So was Pol really for Corbyn? not that i've ever cared, but I thought with the whole alt right phase we'd be for May.
So was Pol really for Corbyn? not that i've ever cared, but I thought with the whole alt right phase we'd be for May
Corbyn is more alt-right than May. He has praised Hamas in the past and will reduce the UK's support of Israel if successful.
Fuck off mohammed.
Didn't he also say that ISIS is a legitimate sovereign state?
Corbyn literally the only Western leader who gives a shit about stopping ISIS and doesn't want to give Saudis more weapons to sell them, or so he says. Meanwhile Trudeau and Trump keep giving Saudis more weapons
This. Corbyn has mentioned that Israel needs to have there nuclear weapons removed.
The Man is definitely more alt-right then the woman who wants to censor the internet
I mean I guess whatever
I've always secretly liked bernie anyway
even if half of his platform was retarded
1 more vote for Tory and they have a majority so he likely wont win
With a DUP coalition of course
No, cons need 13 more votes for majority only 10 left to call
Definite hung parliament
The trump Saudi weapons deal was fake news.
>stopping ISIS and doesn't want to give Saudis more weapons to sell them
Yet he's pro hamas and hezbollah. really made me think.
>Doesn't like Israel
>Doesn't like Saudis
>Wants to invest in the north of England to try and bring back jobs
If he was tougher on immigration I'd have voted for him.
>flood UK with pakis to spite le ebil jews who will be funded by the US one way or another for eternity
ebin, really got one back at those yids *gets beheaded*
Still 2 short, not sure there can be a minority coalition
>Wants to persecute Blair for war crimes and essentially creating ISIS by destabilizing the region even more
If the alt right supports may then they are really the most clueless stulid bunch of cunts on the planet.. that cunt is useless.. even if u kike her party better. She doesnt even deserve to be there
Hung gov's all that matters for the leftys atm anyway though. Nobody actually expects corbyn to be a PM. This has been a pretty big win for the UK Left
>UKIP nonexistent
>May all but forced out
>Chaos of tory leader elections
>Boris likely PM
they both suck, 2 party system is such a bullshit leave you no real choice
and they both would bring in more migration
at least Corbyn is not for total police state, but he is more pro-migration and all the pakis voted labour
its lose/lose
Both will flood UK with third world garbage at least Corbyn hates Jews.
322 for majority since Sinn Fein got 4 seats and dont vote though no? If they get 312 and form a coalition with DUP then they just scrape by with a majority.
Obama was actually the one who gave them weapons my mistake, but America is still letting the Saudis do wtv the fuck they want.
I take it you are unfamiliar with politicians saying one thing to get elected then doing whatever they like once in.
The "alt right phase" is just a bunch od larping kids.
Serious politics dont come into it
Has done more to fight ISIS and protect Arab Christians than the US and EU have. Don't oversimplify things and act like all militant groups are on the same side.
Voted Corbyn.
Having a lovely morning.
You celebrate losing?
Pol didn't really care. It was obvious this vote was being pushed here by outside interests that didn't understand pol. It felt like a forced meme.
Corbyn, the homo-faggot immigration loving leftist was literally more right wing than May. May was a remainer while Corbyn stayed out of it entirely. You cunts were fucked either way, a hung parliament is literally the best thing you could hope for.
Except an actual, literal, Hung-from-the-street-lamps Parliament.
That's an interesting point of view considering your country
I don't mean this as an insult i'm actually curious, What do you think of your own country's politics?
>let's stop supporting the nationalist Jews and instead help the globalist ones
>oh wow totally based
Zionism was explicitly started to return Jews to the land so they wouldn't continue pissing people off with their parasitic lifestyle. There's a reason Nazi Germany cooperated with them.
> 2 party system is such a bullshit leave you no real choice
True, Ivan, but Democracy is terrible anyway.
>wealth distribution
>getting rid of student tuition
>nationalizing all public utilities
>literally more right wing than May
So this.
May is fucked up.
Corbyn addmited to beeing communist/marxist want to increase minimum wage, and is literaly red as Stalin.
Ethier way UK got fucked royaly.
Corbyn the man who would lose in a landslide gaining seats and preventing a tory majority. That's a win tory boy.
Fucked May which was nice.
Looking forward to a coalition of progress.
My erection is throbbing right now
Yes, Hamas and hezbollah are the ones inspiring western terror attacks. retard
>Implying she wouldn't do all of that while also taking away your basic human rights and importing just as many immigrants
You cunts need to just embrace Accelerationism and burn it all down.
