd screen shot
They think he would make a good leader of another country kek
africa for africans
don't forget
enjoy shooting yourself in the foot
its like a cancer but in reverse , slowly spreading to make the host healthier
Im not sure you really get it. They have been there since the 1600's. There wasn't even any black people there when they arrived there was like pigmy tribes and shit or no-one at all on the land.
To put this in perspective its going to be like what is going to happen here in america to you. I can't wait for some internet faggot to say "I don't care" when your being ethnically cleansed.
God this writer is a wind bag. CNN must pay by the word.
uk and nertherlands should do something but they dont care
it's not our fault
Excuse my repeat failure to post screens shots, it's the ass crack of dawn where I am.
>no futunari pregnant rape incest hentai tab
What is wrong with you?
I am worried but I have an exit plan. I have a british passport and some money in the UK. I still have a good life here but as soon as I need to I am out. will be a sad day.
I feel very bad for the majority of whites who do not have the same opportunity I do to get out.
White people need to take back control of south africa.
Avoid restaurants where the wait staff is mostly blacks dependent on the white man's tips.