Don't give me that 'blackpill faggot' shit. The country is done, politically and demographically. Where should we migrate? New Zealand always seemed comfy. P.s. no leftists allowed.
Where should right wing UK Anglos migrate to?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Falklands
>looks comfie
>would piss of niggers in argentina
I'd suggest coming here but then remembered that we're full.
Fuck please deport all eastern Europeans I don't want them trucked by kebab while your Communist government slashes their rights
full here too m8
Come to America. We have the first and second amendment. We're not going to salvage all of America but those are the two most important things right now.
Sorry for shouting lads but CON apathy and TURN OFF for the dementia tax led to this.
America has always been my dream but how strict is immigration about crime? I've never been charged for anything but have been banned from my town centre and stuff?
>but have been banned from my town centre and stuff?
oh, so you're a nigger, fuck off
I didn't want to see collapse of the UK during my life is on going.
Are you joking, there's a Tory plus dup coalition. Thought you'd be over the moon.
>implying this election is what killed it
>implying a Tory majority is an inherent good for the "right wing"
Get over yourself, it was doomed regardless. Everything's gone as planned for them anyway, their weak and confused leader lost them just enough to "harm" Brexit while still clinging to power.
I've seen a lot of British people in Canada. Seems like your people are migrating here already
>Free Speech
>May Banning Porn
Get off them drugs, toryfag.
>he doesn't know what petty shit Bongs get done for
I'm from the land where carrying a butter knife lands you in prison
Maybe you should migrate into white vaginas and raise a few conservative white kids so you stop losing elections.
I knew it was fucked mate but I thought at least public opinion was is but not how we'd want it
The midwest of the United States. When the happening occurs we will have all the resources.
Fucking typical anglos. Running away while the Scots-Irish Protestant loyalists are still holding the line.
Fuck off poofters and hide. We'll beat the Taigs and niggers and then march all over town with drums and guns celebrating in their fucking face.
Because that's what a fucking man does, he holds onto his clay and tradition you wankers.
Well, there's always plan B. If the muslims want it that bad they can have it. However, no one said you have to leave it standing. Burn the damn thing down. If BRITS can't have their own country, no one else can. Make Edward I proud, dammit.
Is it true Utah is ANGLO'D for some reason? Genuinely interested. We think the north east, the south and pockets of the west are Anglo
Don't give up! Stay! dig in! look at history, look at how the British establishment has been defeated in the past. Realize that the Anglo empire spans the globe. Our ancestors seeded the choices lands in the world with our people. You have brothers the world over.
Fuck off, we're full.
Migrate to the US where you fucktards belong.
Yes! lots of LDS pioneers were of Anglo blood!
Biggest party in Scotland is the SNP, a literal SJW party running to undermine the UK and bolster the EU, and the Irish whose only 'nationalist' movement was unironically Marxist
But I can't even read the mood of the country. We voted for Brexit and then loads of people have voted for a literal communist. We are not the nation of explorers and conquerors we once were. Now we are the nation of the conquered. I say that with a heavy heart.
full of shit
Your best and brightest moved to North America. Your rough and tumble types moved to Australia. Only Nigels and Leslies live in the UK these days.
America once the RAISE act passes, Trump has supported it and this replacement for our current immigration act would remove all restrictions on white immigrants. I'm from Pennsylvania but if you want to move to a fully Anglo state, Try New England or Utah.
Stay put and be excited for the upcoming civil war.
The midwest is the great lakes area.
Basically the entire country, save a few inner cities and the extreme southwest is Anglo. In the early 19th century the Mormon religion was founded in New York, and every schizophrenic in that part of the country eventually made their way out to Utah. There are more white blonde people there than there are in Sweden basically.
There's no possible scenario where that works out well for people who are both not cucks and not mudslime, he will have to flee to NZ, AU, or USA as a war refugee so the faster he does that the better.
Move to some comfy place in Real America. Stay away from fake America (LA, Jew York, Nigcago, etc.)
If you're strapped for cash, buy yourself a nice patch of land somewhere in the Midwest or Deep South. If you've got money, buy a nice seaside spot in New England.
Most importantly, get to know your community. New Englanders, southerners, and midwest folk are all quite polite and looking forward to meeting a traditional Brit from the mother country.
A hardworking, honest white Brit should face no difficulty living in America.
Come here, we have burgers, guns, legal Holocaust denial, lots of room, and lots of whites if you stay out of the shitty cities. Plus the ladies love a British accent.
Fuck off we're full!
Just kidding, come here and start a business, buy some land and semi-auto firearms.
I'm glad our immigration act will be replaced pretty soon. Tom Cotton will finally get rid of restrictions on white immigrants.
My aunt is dating a Scottish Guy, she's 28 (My grandmother had her late) and he might even move here pretty soon.
Nowhere. The west is all fucked together or saved
Come to NZ, we have strict immigration though (really only a few East Asians and Europeans are allowed), but the economy is fucking great. Most of my right wing, smart STEM friends are millionaires now because they bought a house a few years ago.
It genuinely has always been a dream of mine to settle in Miami. But how harsh is the US immigration system? I've never been charged by a court or anything in the UK but have been in trouble (Bong speak: too drunk please go home).