Israel is part off the globalist jew's plans to control the middle east tho, it's thanks to them, america and the saudis that the region is so instabile
>supporting a woman who thibks censoring the internet will defeat terrorism
More weak cuckservativism is just going to stagnate and rot the country. The Conservative party is arguably more liberal immigration wise under the guise of free market economics. Labor is at least more economically collectivist/nationalist, their immigration is usually for humanitarian reasons and is focused on the less fortunate rather than cashed up economic migrants looking to exploit their liberal economy. Pure Jewishness.
Also every weak apathetic britcuck have proven to the world that they deserve a solid communist gulaging after the impotent and cucky response to the recent terrorist attacks on their country. Hopefully it would perhaps wake them up or make them stronger. Instead of standing up for themselves appropriately, they've doubled down on multiculturalism and faggotry.
Conservatives is instead a continuation of the status quo with everyone delusionally pretending that nothing is wrong while they are being monitored by an Orwellian police state and things just slowly descend into shitness until they forgot what life was like before and take their shit lives for granted and the third world populates and replaces the founding stock of the United Kingdom.
I already know all of you are weak-willed faggots based on the amount of white flight from U.K. arrives in Australia every single year. Too scared of poking your head out and do something about the demographic and moral collapse of your nation, instead just keeping calm and carrying on to another nation you would let fall apart given the opportunity.
Get a load of this drama queen.
Corbyn is the fastest path to Sharia.. so was a good choice for the UK
The alt-right doesn't exist. It's a name that was created to demonize people who had become dissatisfied with both the US democratic and repulican establishment politicians.
The UK and the rest of Europe need a leader that can properly take on the dragon that is the EU.
Muh socialism = bad
Please fuck off with your economic idealism and go back to r/the_donald please
There are leftist kikes in Israel. The right despises them.
I'm not saying Israel dindu nuffin, but given their position surrounded by murderous goatfuckers, I can't blame them for Jewing. I'd do anything to save a white ethnostate surrounded by gibsmedat niggers. And in any case, it's better that the Jews do their Jewing from their own country, rather than from within ours.
well that and the Assad family... and the Iranians... and...
>So was Pol really for Corbyn?
no we love ol corby
that's our nickname for him
>he's not an accelerationist
Who cares!
Based Jezza pushed Theresa's shit in.
Theresa May is more or less the British Hillary Clinton.
Corbyn isn't.
Before all else, you have to consider their stance on internet censorship.
Corbyn was slightly less shitty.
Plus May is part of the machine, Corbyn isn't.
>bring in MORE pakis than May
>NOT police them accordingly
What could POSSIBLY go wrong
Ugh yeah. That's european politics. Left wings is anti Israel and pro Palestine. While the right is the other way around.
>Implying that Sup Forums is not rainbow if colors races and political ideas
Sup Forums is open for everyone :)
Corbyn presents a difficult situation for a lot of people on Sup Forums. It's fair to say that he's a bit of an SJW - pro-multiculturalism, pro-feminism, etc. But it's also fair to say that's just a very small part of his ideology, and he's far more concerned with the economic side of socialism. He'd take us out of these pointless (and illegal) wars in the Middle East and, for better or for worse, he'd clamp down on business tax avoidance and raise tax on the (((very highest earners))). He's also recognised the need to train British workers rather than just relying on immigration, so even though he's pro-multiculturalism, I don't think he'd support the free movement of people (although he might still keep a high level of migration, I don't know).
Basically, reactionaries on Sup Forums see their idiot SJW friends praising Corbyn so automatically take the opposite position, even though May is a very bad candidate. Corbyn is a mixed bag and some of his policies fall in line with what Sup Forums typically supports, and others don't.
Corbyn was the only genuine anti-establishment candidate. The media and shills tried to slander him, but it just made him stronger.
Britain is fighting back!
>supporting a man who thinks doing nothing will defeat terrorism
Sup Forums isn't one guy. Also he is much better than May who is basically a Clinton level neo-con.
Well how is trump alt right then?
So, an anglo bernie sanders?
And a vegan, to boot
There's no such thing as alt right. It's a meme made up by CNN.
>illegal wars
how to oust yourself as liberal scum in 2 words.
pretty sure terrorism is illegal too, what's Corbyn gonna do about that?
