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It hurts the corporate drug trade
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okay so, wtf is this shit?
any more info on this story? it's late and I'm too lazy to search
Sounds like they violated some obscure regulations. Not sure why the FBI investigates instead of the FDA.
I don't understand why people don't just avoid those pills in the first place. I've had prescriptions for Oxy and Hydrocodone but never filled them. Shit's given out like candy for every operation. Yeah without them you'll bang your head into the wall for a few days from the pain, but it's better than fucking up your system.
prison/drug industry is a huge deal. so is the medical insurance world (which drug addiction falls with in )
usual answer. someone profits and doesn't want to lose out. people in general are trying to be more and more healthy but thats not always good for a country to control masses
I agree its better to not take them an suffer for a few days and weeks, but as an user that works in a hospital, its fucked up what we are expected to do. Instead of helping people manage their pain they expect us to give them their pain meds every time its due. They even have a saying pain is what ever the patient says it is, which is a joke because if you are reading or watching TV the pain is not a 9 or 10.
Pain has to be half the reason people go to the hospital IMO.
meh, most addicts are not poor individuals that got hooked after major surgery, its hopeless dipshits looking for easy fun in a world where you have to work to be happy.. its hard to get hooked on those amounts through eating them (most addicts crush n'snort).
>was offered these when my wisdom teeth were taken out
>said no
>got ibuprofen instead
>did not do jack shit for the pain
>relied on whiskey for the week instead
I wish I did oxycontin for that. It was a horrible 4 days when I finally opted for whiskey.
I'm a drunk and was a stoner before.
Got an oxy script after my wisdom teeth got pulled.
Used them as needed and used them recreationally once. Was meh.
I'd say it depends on the person. Also tried coke a few times and just seemed too expensive
Serious pain is actually very bad for you mentally. It can cause a myriad of mental disorders and also some physical ones too. If your pain is only going to last a few days sure, just tough it out.
but if you're gonna be in pain for months at a time you honestly need painkillers or else you'll go crazy, no matter how "strong" you are
>saying no to oxy
In leafland oxy is like the number 1 life destroyer in the maritimes. So many people get fucked up from these.
>tfw wasn't offered opiates
oh well the pain really wasn't that bad.
It doesn't say why. They are just putting up some carefully chosen association up on twitter to control your thoughts like a puppet.
Ibuprofen for tooth extraction is a meme. It only works on pain that is induced by inflammatory processes (and even there it's rather weak).
Pharmacogenetics(/genomics) is going to be a big field.
Huge differences in drug metabolism and drug action exist between and within ethnic groups.
As far as opiods go, blacks are slower metabolisers of codeine which could explain their obsession with "purple drank" a codeine promethazine concoction.
As DNA sequencing and data analysis become cheaper and partially automated we will see therapies targeted to individual metabolic profiles.
It destroyed Appalachia so badly they legalized medical pot in West Virginia to try to stem opioids abuse, generally not a very pot friendly place.
CIA literally shovels the shit out of Afghanistan and the Jews pack it up and deal it ain't nobody messing with the biggest cartel in the world one that makes Pablo Escobar look like a nigger crack dealer on the corner
I was given perc for when I gave both my knuckles a boxers fracture.
Abused the shit out of it. Remember throwing up profousely and smiling my ass off because I felt so good.
Never got addicted because I just stopped and went back to weed.
Tbqh weed is a great drug to use to quit addictions. Quit tobacco on it then quit weed cold turkey after I decided to just Jew it up and save ALL THE MONEY.