Third time's the charm, eh?
The Immigration system will be replaced with the RAISE act which gets rid of all restrictions towards white immigrants the Hart-Celler act brought. Trump supports it and will most likely replace it after September once his budget is here. Hang tight my friend, you'll be in burgerland soon.
I am educated to a Masters level but have limited hard would it be to move to NZ?
We are full cunt.
You fucked up your own country you cant come here
You gave us that leftist Aussie 'comedian' channel 4 wanker who creates trends on UK twitter about rapefugees so at least you give me a place, cunt
You can come to Pennsylvania if you want, we have plenty of room.
Read this
Our immigration act will be replaced soon anyways, once that happens you can come live here.
We need more Anglos for the love of God.
One time I seen this sexy british girl witha fat ass and I couldnt help but wonder if it was just her ass making her accent hot
realgirlsgonebad just makes me sad. That even rhymes. Not a lot of attractive women back in the UK...
Nz is nice man. Love living and working here. Just living hand to mouth on a visa is not very nice.
We'll take up the banner and show those fuckers what's what.
It's also easily defensible and is as far away from eurocuckery as you can get
We're full
Now shut your mouth or you're getting sent to California
It makes me laugh that you Americans literally inherited our disdain for the French and Spanish (Canada and Mexico)
The RAISE Act would:
End the Visa Lottery
Limit annual refugee admissions to 50,000
End chain migration
Reduce the worldwide level of family-sponsored immigrants from 480,000 to 88,000 by prioritizing nuclear family
Add a nonimmigrant visa for parents of adult U.S. citizens (W-Visa)
5-year renewable visa
No work authorization or ability to receive public benefits
The RAISE Act would reduce legal immigration to the United States by 50% in an effort to diminish its impact on vulnerable American workers. First, it eliminates the visa lottery and limits refugee admissions to 50,000 per year, removing the ability of the President to unilaterally adjust upward refugee admissions. Further, it eliminates chain migration by limiting family-sponsored immigration to the spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents.
>gets rid of all restrictions towards white immigrants the Hart-Celler act brought
In what way?
I'm in Birmingistan and I'm moving to Northern Scotland within the next 12 months. Beautiful scenery, literally no black faces, Scottish people are based and housing is cheap
I'm not leaving the UK to go and live in Abo and Convict land or become some sad act ex-pat that marries a Thai hooker and lives in Asia.
Scotland is the place to be, Jimmy. And with the SNP getting fucked it makes it an even better proposition
>Scottish people are based
You seen their major party?
>have been banned from my town centre and stuff?
they dont want chav scrotes m8
Guys come move here to the US. Like the other user said, stay away from LAChicago, Jew York, we'd love to have you.
Fuking codars, why u don't fight for ur countrie? Englishmans are cokarach pest spreadin in all world.
It's not that easy to "just move" to the USA. It's actually really difficult to permanently remain here. I know all about this.
We had to bail the French out in two World Wars after they helped us free ourselves from (((you))). When everyone in your hometown decided they would only speak spanish 10 years ago you grow a disdain for them too. I'd imagine it's how you would feel if half of your country was Tower Hamlets.
Scots are simply patriotic as fuck and love their culture. I've been to SNP strongholds and felt more welcome than I do back home. Not difficult when only 59% of my city is white but even so
Stop inviting strangers here faggot. We are FUCKING FULL!!
You can come here as long as you're white and actually work.
>The Eternal Frog and the Eternal Spic
I'm shit at learning other languages lad (it is the Anglo way)
May fucked up the election. The fact that Corbyn isn't PM was huge luck and it's fate giving you a 2nd chance.
Stay till the next election and if that's a fuck up then you should leave.
Its the will of the people.
The eternal Mullah
You're always welcome, dad.
>fleeing your country even when facing death
shitskin thinking
Well that's bullshit I personally love Brits just as long as they don't try to tell us how to run our shit like that John Oliver slut.
Hungary, while we still have freedom of movement
Send the women first
You should be good as long as you have no convictions
i live in cali
>have been banned from my town centre and stuff?
What the fuck this means?
Basically you need a sponsor. And right now it seemspretty difficult to get one. Furthermore, if the new immigration bill pass, the gates fucking closed for people coming legally. They're shutting down legal immigration.
Who did you guys want to win anyway? It sounds like it was literally between a refugee loving communist versus a refugee loving socialist.
As long as the right fail to get the working class, labour will win.
Unless labour also fail to get the working class.
Maybe someone has a better version of this map
See that German blue and Norwegian green? Those are the best places.
>gets rid of all restrictions towards white immigrants the Hart-Celler act brought
>In what way?
By removing the diversity clause in the current immigration system. Because of that clause our system prioritizes south americans and asians. Whereas now it would be under a meritocracy allowing for Europeans to compete.
This. We need to fix the shithole that is Eastern Europe before we get a massive wave of white Western European refugees, we can use all the plumbers and dishwashers we can get!
second that, we're full for now unless you're a gril
come to India, we have pic related waiting for you
girls are more likely to be leftists you idiot
We are the only right answer. Then make loads of babies and keep our 90% majority
Why is it in a bowl?