This, keep turning left you end up facing right
Hitler nationalized a lot of things
By rules of conquest they are...
>Sup Forums
>civic nationalists
Make terrorism a hate crime ergo, no more "terrorism"
Tories and Labour both want to replace Nigel with a diversity hire.
The Tories losing their majority and having the fenian killers step into the breach is best fucking thing that could have happened.
They don't make concessions to Catholics, Bolsheviks or Germans, and they don't give a fuck about anything except the King, the British Empire and the Protestant Church.
Step aside English, the men are here to save you.
No, fuck off back to /r/politics you retard
Both are objectively shit. There is almost no redeeming qualities in either of them.
>Soft Brexit
>Anti-Israel is the only upside
>Theresa "Cummy for Mummy" May
>Crony Capitalist
>No clear policy
>More Muslims
Nah, Corbyn actually acknowledges shit like Israel and Assad. Bernie was a total fucking tool who cucked out on everything after he lost
Russia doesn't have a 2 party system though.
Something he wanted to do with the IRA, people call him a traitor for "recognising" them
>Thinks communism is an option
>Government subsidised two scoops for everybody.
If what I think I remember reading is correct, he's more left-wing than Sanders, because the US is still a long long way off from having a proper leftie in mainstream politics. I should re-iterate too, he's not a leftie in the cancerous SJW liberal mold (although he does pander to them), he's more like a Chomsky, who cares a lot more about economics and foreign policy than identity politics. But yeah, in that sort of ballpark.
He'll probably stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia (something both the UK and US have done recently), for one thing. These are the same Saudis who support ISIS, and sponsor the building of wahabbi mosques throughout the west. He would also bring the UK out of the Middle East - it's pretty undeniable that the west's presence in the region is the major cause of radicalisation in young Muslims. ON a domestic level, he was accused of not supporting shoot-to-kill, but has suggested that quote was taken out of context and that he does support shooting terrorists. Not sure what else, his views aren't perfect in my opinion by any means, but they are a lot better than May's.
What part of "Anti-Israel is the ONLY upside" did you not understand?
*Taxpayer subsidised
>he's not a leftie in the cancerous whiny babby liberal mold
No, he's a lefty in the good old fashioned "hey, communism sounds like it might work" mould. I don't give a flying fuck what his international polices are because (A) he's such a cuck he'll never manage to achieve anything.and (B) he's trying to fuck up the country I actually live in.
who is married to a Mexican spic.
We should figure out a way to ship all our problem mexican illegals to the UK. It would be a win-win: We become less brown and get our white majority back; the Brits get to stay brown -like how they like to be, but their browns will no longer be islamists but instead roman catholics and much less prone to getting stabby. The fact that the mexican illegals will no longer be near the Mexico will make them behave better b/c they'll be further away from their bad influences.
>he's such a cuck he'll never manage to achieve anything
How in the world is that a worse alternative to Shariah May enacting Chinese tier internet censorship and literal gulags?
He's more socialist than communist, but if you're opposed to that then of course you should definitely oppose Corbyn too. Personally, as someone with nat-soc sympathies, I have no problem with socialism so that's not an issue for me. My point is that lots of Sup Forums paints him as a SJW and hates him for that reason, but it's not really true.
>right hand man of david cameron
>against brexit
>rushed in to take control of post-brexit uk
>purposely runs the right into the ground
No, she genuinley thought she could win. This is what happens when you're just a private schooled retard with no world experience
Because May is a mong and is proposing things that nobody bothered to tell her were impossible, and the tories are not stupid. They will back down on anything that'll fuck the economy.
Corbyn is a mong and will not back down, unless apparently somebody foreign threatens him or asks nicely.
Fuck off Shartblue.
>he'd clamp down on business tax avoidance and raise tax on the (((very highest earners)))
Yeah that worked swimmingly for the Russians.
Almost like the only survivors were brutal corrupt oligarchs.
I see no problems with this.
Okay, Harry Potter. I forgot you could listen in on private conversations among the elites.
honestly he just comes off as a likable chap and he's clearly the meme of the election
But you just said he wouldn't be able to do anything. It's a coalition, no matter what happens no major legislation will get through.
pls kys
There was a huge amount of corruption amongst the Russians, they were champagne socialists. It's hard to suggest Corbyn would be the same, his entire political history suggests he's completely driven by principles rather than money or fame.
>just said he wouldn't be able to do anything
Iternationally, which is why his international polices are worthless. Because he's a cuck.